Obama and Chinese leader look at new sanctions against Iran


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Obama, Chinese leader agree to look at possible new sanctions on Iran - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Slowly, diplomacy is starting to make progress. Russia is on line with new arms treaty and will now consider supporting sanctions.

President Obama and Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao agreed today to have their respective diplomats work together on possible new sanctions for Iran over its nuclear program, officials said.

The Chinese are "prepared to work with us," said White House national security aide Jeff Bader, briefing reporters after Obama and Hu met on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit.

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, meanwhile, has said sanctions will not affect his country's decisions regarding its nuclear program. He also condemned the Nuclear Security Summit that Obama is hosting.
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Don't hold your breath. Russia has tens of millions of Muslims and has never had a problem with Iran. If Russia starts "fishing", they may not like what they catch.
What a joke...since when is capitulating to Russian demands and giving up a major deterrent to foes bent on conducting CBR warfare on the good ol' USA "progress"? Maybe if you are a terrorist, Russian or Iranian it's progress...is that the case?
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The boat sailed on 'sactions.'

They never work anyway.

Either get used to Iran having nukes or take them out with a military strike.

Those are the options.
The boat sailed on 'sactions.'

They never work anyway.

Either get used to Iran having nukes or take them out with a military strike.

Those are the options.


we will see what happens when russia and china join.
The boat sailed on 'sactions.'

They never work anyway.

Either get used to Iran having nukes or take them out with a military strike.

Those are the options.


we will see what happens when russia and china join.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....yeah.....we will see nothing.

Russia is currently BUILDING the very nuclear reactors that will be used to make the weapons grade fissile material they will use for their bombs plus supplied them with the air defense systems to protect the facilities....and the fricken Chinese have supplied them with the centrifuge technology and technical support!!!!!

Great fucking plan Obama!!!!!!!

Let's see
The boat sailed on 'sactions.'


we will see what happens when russia and china join.


China against Sanctions on Iran despite Obama-Chinese Handshake
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I am not really worried about Iran or North Korea, I more worried about the trigger happy terrorist. If a nuclear weapon is used in the near future, it won't be by the order of a countries leader per se. IMO
The boat sailed on 'sactions.'

They never work anyway.

Either get used to Iran having nukes or take them out with a military strike.

Those are the options.

We need more cynical and honest bastards like you in the State Department.

Or at least one?
This how I picture Iran making nuclear weapons.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1abGUL626yo&feature=channel]YouTube - "Fraggle Rock" - "All Work and All Play"[/ame]
I am not really worried about Iran or North Korea, I more worried about the trigger happy terrorist. If a nuclear weapon is used in the near future, it won't be by the order of a countries leader per se. IMO
Almost all islamic terror movements are paid off and supported by Iran.
The boat sailed on 'sactions.'

They never work anyway.

Either get used to Iran having nukes or take them out with a military strike.

Those are the options.

We need more cynical and honest bastards like you in the State Department.

Or at least one?
Sactions worked so well on Saddam, that after 12 years the USA ended up invading the place.

Get serious or get fucked.
The boat sailed on 'sactions.'

They never work anyway.

Either get used to Iran having nukes or take them out with a military strike.

Those are the options.

So your answer is to open up a third theater of war.

Diplomacy is for pussies
Didn't Jimmy Carter impose sanctions on Iran and freeze their assets to release the American hostages?
The UN sanctions haven't worked in the past and sure won't work now no matter who is in the WH negotiating for em. They have no teeth. Anything with real teeth gets knocked down by Russia and China.

The are both in bed with Iran and are making money off Iran.

Don't think either country gives a rats ass about what the UN or USA wants. Don't thin they give a rats ass how Iran wants to use em either.

Don't think any of our leaders have the will or balls for military action in Iran so I think thats pretty much off the table despite the rhetoric.

Iran will get the Nuke as will NK and we will just have to hope that the nitwits don't plan to use em.
The boat sailed on 'sactions.'

They never work anyway.

Either get used to Iran having nukes or take them out with a military strike.

Those are the options.

So your answer is to open up a third theater of war.

Diplomacy is for pussies
Wrong again, but at least you are consistant.

I posted the facts not a call to action.

You can continue to pick your ass and deny it or not, its your choice.
So your answer is to open up a third theater of war.

Diplomacy is for pussies
War is diplomacy by other means - von Clauzwitz

You cannot reach a compromise when two parties have directly opposing interests. Either they submit and dismantle their program, or we submit and allow them to build nuclear weapons.

As Iran is willing to die defending their nuclear program, and we are not, Ahmadinejad has already won.

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