NY to pass law allowing racial profiling

Where was Barack HUSSEIN Obama's fellow anti-american good buddy Bill Ayers on saturday night?

Hard to say. But Bill Ayers could never be confused with a balding 40 year old. Where were YOU?
I was at home wondering why Barack Hussein Obama can't control terrorists in this country.

How many more attempts are we going to have before that inept clown finally wakes the fuck up?

That appeasement shit ain't workin'!
'Based on videotape evidence, the person who left the Nissan SUV pakced with explosives in Time Square, was a white male in his forties. NY will now be stopping any and all vehicles containing any white males who appear to be in their forties.'

Suuuuuuuuuure they will.
Based on videotape evidence, the person who left the Nissan SUV pakced with explosives in Time Sqaure, was a white male in his forties. NY will now be stopping any and all vehicles containing any white males who appear to be in their forties.

NY still has white men in it ?

Yeah, haven't you seen the Rachael Maddow show? He broadcasts his show in NY.

I think Maddow is actually Shia Lebeouf.
I saw the video. They guy could have been any nationality (exc black) He's balding. Watch out anybody with hair loss!

Bald men are mentally unbalanced?

That's the problem with ingrown hair.
Based on videotape evidence, the person who left the Nissan SUV pakced with explosives in Time Square, was a white male in his forties. NY will now be stopping any and all vehicles containing any white males who appear to be in their forties.

doesn't the FBI racially profile serial killers??

THEY DO! OMG WT wants serial killers to be a protected class. Hide your corn flakes, cerial killers will soon be in your kitchen - BE SCARED!!!
[you prove every day you're not too bright WT]
Based on videotape evidence, the person who left the Nissan SUV pakced with explosives in Time Square, was a white male in his forties. NY will now be stopping any and all vehicles containing any white males who appear to be in their forties.

doesn't the FBI racially profile serial killers??

THEY DO! OMG WT wants serial killers to be a protected class. Hide your corn flakes, cerial killers will soon be in your kitchen - BE SCARED!!!
[you prove every day you're not too bright WT]

You prove you can't catch a joke.
Based on videotape evidence, the person who left the Nissan SUV pakced with explosives in Time Sqaure, was a white male in his forties. NY will now be stopping any and all vehicles containing any white males who appear to be in their forties.

NY still has white men in it ?

Yeah, haven't you seen the Rachael Maddow show? He broadcasts his show in NY.

Chuckle....gets to you that much, does she? :lol:
And so now, hopefully the NYPD is pulling over any and all white males that appear to be balding and in their 40's. We gotta catch this guy!

Well I'd like to think they have more than just 'white fortyish male' to go on.

Wait . . . . white male, 40's, balding? I know who did it!


From what I saw in the surveillance video, that is about all they got. But hey, how much more do they have to go on in AZ?

No, they have spoken to the registered owner of the car (SUV). They are not saying whether this is the person they suspect of leaving the bomb or not. The 'white male, mid 40's' is part of what they are using to track down the bomber . . . not the only thing they are using.

More than just race . . . but that's not how opponents of the bill want it to appear so they cry 'racism, racism'.
I am STILL waiting for an example of where Arizona has done a single illegal action. One example of where Arizona has randomly stopped anyone and demanded papers. One example of all the BULLSHIT the whiners claim the law does.
I am STILL waiting for an example of where Arizona has done a single illegal action. One example of where Arizona has randomly stopped anyone and demanded papers. One example of all the BULLSHIT the whiners claim the law does.

The law doesn't DO it dumbass. It provides an avenue for law enforcement to do it. Hopefully, NYC is doing the same things with all white balding males who look like they are in their forties. Wouldn't you agree?
I am STILL waiting for an example of where Arizona has done a single illegal action. One example of where Arizona has randomly stopped anyone and demanded papers. One example of all the BULLSHIT the whiners claim the law does.
The examples only exist in the loony liberals paranoid minds.

This Arizona issue is all about a REPUBLICAN governor, nothing more.

If the loony liberals beloved messiah came out today and said that the fed's are going to aggressively enforce the law, each and everyone of these clowns would be cheering and hollering about how right he is to enforce the law.

Liberals are hypocritical morons, nothing more!
Based on videotape evidence, the person who left the Nissan SUV pakced with explosives in Time Square, was a white male in his forties. NY will now be stopping any and all vehicles containing any white males who appear to be in their forties.

Is that a joke? lol, if I have to ask then one of us has failed.

This was an attempt at a head turner post. The information provided is accurate on the "person of interest", however the data on NY passing a law to allow racial profiling on white 40 year old males is not. I was trying to see what type of reaction this post would get since SO many seem to be against racial profiling of latinos.

Sorry. By you comparing this to the illegal alien crackdown in AZ you insinuate their are 12 million 40 year old white males making car bombs....

Your thread has failed.
Is that a joke? lol, if I have to ask then one of us has failed.

This was an attempt at a head turner post. The information provided is accurate on the "person of interest", however the data on NY passing a law to allow racial profiling on white 40 year old males is not. I was trying to see what type of reaction this post would get since SO many seem to be against racial profiling of latinos.

Sorry. By you comparing this to the illegal alien crackdown in AZ you insinuate their are 12 million 40 year old white males making car bombs....

Your thread has failed.

Wow....your comprehension hasn't improved much I see. On the contrary, there may be 12 million 40 year old balding males in the NY/NJ/CT area, but only ONE who has done something illegal.....
This was an attempt at a head turner post. The information provided is accurate on the "person of interest", however the data on NY passing a law to allow racial profiling on white 40 year old males is not. I was trying to see what type of reaction this post would get since SO many seem to be against racial profiling of latinos.

Sorry. By you comparing this to the illegal alien crackdown in AZ you insinuate their are 12 million 40 year old white males making car bombs....

Your thread has failed.

Wow....your comprehension hasn't improved much I see. On the contrary, there may be 12 million 40 year old balding males in the NY/NJ/CT area, but only ONE who has done something illegal.....

Wow...I see your partisan bullshit will never stop...and FYI there are approximately 12 million illegal aliens and THEY ALL HAVE DONE SOMETHING ILLEGAL!!!!!

Wake the fuck up HACK!!!!

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