Number of Hillary Clinton’s emails flagged for classified data grows to 60 as review continues


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Number of Hillary Clinton’s emails flagged for classified data grows to 60 as review continues

While media coverage has focused on a half-dozen ofHillary Rodham Clinton’s personal emails containing sensitive intelligence, the total number of her private emails identified by an ongoing State Department review as having contained classified data has ballooned to 60, officials told The Washington Times.

State officials and the intelligence community are working to resolve questions about those and other emails with possible classified information, a process that isn’t likely to be completed until January.

That will be right around the timeMrs. Clintonis slated to face voters in the Iowa caucuses in her bid for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination.

As the number of suspect emails grows and the classification review continues, it is clear that predictions contained in a notification Mr. McCullough sent Congress this summer is likely to hold true:Mrs. Clinton’s personal emails likely contained hundreds of disclosures of classified information.

Number of Hillary Clinton s emails flagged for classified data grows to 60 as review continues - Washington Times

So thr big news will be coming out right before Iowa caucuses. I predict she leaves the race before that time in an effort to reduce any further embarrassment.

Joe should be getting ready...
a process that isn’t likely to be completed until January.

I'm sure republicans will find a way to drag it out until November 2016. They can't win on policies, that's why they invest so much time and effort into these "scandals."
Iowa primary will work fine. You better tell Joe to put his track shoes on.
Hillary has some 'splainin too doo......

But then, she always has. She'll just deflect the questions with her usual half-answers, and the media will let her slide with them.
Polls showing that about 60 percent of Americans, and even more in some swing states, find her dishonest and untrustworthy. It’s hard to figure out how she gets people to vote for her who’ve already decided they don’t trust her.

Please, hiLIARy, hang in there, continuing to pretend that your problems are a vast right wing conspiracy, lie and change your story, and for heaven's sake, don't quit. We need you to be the nominee!!
That number will grow into the hundreds before long. Imagine how many there were before she started hitting the delete button.

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