NY changes minimum scores


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
New York will change what it takes for students to reach “proficiency” on state math and English language arts tests, calling last year’s lower scores the “new normal.”

Last year some schools posted shocking results — in Schenectady, no eighth grader who took the math test scored as proficient. And the scores for the third through eighth grade tests throughout the state were much lower in 2022 than in 2019.

No doubt, under Bidung, one way or another, we will become the smartest cuntry in the world.

NYS lowering score at which students will test as 'proficient' in math and English.
New York will change what it takes for students to reach “proficiency” on state math and English language arts tests, calling last year’s lower scores the “new normal.”

Last year some schools posted shocking results — in Schenectady, no eighth grader who took the math test scored as proficient. And the scores for the third through eighth grade tests throughout the state were much lower in 2022 than in 2019.

No doubt, under Bidung, one way or another, we will become the smartest cuntry in the world.

NYS lowering score at which students will test as 'proficient' in math and English.
In effect the Democrats are admitting that they have failed to provide a proper education to the children of NY.
The Democrat Party always wins the majority high school dropout votes, so maybe they are pandering to their voters.
It's almost as if it's the slow, purposeful and systematic degradation of our nation being implemented by a Chinese puppet government.

Nope....never happen. America is solid as a rock under Biden....says the average Dummycrap voter.

Everything is going just perfectly and according to plan as it should be.
I'd like to remind everyone here that the New York Times published the following six years ago:

“The Board of Regents on Monday eliminated a requirement that aspiring teachers in New York State pass a literacy test to become certified after the test proved controversial because black and Hispanic candidates passed it at significantly lower rates than white candidates.”

Source: Regents Drop Teacher Literacy Test Seen as Discriminatory

The new article in the OP is a continuation of this trend, which began before anyone had ever heard of COVID-19. This has nothing to do with COVID-19. New York wants its citizens to be dumb, ignorant, and uneducated.
New York will change what it takes for students to reach “proficiency” on state math and English language arts tests, calling last year’s lower scores the “new normal.”

Last year some schools posted shocking results — in Schenectady, no eighth grader who took the math test scored as proficient. And the scores for the third through eighth grade tests throughout the state were much lower in 2022 than in 2019.

No doubt, under Bidung, one way or another, we will become the smartest cuntry in the world.

NYS lowering score at which students will test as 'proficient' in math and English.

Just more proof of the harm done to students by closing the schools during covid. The kids may never get caught up.


“The New Normal”: New York to Lower Math and English Proficiency Standards Due to Poor Test Results

“The New Normal”: New York to Lower Math and English Proficiency Standards Due to Poor Test Results
17 Mar 2023 ~~ By Jonathan Turley

I recently wrote how public educators and unions were methodically killing public education. The best example this week comes from New York where a school board committee has solved the dismal math and reading scores for children in the system . . . they lowered the standards. This is not the first system to gut its standards rather than improve its quality of education. As teachers and unions object to school choice, they continue to make the case for private education. Parents are increasingly voting with their feet. The board is simply calling the lack of proficiency “the new normal” and changing the standards. Done.
New York will permanently lower the math and reading proficiency standards after embarrassing results in state testing. It is akin to shortening the 100 yards dash to 50 yards to stay competitive on speed. ***
There is also a move to end standardized testing.
In a prior column, I was particularly moved by the frustration of a mother in Baltimore recently who complained that her son was in the top half of his class despite failing all but three of his classes. Graduating students without proficiency in English or Math is the worst possible path for these students, schools and society.
It is the dumbing down of America but administrators, boards, and unions insist that it is better for these students, who face dismal prospects for future employment. In the meantime, we are pouring billions into schools that cannot produce a single proficient student in basic subjects. If this were a business, there would be criminal fraud charges across the nation.

Equity now forces Medical Schools and Commercial Pilot Schools to lower their requirements.

All Public Schools have become government Schools controlled by those that have taught our children Maoist Marxist Socialism, fictional Climate Change, LGBTQ, Transgender shows in Elementary Schools and encouraged chemical castration and transgender surgeries.
New York will change what it takes for students to reach “proficiency” on state math and English language arts tests, calling last year’s lower scores the “new normal.”

Last year some schools posted shocking results — in Schenectady, no eighth grader who took the math test scored as proficient. And the scores for the third through eighth grade tests throughout the state were much lower in 2022 than in 2019.

No doubt, under Bidung, one way or another, we will become the smartest cuntry in the world.

NYS lowering score at which students will test as 'proficient' in math and English.
I think it was Oregon schools which lowered school standards because social injustice was hurting blacks more than whites. So, the solution is to lower standards.

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