Obama And Friends Looking Forward To Higher Gas Prices, But Why?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

The Democrats have placed every energy source we have off-limits. Their tree-hugger friends have been waging a war against fossil-fuels for decades. Movies like "There Will Be Blood", a film I thought was dreadful, won Academy Awards. That Hollywood offering showed us the evils of oil production. It kind of reminded me of the China Syndrome. There Will Be Blood was a lame attempt to cast a pall on an energy industry that is so essential in every facet of our lives, yet we take it for granted, consider it to be evil, and demonize it at every turn.

Barrack Obama once said while he was running for President that his new regulations would necessarily increase the price of energy.

Excuse me??? Necessarily increase the price of energy???

It seems he doesn't mind that we have to pay twice as much for gas by this Summer, he said it was important that the price didn't go up too quickly. That way it wouldn't alarm us to any great extent. However, rising gas prices effect everything. The price of food, the price of transportation, the price of everything.

I figure they're hoping that the price hits $5.00 by Memorial Day, and $10 after he wins re-election in 2012. But not too fast. That would piss people off.

But why do they want this?

There could be several reasons. I think it's because they hate oil. Even though the clothes they wear needs oil to produce. They hate it because most of them have been taught to hate it.

That doesn't stop them from using it. Obama's Blackberry needed oil to produce the energy and the plastic it took to manufacture it. Every time he takes a trip in Air Force One he needs oil. Yet he hates it.

He says it's an outdated energy source. Well, until they can come up with something that's more economical I suggest he stop doing everything he can to prevent us from using it. He's trying to invent the cart before the horse. He's talking about producing electric cars but he's not thinking about how we're gonna provide all of that electricity to power those cars.

He's not telling you this, but his goal is to make fossil-fuels less affordable for us in the US. That's what it amounts to. He's working to drive the price up.

And why???

To force us to look for alternative energy sources.

This dishonest approach would ruin his chances of getting a second term, but that is what he's trying to do.

Obama Says Clean Energy Comes at a Cost...to the Oil Industry

Creating a cleaner environment has its costs and President Obama said in his State of the Union speech Tuesday that he hopes oil companies can help foot the bill.

American Petroleum Institute President and CEO Jack Gerard has already weighed in on the State of the Union speech, saying the president's remarks were a missed opportunity. "The president focused on job growth through federal spending, but was silent on one of the best ways to create jobs: allow more energy development. Natural gas and renewables are important components of our energy mix, but we will need our nation's vast oil resources for decades to come."

Referring to oil as "yesterday's energy" the president laid out a change of course. "With more research and incentives, we can break our dependence on oil with biofuels, and become the first country to have a million electric vehicles on the road by 2015," he said.

The goal is more than an cleaner environment. The president has long pushed green jobs as a way of dealing with the perpetual issue of job creation. "Now, clean energy breakthroughs will only translate into clean energy jobs if businesses know there will be a market for what they're selling," Obama said.

"So tonight, I challenge you to join me in setting a new goal: by 2035, 80% of America's electricity will come from clean energy sources. Some folks want wind and solar. Others want nuclear, clean coal, and natural gas. To meet this goal, we will need them all - and I urge Democrats and Republicans to work together to make it happen."

Obama Says Clean Energy Comes at a Cost...to the Oil Industry - FoxNews.com

BTW, clean coal technology doesn't exist. There is no way you can make coal clean unless you take everything out of it that makes is an energy source.

So we're basically at the mercy of foreign oil-producers because our President has stopped all new drilling and the left has made sure that we have to buy 30% of our gas from foreign refineries. We haven't built a new refinery in over 20 years thanks to people like Obama.

The goal that was publicized was that we needed to reduce our foreign energy dependence. Instead they have increased our dependence. Billions of our dollars are sent to countries that hate us in the Middle East and some of that goes toward terrorism. It takes loads of cash to keep suicide bombers and car bombers blowing themselves up in market places and train stations around the world. I would rather we cut off the golden-goose. Cut them off from their money sources. Now that the Middle East has become a powder-keg the price of oil is sky-rocketing again.

I remember the days of the oil-embargoes of the 70s. Jimmy Carter was the President then. Strange that we now have a President that many compare to Jimmy Carter. He tries to compare himself to Reagan but he keeps showing how similar to the worst President in our history he is.
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Dumb ass. With 3% of the worlds reserves, and using 24% of the worlds oil, there is no way that punching holes in the ground every twenty feet here will make much of a differance.
Dumb ass. With 3% of the worlds reserves, and using 24% of the worlds oil, there is no way that punching holes in the ground every twenty feet here will make much of a differance.

Our oil is off-limits. No more new wells

So we must use other people's oil with a shrinking dollar causing the price to go up as the value of the dollar goes down.

Real smart Einstein.

The goal should be to drive the price down, not intentionally drive it up. Not to mention all of the wealth that is leaving our shores.

Btw, China has drilling rights we don't have off our own coastline. Who's bright idea was that?

Harry Reid and friends made sure China won the drilling rights in Iraq. You can thank them for that.
Really? You mean Bush put Reid in charge of Iraq's natural resources? I wasn't aware of that. Nice of Bush to share the power that way.
Still the same problem. We use 24% of the world's oil, and have 3% of the world's reserves. But you silly asses still insist we can drill our way out of dependance.
Dumb ass. With 3% of the worlds reserves, and using 24% of the worlds oil, there is no way that punching holes in the ground every twenty feet here will make much of a differance.


We don't need those oil rig jobs!
We don't need the lease money we get from them!
We don't need the tax money that we could collect!

We do need all of those things.

Who the fuck are you calling a dumb ass?
Read up on the Cloward-Piven stragey. That will clear everything up for you.

This is intentional. Progs want to break the system to get everone on the gov dole. That way we have 3 kinds of people.

The very rich who will cater to the government to stay that way.
The dirt poor who are all now equal in misery.
And the Government who will keep us all poor, but equal.

It's the American Dream. Progs came up with a deffinition, now they all want us to live by it.
Dumb ass. With 3% of the worlds reserves, and using 24% of the worlds oil, there is no way that punching holes in the ground every twenty feet here will make much of a differance.

Our oil is off-limits. No more new wells

So we must use other people's oil with a shrinking dollar causing the price to go up as the value of the dollar goes down.

Real smart Einstein.

The goal should be to drive the price down, not intentionally drive it up. Not to mention all of the wealth that is leaving our shores.
But the big oil monopoly you stupidly support intentionally drives the price up!!!! So why do you support them??? Obviously YOU want higher prices.

None of the oil from new wells goes on the market. The new wells are CAPPED!!!!!!!! Remember the BP oil spill? That was a new well, a very productive well that was CAPPED improperly causing it to explode. It didn't explode because they were pumping oil improperly, no oil was being pumped at all.

Big oil wants more leases to drill for oil to prevent independent oil companies from drilling and actually putting that oil on the market.
3% of the oil?

How much of what we produce never makes it to the United States only to be sold at a greater profit elsewhere? You'd be surprised, and the WH knows.

Engineers say we have enough domestic oil to last for decades. Why not get to the point where we can cut off the Middle East. Refuse to buy their oil. Nope, we're more and more dependent on them now.
3% of the oil?

How much of what we produce never makes it to the United States only to be sold at a greater profit elsewhere? You'd be surprised, and the WH knows.

Engineers say we have enough domestic oil to last for decades. Why not get to the point where we can cut off the Middle East. Refuse to buy their oil. Nope, we're more and more dependent on them now.
Why do you Fascists hate Capitalism?????
Really? You mean Bush put Reid in charge of Iraq's natural resources? I wasn't aware of that. Nice of Bush to share the power that way.

Are you really this dumb?

Bush wasn't our King.

Guess you are up on all of that three branches of government deal. You know, shared powers of government and all that BS.
Read up on the Cloward-Piven stragey. That will clear everything up for you.

This is intentional. Progs want to break the system to get everone on the gov dole. That way we have 3 kinds of people.

The very rich who will cater to the government to stay that way.
The dirt poor who are all now equal in misery.
And the Government who will keep us all poor, but equal.

It's the American Dream. Progs came up with a deffinition, now they all want us to live by it.

Yep! Progressives want to bankrupt us, so that they can do away with our Constitution (by saying that it doesn't work). It's the only thing that keeps holding back their complete power over all of us. It's also why it has taken them 100 yrs. to try and do it.
Dumb ass. With 3% of the worlds reserves, and using 24% of the worlds oil, there is no way that punching holes in the ground every twenty feet here will make much of a differance.

Our oil is off-limits. No more new wells

So we must use other people's oil with a shrinking dollar causing the price to go up as the value of the dollar goes down.

Real smart Einstein.

The goal should be to drive the price down, not intentionally drive it up. Not to mention all of the wealth that is leaving our shores.
But the big oil monopoly you stupidly support intentionally drives the price up!!!!Non-sense, there is no oil monopoly. You might want to look that word up. So why do you support them??? jobs, taxes, etc..Obviously YOU want higher prices. greater supply to the demand drives pirces down.

None of the oil from new wells goes on the market. The new wells are CAPPED!!!!!!!! then it's not new oilRemember the BP oil spill? That was a new well, a very productive well that was CAPPED improperly causing it to explode. It didn't explode because they were pumping oil improperly, no oil was being pumped at all.

Big oil wants more leases to drill for oil to prevent independent oil companies from drilling and actually putting that oil on the market.

That last bit had to come from your imagination.

typical lib posts about oil.


While thier fingers are typing on a keyboard made from it.
Dumb ass. With 3% of the worlds reserves, and using 24% of the worlds oil, there is no way that punching holes in the ground every twenty feet here will make much of a differance.

Our oil is off-limits. No more new wells

So we must use other people's oil with a shrinking dollar causing the price to go up as the value of the dollar goes down.

Real smart Einstein.

The goal should be to drive the price down, not intentionally drive it up. Not to mention all of the wealth that is leaving our shores.
But the big oil monopoly you stupidly support intentionally drives the price up!!!! So why do you support them??? Obviously YOU want higher prices.

None of the oil from new wells goes on the market. The new wells are CAPPED!!!!!!!! Remember the BP oil spill? That was a new well, a very productive well that was CAPPED improperly causing it to explode. It didn't explode because they were pumping oil improperly, no oil was being pumped at all.

Big oil wants more leases to drill for oil to prevent independent oil companies from drilling and actually putting that oil on the market.

You need to check your facts.

That well never produced because it was an exploritory well.

Btw, drilling a well costs a million dollars. How the heck do you expect them to turn a profit if they drill without selling the oil they produce?
Some people will believe any bull shit story about the industry as long as it's negative.
Our oil is off-limits. No more new wells

So we must use other people's oil with a shrinking dollar causing the price to go up as the value of the dollar goes down.

Real smart Einstein.

The goal should be to drive the price down, not intentionally drive it up. Not to mention all of the wealth that is leaving our shores.
But the big oil monopoly you stupidly support intentionally drives the price up!!!!Non-sense, there is no oil monopoly. You might want to look that word up. So why do you support them??? jobs, taxes, etc..Obviously YOU want higher prices. greater supply to the demand drives pirces down.

None of the oil from new wells goes on the market. The new wells are CAPPED!!!!!!!! then it's not new oilRemember the BP oil spill? That was a new well, a very productive well that was CAPPED improperly causing it to explode. It didn't explode because they were pumping oil improperly, no oil was being pumped at all.

Big oil wants more leases to drill for oil to prevent independent oil companies from drilling and actually putting that oil on the market.

That last bit had to come from your imagination.

typical lib posts about oil.


While thier fingers are typing on a keyboard made from it.
Nonsense, the Rockefeller family has CONTROLLED the oil monopoly in this country for about 100 years!!! Where have YOU been all this time???

Our oil is off-limits. No more new wells

So we must use other people's oil with a shrinking dollar causing the price to go up as the value of the dollar goes down.

Real smart Einstein.

The goal should be to drive the price down, not intentionally drive it up. Not to mention all of the wealth that is leaving our shores.
But the big oil monopoly you stupidly support intentionally drives the price up!!!! So why do you support them??? Obviously YOU want higher prices.

None of the oil from new wells goes on the market. The new wells are CAPPED!!!!!!!! Remember the BP oil spill? That was a new well, a very productive well that was CAPPED improperly causing it to explode. It didn't explode because they were pumping oil improperly, no oil was being pumped at all.

Big oil wants more leases to drill for oil to prevent independent oil companies from drilling and actually putting that oil on the market.

You need to check your facts.

That well never produced because it was an exploritory well.

Btw, drilling a well costs a million dollars. How the heck do you expect them to turn a profit if they drill without selling the oil they produce?
Some people will believe any bull shit story about the industry as long as it's negative.
By limiting the production they get more money for the oil they do put on the market. This is the problem with trying to explain something to CON$, they don't even know about things as basic as SUPPLY and demand!!!!!!!!
But the big oil monopoly you stupidly support intentionally drives the price up!!!! So why do you support them??? Obviously YOU want higher prices.

None of the oil from new wells goes on the market. The new wells are CAPPED!!!!!!!! Remember the BP oil spill? That was a new well, a very productive well that was CAPPED improperly causing it to explode. It didn't explode because they were pumping oil improperly, no oil was being pumped at all.

Big oil wants more leases to drill for oil to prevent independent oil companies from drilling and actually putting that oil on the market.

You need to check your facts.

That well never produced because it was an exploritory well.

Btw, drilling a well costs a million dollars. How the heck do you expect them to turn a profit if they drill without selling the oil they produce?
Some people will believe any bull shit story about the industry as long as it's negative.
By limiting the production they get more money for the oil they do put on the market. This is the problem with trying to explain something to CON$, they don't even know about things as basic as SUPPLY and demand!!!!!!!!

So you're all for it I suppose??

I'm trying to figure out what your position is because it seems to be all over the place.

I just said this practice must end but you seem to support it. If Democrats are responsible, which they are, you would support it. But since you think big oil is it's bad. Ether way we the consumer gets ripped off.
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You need to check your facts.

That well never produced because it was an exploritory well.

Btw, drilling a well costs a million dollars. How the heck do you expect them to turn a profit if they drill without selling the oil they produce?
Some people will believe any bull shit story about the industry as long as it's negative.
By limiting the production they get more money for the oil they do put on the market. This is the problem with trying to explain something to CON$, they don't even know about things as basic as SUPPLY and demand!!!!!!!!

So you're all for it I suppose??

I'm trying to figure out what your position is because it seems to be all over the place.

I just said this practice must end but you seem to support it. If Democrats are responsible, which they are, you would support it. But since you think big oil is it's bad. Ether way we the consumer gets ripped off.
How the hell do you figure that?????

Obviously what I'm for is UNCAPPING the capped wells and putting that oil on the market. At a stockholders meeting in 2001 it was revealed that 2/3 of the oil in the Texas and Oklahoma oil fields is CAPPED!!!!!!!!

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