OBAMA agrees:this was a Campaign LIE:" al Qaeda is on the path to defeat.”


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama Backs Away From al Qaeda “Defeat” Claim by KEITH KOFFLER on DECEMBER 24, 2012, 9:43 AM
President Obama appears to be backing away from his often-stated claim – a cornerstone of his 2012 campaign – that “al Qaeda is on the path to defeat.”

When the change in thinking occurred – and whether it is mainly a result of the Benghazi attack – is unclear.
What is clear is that the White House waited until after the campaign was over to convey its new position to the public.

Even on the very last day of the campaign – nearly two months after the Benghazi attack –
Obama was saying, as he did to an audience in Columbus, Ohio, that “al Qaeda is on the path to defeat.”

Obama Backs Away From al Qaeda “Defeat” Claim | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

To those of you that VOTED the 2nd time for Obama... SHAME SHAME on YOU FOOLS!!!
HE lied about this and much more and these DEATHS are directly at his feet!

"Obama's love affair with the Muslim Brotherhood poses a clear and present danger to America, but worst of all are the lies and failure to act, especially in Benghazi, that got my buddies KILLED," says Brad Nagel, 20 year Navy veteran and former SEAL.
Newly released emails indicate that the Obama White House KNEW WITHIN 30 MINUTES of the initial uprising that the American Embassy in Benghazi was under full terrorist attack. An American drone reportedly sent the State Department situation room real time footage of the jihadist assault. As State Department officials watched the bloody, clearly pre-planned and well organized attack unfold; our Commander in Chief refused to take action. It has been further reported that instead of staying in the situation room, the President retired to his quarters for an early bed time, leaving horrified State Department personnel alone with the live feed horrors from Benghazi.
Navy Seals Blame Obama for Deaths of Ambassador and the Navy Seals Who Tried to Protect Him - Stormfront
And this CAMPAIGN LIE was why Rice appeared on 5 talk shows blaming the unseen video for the Benghazi Attack!
And this repeated LIE was so commonly repeated that the compliant MSM bought in and NEVER have been anxious to show the 4 lost lives directly laid at Obama's feet! He was responsible as the Navy Seals KNOW!!!!
Dumb ass. The Al Queda has only been able to mount attacks now in areas that are in chaos. The President kept his promise to see Bin Laden dead or captured. Unlike the prior holder of that office.
Where are the pictures of Obama in the "Situation Room" as we've seen when Osama was killed?
WHY??? Where was the C-I-C? He didn't know??? That's incompetency! If he did and went to bed? That's dereliction of Duty!
Either way Obama should be impeached! You can't be continuing to Learn on the JOB! Or he didn't think it was important enough???

Dereliction of duty is a specific offense under United States Code Title 10,892. Article 92 and applies to all branches of the US military.
A service member who is derelict has willfully refused to perform his duties (or follow a given order) or has incapacitated himself in such a way that he cannot perform his duties.
Such incapacitation includes the person falling asleep while on duty requiring wakefulness, his getting drunk or otherwise intoxicated and consequently being unable to perform his duties, or his vacating his post contrary to regulations.
Dereliction of duty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dumb ass. The Al Queda has only been able to mount attacks now in areas that are in chaos. The President kept his promise to see Bin Laden dead or captured. Unlike the prior holder of that office.

Right... AND THE PLANS for Osama were started by Bush... NOT Obama!

AND to boast about this Obama authorized the release of SECRETS that lead to Osama's death just to show you idiots what an accomplished FOLLOWER of plans laid by others and taking credit for really pisses people off AND caused the following!!!
ARE YOU really proud of a president that boasted so much that it caused the below??? Isn't that something??

AND NOW a PESHAWAR: Dr Shakil Afridi, a government surgeon who helped the CIA uncover Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts, was sentenced to 33 years for treason, officials confirmed.

Afridi, who was sacked as a government doctor two months ago, was found guilty under the tribal justice system in Khyber district, part of Pakistan’s semi-autonomous tribal belt.
In addition to his jail sentence, he was fined Rs320,000. The doctor had worked for years as a surgeon in lawless Khyber, part of the Taliban and al Qaeda infested tribal belt.
Afridi was not present in the court and not given a chance to defend himself, officials said. Under the tribal system, he would not have had access to a lawyer.
“He has been sentenced for 33 years on treason charges and has been moved to Peshawar central jail after the verdict was announced by the local court,” said Mohammad Siddiq, spokesman for the administrative head of Khyber.
Afridi’s trial took place over several days under assistant political agent Nasir Khan in Khyber. The verdict was confirmed by his boss, the political agent, in the northwestern city of Peshawar on Wednesday, the officials told AFP.
Under Pakistan’s tribal justice system, Afridi has the right to appeal.
Critics said Wednesday that he should not have been tried under tribal law in the tribal belt for an alleged crime that took place outside their jurisdiction.
He was sentenced under the Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR) clauses related to offences against the state, conspiracy, or attempt to wage war against Pakistan, concealing with intent designs to wage war against the state and on charges of working against the country’s sovereignty, a Khyber administration official said.
In January, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta confirmed Afridi had aided US intelligence by collecting DNA to verify Bin Laden’s presence, and expressed concern about Pakistan’s treatment of him.
Seventeen other health officials, who worked on the same fake vaccination program set up by the CIA in a bid to confirm the al Qaeda chief was living in Abbottabad, have already been sacked from their government posts.


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