NYC Rabbi A. Romi Cohn Has Sucked 25,000 Baby Penises......."It's A Joyous Occasion"


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
I am at a utter loss of words pertaining what this Jew is doing and getting away with it. First thing that came to my mind is what Anthony Weiner thinks of this since this is taking place in NYC. I am not fond of Jews but this confirms to me that they are some of the most perverted and vile people on the planet.
Excerpts from the article:

The grandmother carried the sleeping infant boy on a white pillow toward the synagogue’s altar, and passed him to her son. Her son carried the infant toward the mohel, or Jewish ritual circumciser, who stood amid a cluster of chanting men.

The mohel lifted the infant’s clothing to expose his tiny penis. With a rapid flick of a sharp two-sided scalpel, the mohel sliced off the foreskin and held it between his fingers. Then he took a sip of red wine from a cup and bent his head. He placed his lips below the cut, around the base of the baby’s penis, for a split second, creating suction, then let the wine spill from his mouth out over the wound.

“You’re O.K.,” he said to the infant, Benjamin Asher Mortob, who stopped crying after several more seconds. The sanctuary filled with elated prayer.

Benjamin Asher’s father, Isaac Mortob, 27, said his family had sought out Mr. Cohn in part because he did the procedure in the traditional way, including the oral suction. “I don’t want a 99 percent job, I want a 100 percent job,” he said. “I want him” — his firstborn son — “to be fully Jewish.”

The mohel, A. Romi Cohn, said he had performed more than 25,000 circumcisions, on babies and adults, in New York City and elsewhere over the last 40 years. When he circumcises an infant, he said, he almost always put his mouth on the baby’s penis to pull blood away from the wound in an ancient part of the circumcision ritual, known in Hebrew as metzitzah b’peh, that is still commonplace in parts of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community but is rare in other branches of Judaism.
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So a Mohel was keeping all the tips in jars in his house, and his wife says, "Get rid of these already". So the takes them down to a leather shop and asks the guy to make something out of them.

A week later, the leather worker hands him a wallet.

"All those foreskins, and all you made was a wallet?"

"If you rub it, it turns into a briefcase!"
Surely this isn't legal.

There is nothing sexual about it. Its an ancient practice from when modern medical technology wasnt availible. Basically it is to assure the wound doesnt fester (they didnt know what caused infection back then, but they still knew what it was).

This has been going on for millenia, nothing to see here.
Surely this isn't legal.

There is nothing sexual about it. Its an ancient practice from when modern medical technology wasnt availible. Basically it is to assure the wound doesnt fester (they didnt know what caused infection back then, but they still knew what it was).

This has been going on for millenia, nothing to see here.

Yup, and just because you've been doing something stupid for a long time, that makes it a tradition.

"We've always done it this way".
My bro in law needed oral surgery to repair a nasty case of gum disease.

Sis said the docs were at a loss as to how to replace the tissue. Ear lobe maybe?

I asked "hmmm.... has he been circumcised"? :lol:
Surely this isn't legal.

There is nothing sexual about it. Its an ancient practice from when modern medical technology wasnt availible. Basically it is to assure the wound doesnt fester (they didnt know what caused infection back then, but they still knew what it was).

This has been going on for millenia, nothing to see here.

Yup, and just because you've been doing something stupid for a long time, that makes it a tradition.

"We've always done it this way".

Anything that offends your stupid ass has to have some redeeming quality.
There is nothing sexual about it. Its an ancient practice from when modern medical technology wasnt availible. Basically it is to assure the wound doesnt fester (they didnt know what caused infection back then, but they still knew what it was).

This has been going on for millenia, nothing to see here.

Yup, and just because you've been doing something stupid for a long time, that makes it a tradition.

"We've always done it this way".

Anything that offends your stupid ass has to have some redeeming quality.

Mutiliating the sex organs of a child is okay if it offends me? Really? This is where you want to go, eh?
Yup, and just because you've been doing something stupid for a long time, that makes it a tradition.

"We've always done it this way".

Anything that offends your stupid ass has to have some redeeming quality.

Mutiliating the sex organs of a child is okay if it offends me? Really? This is where you want to go, eh?

Male circumcsion is not mutilation, no matter what those anti-circumcsion idiots keep spewing.

I'm circumcised and the twig and berries work just fine.
Anything that offends your stupid ass has to have some redeeming quality.

Mutiliating the sex organs of a child is okay if it offends me? Really? This is where you want to go, eh?

Male circumcsion is not mutilation, no matter what those anti-circumcsion idiots keep spewing.

I'm circumcised and the twig and berries work just fine.

Your rather odd descrpition for your genitalia aside (are you referring to actual size? No wonder you want guns to compensate!) It also has zero medical value. And it reduces sexual enjoyment.

But a Magic Sky Pixie told people to do that 3000 years ago. So we need to totally do that.
Mutiliating the sex organs of a child is okay if it offends me? Really? This is where you want to go, eh?

Male circumcsion is not mutilation, no matter what those anti-circumcsion idiots keep spewing.

I'm circumcised and the twig and berries work just fine.

Your rather odd descrpition for your genitalia aside (are you referring to actual size? No wonder you want guns to compensate!) It also has zero medical value. And it reduces sexual enjoyment.

But a Magic Sky Pixie told people to do that 3000 years ago. So we need to totally do that.

Hey look! Its an atheist asshole being an atheist asshole!

Also, austin powers movie reference, look it up.

The medicinal value has been seen to be easier cleanliness, and less chance of infection. As for potency, again, I have no compaints, and I get no complaints either.

Finally, i figured you would stoop to a dick size joke. If that and the anti-religous tripe is all you have, then that makes you a sad pathetic man.
Male circumcsion is not mutilation, no matter what those anti-circumcsion idiots keep spewing.

I'm circumcised and the twig and berries work just fine.

Your rather odd descrpition for your genitalia aside (are you referring to actual size? No wonder you want guns to compensate!) It also has zero medical value. And it reduces sexual enjoyment.

But a Magic Sky Pixie told people to do that 3000 years ago. So we need to totally do that.

Hey look! Its an atheist asshole being an atheist asshole!

Also, austin powers movie reference, look it up.

The medicinal value has been seen to be easier cleanliness, and less chance of infection. As for potency, again, I have no compaints, and I get no complaints either.

Finally, i figured you would stoop to a dick size joke. If that and the anti-religous tripe is all you have, then that makes you a sad pathetic man.

Guy, you're the one admitting to having small genitalia...

And, sorry, mutiliating babies to please an imaginary sky fairy sounds kind of stupid to me.
Your rather odd descrpition for your genitalia aside (are you referring to actual size? No wonder you want guns to compensate!) It also has zero medical value. And it reduces sexual enjoyment.

But a Magic Sky Pixie told people to do that 3000 years ago. So we need to totally do that.

Hey look! Its an atheist asshole being an atheist asshole!

Also, austin powers movie reference, look it up.

The medicinal value has been seen to be easier cleanliness, and less chance of infection. As for potency, again, I have no compaints, and I get no complaints either.

Finally, i figured you would stoop to a dick size joke. If that and the anti-religous tripe is all you have, then that makes you a sad pathetic man.

Guy, you're the one admitting to having small genitalia...

And, sorry, mutiliating babies to please an imaginary sky fairy sounds kind of stupid to me.

I admitted nothing of the sort. Nothing wrong with being a grow-er and not a show-er.

Again, not mutilation. and again with the insulting of other people's belief structure. Is your own belief structure so fragile that you have to bring others down.

Sign 1,000,234 that you are a sad pathetic creature.

I admitted nothing of the sort. Nothing wrong with being a grow-er and not a show-er.

Again, not mutilation. and again with the insulting of other people's belief structure. Is your own belief structure so fragile that you have to bring others down.

Sign 1,000,234 that you are a sad pathetic creature.

When your belief structure involves abusing children, it deserves to be insulted, "Tiny".

I admitted nothing of the sort. Nothing wrong with being a grow-er and not a show-er.

Again, not mutilation. and again with the insulting of other people's belief structure. Is your own belief structure so fragile that you have to bring others down.

Sign 1,000,234 that you are a sad pathetic creature.

When your belief structure involves abusing children, it deserves to be insulted, "Tiny".

That isnt abuse, no matter how much you want to think it is.

And again, if dick insults is the best you have left, I won this debate, like I win all of our debates, because you are an idiot.

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