NYT Siena poll: Trump Leads in 5 Critical States as Voters Blast Biden

Ummmmmmmm, those aren't polls. You said polls showed a red wave. Care to try again?

Fool me once…shame on you
Fool me twice…shame on me

Why do I fucking bother with asshole USMB Conservatives who demand links?

They just blow them off and demand more

From Oct 31 2022, days before the election
“Based on current trends, Republicans will likely gain between 30 to 35 House seats, and come away with a one or two-seat advantage in the Senate. This outcome would flip both chambers of Congress to GOP control,”
Key issues voters care about:
Foreign Policy

Have a nice day, Lefties.

But Biden doesn’t need your votes to win. He said so himself.

All that is necessary are ballots. Lots and lots and lots and lots of ballots, in a few strategic places.

Means nothing, at this point. You know this, but have fun. :D
Key issues voters care about:
Foreign Policy

Have a nice day, Lefties.

But Biden doesn’t need your votes to win. He said so himself.

All that is necessary are ballots. Lots and lots and lots and lots of ballots, in a few strategic places.

Yup. We have already "fixed" it. With our Soros Space Lasers, we can get into any polling station and swing it over to our guy. Don't you know?

You can sit this one out. Don't say we didn't warn you. :itsok:
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Fool me once…shame on you
Fool me twice…shame on me

Why do I fucking bother with asshole USMB Conservatives who demand links?

They just blow them off and demand more

From Oct 31 2022, days before the election
“Based on current trends, Republicans will likely gain between 30 to 35 House seats, and come away with a one or two-seat advantage in the Senate. This outcome would flip both chambers of Congress to GOP control,”
Do you have real polls or not?
Just out, and not looking pretty for Biden. Looks like he's going to need to start a war to stay in office.

Voters in battleground states said they trusted Donald J. Trump over President Biden on the economy, foreign policy and immigration, as Mr. Biden’s multiracial base shows signs of fraying.

The election is exactly one year from today though. Polls this far out can only describe sentiment at this time and not what they will be a year from now. But they are encouraging that people are beginning to wake up to what they lost and what it has cost them when Biden won.

If Patriots can just get their act together and pull as a team we can get rid of this corrupt, dangerous administration next November.
Do you have real polls or not?
Sorry Skippy but not playing your game

You asked for links and I provided you with three showing the predicted Republican Red Wave/Tsunami

Unless you provide me ONE link predicting a strong Democratic performance in 2022… we are done

I will wait…
Means nothing, at this point. You know this, but have fun. :D
Your boy old fart is seriously underwater in all categories that matter and I can't see where that will improve at all.

In fact I'll be surprised if he is still "running" after the Thanksgiving break....Of course "dr." Jill is the wild card.....She likes the perks of hubby's office too much.
NYT thought it meant something.
Time to print more ballots.
I don't subscribe to The New York Times.
What do you want to do with the ballots you want to print and what state do you intend to slip them in to?
You should probably wakeup and smell reality...and don't start your authority shit
What authority is that? I can wait for the poll, that result will be published after Tuesday, November 5th, 2024. Oh, and the authority there is the Constitution and Laws of the United States, not me.
Your desperation is palpable, kid.
Well, it is unlikely, they will simply do away with the primaries that start in a little over two months. Of course, I will not be voting until Super Tuesday, March 5th, 2024. But, I will be glad to watch you live and die by every daily poll between now and the General Election.

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