Obama administration is either incompetent or IS LYING!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Debbie Wasseerman Schultz, DNC chair:
Piers, it is not okay for you to be saying that the administration was putting out completely false statements.
They put out information that they had at the time based on the intelligence that they were given --

Piers Morgan:
That turned out to be completely wrong.

Wasserman Schultz:
Well that doesn't mean it was false. It doesn't mean that it was deliberate. It means that.

What?! Now wait a minute. If you put out a false statement, then it's false, it's wrong. It's both of those things.

Wasserman Schultz: Wrong Statements About Libya Doesn't Mean They Were False | RealClearPolitics

And Piers... IF it was put out based on intelligence THEN THEY WERE INCOMPETENT!!!

I mean the MSM including Piers were ALL over GWB regarding WHERE are the WMDs????
Remember this catchy slogan... "BUSH LIED PEOPLE DIED!"

Well in either event
IF OBAMA's administration KNEW the story was a LIE they LIED!
If OBAMA's administration DIDN"T KNOW --- they are INCOMPETENT!!!

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From testimony yesterday we learned from the State Department's Charlene Lamb, who is responsible for safety and security at our embassies and consulates, was in contact with the people in Benghazi during the attack, "Additionally, I was in our Diplomatic Security Command Center monitoring multiple open lines with our agents for much of the attack."

So our State Department, Hillary Clinton's bailiwick, had real time knowledge of what was happening and knew that it wasn't, as U.N. ambassador Rice claimed five days later on the Sunday talk shows, a protest over a video that quickly spun out of control. That was an outright lie, a lie that President Obama repeated two days later on Letterman's show, and again the following week in his U.N. speech, then a full two weeks after the terrible incident. During that time period others in his administration, including Hillary, were also lying about the video to American citizens and the entire world.

So there is no need to question if it was a matter of incompetence. The question is what was the lying attempting to cover up? And the obvious answer in my opinion is to avoid admitting a complete failure of Middle East foreign policy by this administration a short 8 weeks before the upcoming election. What else could it possibly be?
Can you say they were incompetently lying. Maobama has a history of refusing to call terriorism exactly what it is, the Ft Hood shooter and they guy that shot the recruiters in Arkansas are other prime examples. The others in his administration that go along with his narrative are violating the public trust and thank God they will be going away come Jan.
Both...Competent liars can keep track of their lies.

Well the "undecided" voters BETTER understand that either Obama is a LIAR or INCOMPETENT.. either characteristic is a not what we want someone who is the President!

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