Obama and Biden Attempt To Take Credit For Surge Success

Hopefully History will record the truth of the matter. And that's all this administrations BS is worth.

It already is.

Starting with the justification for invasion, inept handling of the invasion with insufficient troops to stabilize the nation, early declaration of victory, miscalculation of the political situation in Iraq... History will not be kind..........only acknowledging the President who finally got us out of this mistake

1. Justification for the invasion, Clinton appointee Tenet says it is a "slam dunk" that Saddam had WMDs. It was a bi-partisan war, just look at who all voted to invade Iraq.

2. Inept? The war took about 2-weeks and had a coalition of about 47 nations. The nationbuilding was done to avoid an Iraqi civil war.

3. What early declaration of victory? I hope you're not referring to the "mission accomplished" sign on that returning carrier. hint: their mission was accomplished, hence the trip home.

4. The only miscalculation was by Obama and Biden who opposed the surge.

5. The timetable for withdrawl was established by Malaki & Bush. Obama just needs to avoid tripping to the podium when announcing the withdrawl is complete. (Obama didn't do anything in Iraq. He approved more troops to AFG, I hope that works out as well as Iraq)

1. Justification? Hasn't that been settled? Bush's "The smoking gun will be a musshroom cloud" was used to justify an immediate invasion when all CURRENT intel said Iraq was no immediate threat. UN Inspector repeatedly told Bush there were no WMDs and that if given a few months he could prove it. Bush invaded so that he would not lose his excuse

2. Sorry, the war did not take two weeks. we are still there seven years later. Army Chief of Staff Shinseki accurately predicted we would need several 100,000 troops to invade and stabilize Iraq. Bush refused to acknowledge the Iraq was a tougher fight than he had been projecting and fired Shinseki. Your 47 nation "Coalition of the Willing' consisted of the US, Britain and 45 nations just looking for US aid. Even Canada would not support us on this boondoggle

As Army Chief of Staff, General Shinseki testified to the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee that "something in the order of several hundred thousand soldiers" would probably be required for postwar Iraq. This was an estimate far higher than the figure being proposed by Secretary Rumsfeld in his invasion plan, and it was rejected in strong language by both Rumsfeld and his Deputy Secretary of Defense, Paul Wolfowitz, who was another chief planner of the invasion and occupation

If Bush had listened to his Army Chief of Staff there would have been no need for a "surge" and the war would have wrapped up by now

3. Nice spin on the "Mission Accomplished" America is not buying it. We know the intent of that sign

4. No, the miscalculation was on the "they will treat us as liberators", the failure to predict and prevent Sunni/ Shiite/ Kurd infighting, failure to put enough boots on the ground to prevent a civil war

5. Bush had five years to accomplish his mission in Iraq.....He FAILED and left it for Obama to finish
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It already is.

Starting with the justification for invasion, inept handling of the invasion with insufficient troops to stabilize the nation, early declaration of victory, miscalculation of the political situation in Iraq... History will not be kind..........only acknowledging the President who finally got us out of this mistake

1. Justification for the invasion, Clinton appointee Tenet says it is a "slam dunk" that Saddam had WMDs. It was a bi-partisan war, just look at who all voted to invade Iraq.

2. Inept? The war took about 2-weeks and had a coalition of about 47 nations. The nationbuilding was done to avoid an Iraqi civil war.

3. What early declaration of victory? I hope you're not referring to the "mission accomplished" sign on that returning carrier. hint: their mission was accomplished, hence the trip home.

4. The only miscalculation was by Obama and Biden who opposed the surge.

5. The timetable for withdrawl was established by Malaki & Bush. Obama just needs to avoid tripping to the podium when announcing the withdrawl is complete. (Obama didn't do anything in Iraq. He approved more troops to AFG, I hope that works out as well as Iraq)

1. Justification? Hasn't that been settled? Bush's "The smoking gun will be a musshroom cloud" was used to justify an immediate invasion when all CURRENT intel said Iraq was no immediate threat. UN Inspector repeatedly told Bush there were no WMDs and that if given a few months he could prove it. Bush invaded so that he would not lose his excuse

2. Sorry, the war did not take two weeks. we are still there seven years later. Army Chief of Staff Shinseki accurately predicted we would need over 100,000 troops to invade and stabilize Iraq. Bush refused to acknowledge the Iraq was a tougher fight than he had been projecting and fired Shinseki. Your 47 nation "Coalition of the Willing' consisted of the US, Britain and 45 nations just looking for US aid. Even Canada would not support us on this boondoggle

3. Nice spin on the "Mission Accomplished" America is not buying it. We know the intent of that sign

4. No, the miscalculation was on the "they will treat us as liberators", the failure to predict and prevent Sunni/ Shiite/ Kurd infighting, failure to put enough boots on the ground to prevent a civil war

5. Bush had five years to accomplish his mission in Iraq.....He FAILED and left it for Obama to finish

You have a severe case of Obamaroids.

Bush started and finished the Iraq war; giving Obama credit would be like saying Bush41 defeated the USSR and brought down the Berlin Wall, both stood on the shoulders of the men who came before them
This administration has successfully ridiculed the American people, brought pettiness to the Whitehouse and continually falls in the polls.

How's that hope and change working for ya'll!!!
I agree with alot of California Girl's sentiment.
These knobbers in office however would take credit for the sun coming up.
Bush's war was the biggest blunder since Vietnam. Thank God the Democratic victory in 2006 FINALLY got him to wake up, toss Rumsfeld, and set the stage for President Obama to extricate us from that disaster.
He will be a laughingstock through history for it, one of those funny trivia questions:

"What President tried to lose a war that was won so he could win an election?"

Barack Hussien Obama.

Those trivia questions people should pay someone to spell check their answers. :razz:
Tell me if I'm wrong here.....everything bad that happens is Bush's fault, and everything good that happens is barry's laurel. Am I seeing this correctly? :disbelief:

I beleive you see everything they way the Obamabots see them, so in that respect your seeing quite correctly.
1. Justification for the invasion, Clinton appointee Tenet says it is a "slam dunk" that Saddam had WMDs. It was a bi-partisan war, just look at who all voted to invade Iraq.

2. Inept? The war took about 2-weeks and had a coalition of about 47 nations. The nationbuilding was done to avoid an Iraqi civil war.

3. What early declaration of victory? I hope you're not referring to the "mission accomplished" sign on that returning carrier. hint: their mission was accomplished, hence the trip home.

4. The only miscalculation was by Obama and Biden who opposed the surge.

5. The timetable for withdrawl was established by Malaki & Bush. Obama just needs to avoid tripping to the podium when announcing the withdrawl is complete. (Obama didn't do anything in Iraq. He approved more troops to AFG, I hope that works out as well as Iraq)

Ahh, I see the extreme right-wingers on this board have chimed in with their rationalizations.

1. Your fucking insane. George Tenet may have been an "Clinton appointee", but George Bush was his boss, not Bill Clinton. With Tenet's help, members of the Bush administration, most notably Donald Rumsfeld, specifically directed the intelligence that was received in the direction they wanted it to go through various "cherry-picking" methods. By the time it got to congress, it was tainted, and more importantly, WRONG.

2. The first BATTLE was won in 2 weeks. The WAR is still ongoing.

3. This utter Bullshit is a ludicrous rationalization of what was obviously a declaration of victory in Iraq. Revisionist history like this is why no-one believes you people on this subject except for your fellow echo-chamber inmates.

4. The "Surge" was the only useful strategy in the entire war. Thousands of American lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives were wasted because of the utter incompetency of the Bush administration, and finally, years after the fact, someone came up with a good strategy, and that's supposed to make up for everything else??

Give me a fucking break.

Even the "Surge" only succeeded because the Iraqi's finally decided to cooperate, thanks to millions of dollars worth of bribes.

5. The ONLY reason there was a timetable at all was because the Democrats and the General Population of the US DEMANDED it. Now you're acting like Bush had a timetable in mind all along.

Your revisionist history is priceless.

Fortunately the only people that pay attention to it are your fellow Neo-Con apologists. Hell even old stalwarts like Bill O'Reilly think that Bush fucked up in Iraq.
Now I'm not saying that Obama is responsible for the war being "won", whatever that means, since the definition of what "winning" meant was changed like 10 times..

That honor goes to the military, who, despite Bush's utter incompetency, won his war for him.

A war that should never have been fought in the first place.
These fuckers have alot of gall. They want to claim they were responsible for success in Iraq.

This after opposing the policies that made it happen.

They also want to take credit for the draw-down agreement Bush made with the Iraqi government before he left office.

Obama's press secretary claimed that things were broke and Obama fixed it.

Now I've heard everything.

Fucken Bastards.:evil:

Newsvine - Joe Biden update: Iraq one of Obama's 'great achievements'

I am very optimistic about -- about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You're going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You're going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.

I spent -- I've been there 17 times now. I go about every two months -- three months. I know every one of the major players in all the segments of that society. It's impressed me. I've been impressed how they have been deciding to use the political process rather than guns to settle their difference


Oh man, I love you guys. Let's list some of that SUCCESS.

1. The original Christian population was around 1.4 MILLION and now it's est. to be 0.4 MILLION. Yea, looks like the US has helped Iraq SOLVE the Christian problem. You have to give that one to Bush and the Republicans. Good job.

2. Republcians helped Iraq's write their constitution and man was THAT a success:
(Article 2:
First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:
A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.)
Thanks Bush, Republicans, you created a hardcore Islamic theocracy that kills Christians. SUCCESS.

3. Republcians made sure Iraqis have the "Public Option". Something they don't want here:
(Article 31:
First: Every citizen has the right to health care. The state takes care of public health and provide the means of prevention and treatment by building different types of hospitals and medical institutions.
Second: Individuals and institutions may build hospitals or clinics or places for treatment with the supervision of the state and this shall be regulated by law.)

4. There is as much as hundreds of billions of dollars of Iraqi oil money sitting in US banks WHILE WE PAY FOR REBUILDING IRAQ. Yep! Another Republican success. All the contracts Bush and Republcians signed making us responsible from rebuilding Iraq. Good Job. Showing the love. The current president can't just dismiss those contracts. Guess why not.

Yea, Iraq sure has been a success. Bombs going off every day in celebration. Women back in bags. Gays murdered (Republicans like that).

You know, they even love us so much, an Iraqi tried to give our American president a pair of shoes. Iraq was so happy, they made the shoe guy a "national hero". I heard they are working on "American Appreciation Day". But they have to get another slogan. "Death to America" doesn't have the right "ring" to it.

Thank Bush, Republcians, for insisting on taking "credit" for all your success. You "earned" it.

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Oh man, I love you guys. Let's list some of that SUCCESS.

1. The original Christian population was around 1.4 MILLION and now it's est. to be 0.4 MILLION. Yea, looks like the US has helped Iraq SOLVE the Christian problem. You have to give that one to Bush and the Republicans. Good job.

2. Republcians helped Iraq's write their constitution and man was THAT a success:
(Article 2:
First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:
A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.)
Thanks Bush, Republicans, you created a hardcore Islamic theocracy that kills Christians. SUCCESS.

3. Republcians made sure Iraqis have the "Public Option". Something they don't want here:
(Article 31:
First: Every citizen has the right to health care. The state takes care of public health and provide the means of prevention and treatment by building different types of hospitals and medical institutions.
Second: Individuals and institutions may build hospitals or clinics or places for treatment with the supervision of the state and this shall be regulated by law.)

4. There is as much as hundreds of billions of dollars of Iraqi oil money sitting in US banks WHILE WE PAY FOR REBUILDING IRAQ. Yep! Another Republican success. All the contracts Bush and Republcians signed making us responsible from rebuilding Iraq. Good Job. Showing the love. The current president can't just dismiss those contracts. Guess why not.

Yea, Iraq sure has been a success. Bombs going off every day in celebration. Women back in bags. Gays murdered (Republicans like that).

You know, they even love us so much, an Iraqi tried to give our American president a pair of shoes. Iraq was so happy, they made the shoe guy a "national hero". I heard they are working on "American Appreciation Day". But they have to get another slogan. "Death to America" doesn't have the right "ring" to it.

Thank Bush, Republcians, for insisting on taking "credit" for all your success. You "earned" it.

Man, you seriously have to appreciate the irony of the Iraqi public option thing. LOL.
"He inherited the success in Iraq" -- Mudwhistle

Sweet, so he "inherited" an occupied country that's now pretty radically Islamic, and is Iran's new buddy.

Good thing we stabilized the country, after killing all those people. Now we can look forward to them not appreciating our efforts in earnest.

And hey, Obama also inherited:

*all the debt caused by the war

*all the ongoing costs of the war (benefits from injuries, replacing military resources expended, etc)

*a 1.2 Trillion dollar deficit mainly because of revenue loss due to economic collapse.

etc., etc.

We should all thank George Bush for the great job he did!

Thanks George!
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"He inherited the success in Iraq" -- Mudwhistle

Sweet, so he "inherited" an occupied country that's now pretty radically Islamic, and is Iran's new buddy.

Good thing we stabilized the country, after killing all those people. Now we can look forward to them not appreciating our efforts in earnest.

And hey, Obama also inherited:

*all the debt caused by the war

*all the ongoing costs of the war (benefits from injuries, replacing military resources expended, etc)

*a 1.2 Trillion dollar deficit mainly because of revenue loss due to economic collapse.

etc., etc.

We should all thank George Bush for the great job he did!

Thanks George!

:lol::lol::lol: Iran and Iraq are the same place :lol::lol::lol:

And Mooky Al Sadr is the real power in Iraq :lol::lol: :cuckoo: :clap2:

Libs have been banging that drum for YEARSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS and guess what...youre still WRONG

Obama ran up a $1.6 Trillion Deficit in one fucking year. Can't wait to see what Obama does next year


1) "I think they're in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency." --Vice President Dick Cheney, on the Iraq insurgency, June 20, 2005

2) "As you know, you go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time." —Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, responding to a U.S. soldier serving in Iraq who asked him why troops had to dig through scrap metal to armor vehicles, Dec. 8, 2004

3) "My belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators." –Vice President Dick Cheney, "Meet the Press," March 16, 2003

4) "F**k Saddam, we're taking him out." –President Bush to three U.S. Senators in March 2002, a full year before the Iraq invasion

5) "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed." –President Bush, standing under a "Mission Accomplished" banner on the USS Lincoln aircraft carrier, May 2, 2003

6) "It's hard to conceive that it would take more forces to provide stability in post-Saddam Iraq than it would take to conduct the war itself and to secure the surrender of Saddam’s security forces and his army. Hard to imagine." –Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, testifying before the House Budget Committee prior to the Iraq war, Feb. 27, 2003

7) "We found the weapons of mass destruction." –President Bush, in an interview with Polish television, May 29, 2003

8) "We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat." –Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, when asked about weapons of mass destruction in an ABC News interview, March 30, 2003

9) "British intelligence has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa. Our intelligence sources tell us that he has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes suitable for nuclear weapons production." –President Bush, 2003 State of the Union Address

10) "It's a slam-dunk case!" –CIA Director George Tenet, discussing WMD and the case for war during a meeting in the Oval Office, Dec. 21, 2002

11) "I think the burden is on those people who think he didn't have weapons of mass destruction to tell the world where they are." –White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, July 9, 2003

12) "The truth is that for reasons that have a lot to do with the U.S. government bureaucracy, we settled on the one issue that everyone could agree on, which was weapons of mass destruction, as the core reason." --Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, "Vanity Fair" interview, May 28, 2003

13) "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud." –National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, on Iraq's nuclear capabilities and the Bush administration's case for war, Sept. 8, 2002

14) "Had we to do it over again, we would look at the consequences of catastrophic success, being so successful so fast that an enemy that should have surrendered or been done in escaped and lived to fight another day." —President Bush, telling Time magazine that he underestimated the Iraqi resistance, Aug. 2004

15) "We know he's been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons, and we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons." –Vice President Dick Cheney, "Meet The Press" March 16, 2003

16) "I don't know anybody that I can think of who has contended that the Iraqis had nuclear weapons." –Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, June 24, 2003

17) "In Iraq, a ruthless dictator cultivated weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them. He gave support to terrorists, had an established relationship with al Qaeda, and his regime is no more." –Vice President Dick Cheney, Nov. 7, 2003

18) "Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties." —President Bush, discussing the Iraq war with Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson, after Robertson told him he should prepare the American people for casualties

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