Obama Announces Huge Tax Increases Are Only Solution

I remember reading somewhere that when Bush cut taxes, revenue soared??

Wonder how raising taxes will affect the slowly recovering economy??

Wonder if OL'BO has even considered that?? Or if he gives a shit??
I remember reading somewhere that when Bush cut taxes, revenue soared??

Wonder how raising taxes will affect the slowly recovering economy??

Wonder if OL'BO has even considered that?? Or if he gives a shit??

him really don't give a shit else he wouldn't have done it.. his speech was like one of the fake pillar speeches he gave whilst campaining. He's saying what his base wants to hear.
lol.....Obama REALLY doesnt get it.

He claimed that HE does not need another tax cut. He sees himself as no different than the rest of the "wealthy"...

What he seems to not understand is that he, and a small portion of the wealthy do not have an income based on the revenue of a company....and visa versa......He can not grasp the concept that if his taxes were a bit higher it may affect his ability to grow a company.

He IGNORES the logic that a large portion of the wealthy are the ones that can grow the economy.
....And, that large portion of the wealthy realize the drunken, C-student, frat-boy is GONE!!!

It's time they got-back-in-line....

where they BELONG.
Once again Obama has shown his plan all along. Raise taxes.

He wants to remove home interest payments as a deduction.

Trust me, this will include everyone, not just those who make over $200k.

Also, he says he wants to remove charitable contributions as well.

Folks, this isn't all he plans to do. He's just telling us the part he thinks we want to hear.

I guess you can drop all the rhetoric over how he's cut taxes now. It was all smoke and mirrors anyway.

Y'know, if he doesn't watch it, Democrats may become known as the party of tax-and-spend....

As opposed to the Republicans being the party of spend and borrow.


....And borrow, and borrow, and borrow, and borrow, and borrow, and borrow.....
All I know is that under GW we started a business and were able to get unsecured loans of 50K. We had people lining up to give us money to get started. Two for one deals with vendors, delayed billing you name it.

If we were starting today, we would not be able to get all those things. I'm glad were were in business for a couple years before Obama started his shit.

Now what do I get for risking absolutely everything I had to start a business?

I get this pompous ass of a president telling me I owe the fucking government more of my money while he tells nearly 50% of people that they don't have to pay a dime.
Also, he says he wants to remove charitable contributions as well

If charities are less dependent on individuals, they will be more dependent on government and grow it's power ever higher. This isn't a budget issue, it's using budget issues to get a liberal objective. And once again they demonstrate their real goal isn't helping people, it's growing government.
So removing the largest deduction homeowners get other then the standard deduction calling it a tax loop-hole is a good idea? Talk about massive tax increase. If he removed mortgage interest as a deduction on all of my properties I would lose everything. I've barely got my head above water and this prick wants to drown me.

And just think what that will do the real estate market as people invested in real estate divest their holdings.

Only I don't really get how this will work for real estate investors as the cost of borrowing is ALWAYS thought of an part of the xpense of doing business.

I'm thinking that this change will therefore only effect HOMEowners who currently gett to write off the interest on their mortgages.
The change would only affect homeowners. And only those who itemize. Which is a small number, relatively speaking.
Trade the deduction for lower rates across the board? Hell yes.

And btw, your views of Reagan are idiotic, Editec. About like the rest of your views.

Many choose to take the standard deduction because it is greater then when they itemize. But what happens if you have an ARM and the interest rate increase kicks in. Right now they're low, but economists are expecting rates to go up dramatically this Summer once they start raising rates to put a check on inflation. All of the buying down of the debt has set the stage for higher inflation later this year.
Once again Obama has shown his plan all along. Raise taxes.

He wants to remove home interest payments as a deduction.

Trust me, this will include everyone, not just those who make over $200k.

Also, he says he wants to remove charitable contributions as well.

Folks, this isn't all he plans to do. He's just telling us the part he thinks we want to hear.

I guess you can drop all the rhetoric over how he's cut taxes now. It was all smoke and mirrors anyway.

I'm all for dropping the mortgage deduction, and charitable deductions as well. But lower the over-all tax rate after that.

The mortgage deduction is 3/4 of my itemized deduction.
....And, people are supposed to care....WHY?


What.....you couldn't AFFORD a down-payment, large-enough, to avoid such a huge mortgage-interest payments????


Kinda irresponsible, wouldn't you say?


"Most developed countries do not allow a deduction for interest on personal loans, so countries that allow a home mortgage interest deduction have created an exception to those rules."

What.....you expect to be considered a special-interest....because you bought MORE than you could afford??


(Sounds like you lost your bootstraps, as well. :rolleyes: )​
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Once again Obama has shown his plan all along. Raise taxes.

He wants to remove home interest payments as a deduction.

Trust me, this will include everyone, not just those who make over $200k.

Also, he says he wants to remove charitable contributions as well.

Folks, this isn't all he plans to do. He's just telling us the part he thinks we want to hear.

I guess you can drop all the rhetoric over how he's cut taxes now. It was all smoke and mirrors anyway.

He's already taken a nice swipe at my retirement check. As if the price of gas has gone down.
The Middle Class are primary beneficiaries of the Bush Tax Cuts.

Look at what Obama said. He's getting rid of mortgage interest deductions on a home.

Who will be the most effected by this?

He's getting rid of charitable deductions.

Who will be the most effected by this?

Answer: The Middle Class

Already they admit it will be $200k for single filing separately. Pretty soon you'll discover that you fall in the category that gets the shaft. I already do. Heritage says that the tax increases Obama has proposed will only raise $1.8 trillion more over 10 years. This will barely pay for next year's deficit, so pretty soon he'll be proposing lowering the increase to another level, perhaps $100k or lower.

Just wait for inflation.

When the AMT was put in place, it applied to 155 high income households - now it affects millions of middle class people. Why? Because it was never properly indexed to inflation.

So now we have two income families at the $250K level being defined as Rich. After a decade of high inflation, that will be a solidly middle middle class income level.

Three percent of American families earn over $250,000 per year, and you want to claim that income level as being middle class? So everyone under $250,000 is poor? I really love how we must all sacrifice, except for those who make the most money. God forbid, those with the most money should have to sacrifice too.

And I'll tell you what, spending cuts of $3 for every $1 of tax increases ought to make conservatives jump up and down for joy. Current tax revenues as a percentage of GDP are currently 25% below what they were under Clinton. And all I hear is everyone complaining about how they pay too much in taxes already. Give it a rest already.

Blah blah blah you really are a brainwashed apparatchik.

It is specious nonsense to equate a family making $250K with Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. That family has far more in common with someone making $100K, or even $50K than with a billionaire.

But you sad little boobies are bound and determined to continue the suicidal nonsense that will inevitably result in your own personal excessive taxation in the impossible quest to have the government ensure FAIRNESS and eliminate all risk from life.
Malibu...sit down when I tell you this:

In Obamacare alone, we will be taxed $500 billion more over the next ten years. That would be $1700 for every man, woman and child on the country....so if you have a family of four, the stats are $680 per year in Obamacare taxes alone...

Did I do the math right?

Rename the boat "The IRS."

OMG! I just used the calculator...and this is too good. The actual figure is ...do you read the bible?
Here's a hint: the mark of the beast!

Must be a coincidence....

I see. $500 billion for health care for our citizens is so much more evil than $3 trillion for a war in Iraq based on lies.

First of all, it's one billion.

Second, Obamacare is "health care for our citizens " is a continuation of the thinking that the Soviet Union was the 'worker's paradise.'

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Once again Obama has shown his plan all along. Raise taxes.

He wants to remove home interest payments as a deduction.

Trust me, this will include everyone, not just those who make over $200k.

Also, he says he wants to remove charitable contributions as well.

Folks, this isn't all he plans to do. He's just telling us the part he thinks we want to hear.

I guess you can drop all the rhetoric over how he's cut taxes now. It was all smoke and mirrors anyway.

He's already taken a nice swipe at my retirement check. As if the price of gas has gone down.

Sorry to say, it's going to get worse. Inflation is heating up. If one uses the methodology from 1990, it is approaching 10%. The current method makes deflationary adjustments for the improvement in products (i.e., an Iphone 4 is better than an Iphone 3, so the extra value counteracts price increases in the overall basket of goods).

This method is completely bogus, leading to a gross understatement of the increase in the cost of living that real people experience.

But even with this false stat, the Obama's Misery index is climbing. It was 7.73 when he took office - it is now over 11.

The United States Misery Index By Year

Unemployment is likely to climb again as well.

News Headlines
Bullshit! I pay enough freaking taxes. The government is so f'd up nobody is ever going to fix it. I already am doing more with less. The government and the people with hand outs to the government should do the SAME! It is disgusting.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you don't earn over $250,000 a year, so I'd calm down if I were you.

But feel free to tell me why the middle class should continue to fund the Bush tax cuts.

This statement operates on a false assumption.

It assumes that what you earn doesn't belong to you, it belongs to the government. They're just doing you a favor by letting you keep some of it.

That's absurd.

Having to pay taxes is based on the assumption that if your elected representatives are going to vote for government spending, then they also have the obligation and the right to raise the revenue to pay for it.

For about 28 of the last 30 years, for example, your representatives have been spending without taxing to pay for it.

Someone should have been taxed to pay for that spending. That 14 trillion is money the PEOPLE owe. It's our debt, period.
Once again Obama has shown his plan all along. Raise taxes.
He wants to remove home interest payments as a deduction.
Trust me, this will include everyone, not just those who make over $200k.
Also, he says he wants to remove charitable contributions as well.
Folks, this isn't all he plans to do. He's just telling us the part he thinks we want to hear.
I guess you can drop all the rhetoric over how he's cut taxes now. It was all smoke and mirrors anyway.
So much for not raising taxes on the middle class- another Obama lie that His supporters will ignore.

Raising taxes not just will not, but CANNOT balance the budget.


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