Oatmeal: Miracle Food for Diabetics

Add apple and dates. Dehydrated cranberry also dresses it up.
I’ve tried different things. The oatmeal still tends to sit in my cupboard until it expires lol. (And, yes, I know oatmeal has a loooong shelf life. That’s how long it sits there)

I usually go with brown rice if I need relatively healthy carbs that I can actually stomach.
I’ve tried different things. The oatmeal still tends to sit in my cupboard until it expires lol. (And, yes, I know oatmeal has a loooong shelf life. That’s how long it sits there)

I usually go with brown rice if I need relatively healthy carbs that I can actually stomach.
I eat both. Neither sits in my cupboard long. The health benefits of both out way any negative of taste. I have to eat breakfast pretty fast not sure I have time to taste it.
I use powdered milk or unsweetened almond milk and add stevia and cinnamon with some margarine. I sometimes burn out on it though and don't eat it for a long time. I like the cookies better. And yes the steel cut is my favorite.
My mom always tried to force oatmeal on us as kids, so i think that’s why I regard it as a yucky food lol. It really is a great nutritional food in all respects. Great energy, great for bowels and for high cholesterol land diabetes. If I had more willpower I’d eat it every day
Have oatmeal, but never liked it without sugar and same for cream of wheat. Have started skipping breakfast foods in favor of roast chicken wraps with avocado, lettuce, tomato, on whole wheat & flax seed high fiber tortilla wraps and 16 oz coffee 1 tsp sugar, grapefruit juice or sometimes two tablespoons Braggs apple cider vinegar with lemon juice in 8 oz. water. This is a significant change from my regular breakfast of 2-3 fried eggs, 2-3 thick slice bacon with 3 biscuits or toast (sometimes with gravy) often with 2, 16 oz coffee w/3 heaping spoons sugar. But the change is fine, and I am never hungry, and energy levels have not declined. In warm weather, I'm pretty well high-speed/low drag and always have been, but since January ski trip (it was great) I have pretty well sat around/layed around in the cold dreary rainy weather, except for the occasional trip to the firing range.

I have changed the rest of my diet similarly, gone are the snacks of ruffles w/ranch dip, 4 or more Pepsi/day and the several glasses of sweet tea with 4 or more spoons of sugar and lemon, (replacing with plain ice water with lemon), also gone the frequent stops at the candy bowl for Hershey's chocolates, opting now for snack of apples, or Halos mandarin oranges, or a handful of raw unsalted peanuts.

All this because for the first time in my 68 plus years, religiously getting annual physicals, regularly donating blood or plasma, (the only time rejected being twice for low iron) and all blood draws at physical 100% normal range or better, I dramatically triple failed, with cholesterol 245, triglycerides 357 and blood pressure 154/96. So, my medical people (both) wanted to put me on daily 10 mg, not even consulting me but simply sending the report and instructing me to fill the prescription and start the drug, no mention of diet or exercise, just start this drug.

I am 68, 5 mo. from 69 and have never been on a daily medication in my life, or needed a statin to regulate or anything else to regulate my body. Until, I try diet, exercise and a White 6 warm weather regimen, I have no intention of starting a pharmaceutical regimen.

Two weeks in, BP running 128-134/ 77, and sometimes less, and I have dropped 5 lbs. I can't do my own blood work, but I am scheduled to see them again in 4 months, and they will do it again.
Have oatmeal, but never liked it without sugar and same for cream of wheat. Have started skipping breakfast foods in favor of roast chicken wraps with avocado, lettuce, tomato, on whole wheat & flax seed high fiber tortilla wraps and 16 oz coffee 1 tsp sugar, grapefruit juice or sometimes two tablespoons Braggs apple cider vinegar with lemon juice in 8 oz. water. This is a significant change from my regular breakfast of 2-3 fried eggs, 2-3 thick slice bacon with 3 biscuits or toast (sometimes with gravy) often with 2, 16 oz coffee w/3 heaping spoons sugar. But the change is fine, and I am never hungry, and energy levels have not declined. In warm weather, I'm pretty well high-speed/low drag and always have been, but since January ski trip (it was great) I have pretty well sat around/layed around in the cold dreary rainy weather, except for the occasional trip to the firing range.

I have changed the rest of my diet similarly, gone are the snacks of ruffles w/ranch dip, 4 or more Pepsi/day and the several glasses of sweet tea with 4 or more spoons of sugar and lemon, (replacing with plain ice water with lemon), also gone the frequent stops at the candy bowl for Hershey's chocolates, opting now for snack of apples, or Halos mandarin oranges, or a handful of raw unsalted peanuts.

All this because for the first time in my 68 plus years, religiously getting annual physicals, regularly donating blood or plasma, (the only time rejected being twice for low iron) and all blood draws at physical 100% normal range or better, I dramatically triple failed, with cholesterol 245, triglycerides 357 and blood pressure 154/96. So, my medical people (both) wanted to put me on daily 10 mg, not even consulting me but simply sending the report and instructing me to fill the prescription and start the drug, no mention of diet or exercise, just start this drug.

I am 68, 5 mo. from 69 and have never been on a daily medication in my life, or needed a statin to regulate or anything else to regulate my body. Until, I try diet, exercise and a White 6 warm weather regimen, I have no intention of starting a pharmaceutical regimen.

Two weeks in, BP running 128-134/ 77, and sometimes less, and I have dropped 5 lbs. I can't do my own blood work, but I am scheduled to see them again in 4 months, and they will do it again.

I'm not altogether sure about 'high cholesterol' and the clear link to heart disease anyway. My MIL was dx with it and she is a teeny tiny woman who walks a ton. She cut her diet even further, walked more, lost weight she didn't need to lose and nothing helped. I think she's now on a statin but do they really work? Idk
If you turn it into slime you're overcooking it as far as I'm concerned.
I grew up loving the stuff, but I think it has (been) changed somehow. I then went to Ralston, wheat cereal, but they changed that too by adding corn to it. Now I don't eat either.

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