nservative take on debate, and why establishment is pissed!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
As usual, the lefties on here want to tell you how terrible all of our candidates did; while in other threads, they will tell you the only ones who can win is Kasich or Bush.

So, let us all get one thing straight, and if you didn't notice it, go back and look at Trump and what he did towards, Carson, Cruz, and Fiorina, right after Kasich ended his rant on how crazy they were, and Trump responded. Did you see it, and what the other 3 were doing?

In case you do not have tape, it was plainly obvious that all 4 of these candidates knew EXACTLY what Trump was going to say, as he winked at them as they all smiled, and after that, the 4 of them and Rubio assaulted the moderators verbally, more, and more. The ones most oblivious to what was obviously in the know amongst SOME of the candidates, was the establishment weaklings, Kasich and Bush who from there forward, mostly clammed up.

No matter which of the candidates you support, it was obvious to anyone with any sense that the establishment republicans and democrats were going to attack whichever perceived outsider was leading at that time. Just look at this board. When Trump was alone, they attacked Trump constantly. Now with Carson rising, they are after Carson, both Repubs and Dems mind you, and their solution is................Bush or Kasich! Notice that two people that helped CREATE this problem, the establishment believes are the best to solve it, lol. But I digress.

So what did the outsiders do? Outsiders, establisment liking it or not, appeared to get in contact with one another prior to the debate, and devise a way to BURY some of their establishment candidate counterparts while allowing the mainstream liberal meadia to unwittingly help them, lolol! Yes, that is correct, the media helped bury the establishment best controlled candidates, and the DUMB, STUPID, supposed FAR RIGHT candidates did it with aplomb.

As I was driving early this morning, I heard the mainstream(lame stream) media proclaiming Bush dead, and Kasich on life support after last nights debacle. (Kasich was already in critical condition, lol)

Let us put this in perspective what the outside 4 actually did last night........

1. They used political intelligence to outwit the supposed masters of political intrigue, Karl Rove, the Bush dynasty, and the Republican establishment. Not bad for supposed political novice incompetents, now is it!

2. They have the bias mainstream media talking about themselves as being biased, playing back the clip over, and over, and over again of the questions posed by them and reported by Cruz. Political victory, the out side 4! Not bad oh arrogant insiders, lol.

3. The regular media was put forth as pack of the democrats, and as proof they used Hillarys lie they never reported on. Victory, outsiders.

4. Trump, Carson, Fiorina, and Cruz made it perfectly clear that what the Democrats are doing is Socialism, showed they will use the term to define it and show correlation which the establishment would never do, cemented that they are confidant enough to not only stand up to the establishment, but also the media, along with the socialist democrats. This has now cemented the fact, one of these people is going to win the primary. Victory outsiders, because the republicans WANT someone to do something they promised.

5. They have also seemed to mend fences between them for their own good, and in doing so, appeared to work together very well to sink Bush and Kasich, along with the moderators; and they did it conclusively. There was no doubt who lost these debates as far as the people who will pick the republican nominee, and that was Bush, Kasich, and the main stream media. The last thing Democrats and the establishment want, is these 4 coalescing behind whomever the eventual winner is amongst them; and it will be one of them because NOW it is going to work in reverse................you wanted to take us down one by one; instead we now are going to take the other candidates down, one by one.

Let us see what happens next GOP debate! The media and establishment now knows they are in the bullseye collectively of the outside 4. And what is even better is....................if the outside 4 decide collectively to debate elsewhere against the rules of Reinz (the establishment buttkiss) Prevus, they will draw MORE of an audience than the remainder of the repub field.

Yes establishment repub and democrats, the outside 4 now hold almost all the cards, and with all their bravado and bluster; the democrats are almost certainly going to get what they claim they wanted from the start.............one of the supposed WEAK outsiders, against that towering candidate of womanly virtue, Hillary, Rodham, Clinton, and an Obama 3rd term.

Understand this from a REPUBLICAN POINT OF VIEW. The only thing that matters is what the republicans think, not the democrats, because the Republicans are the ones choosing their nominee. The outside 4 just HOSED the establishment, and every republican who pays attention, knows it.
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It's amazing how complex a story you can build after a given set of facts. That's how every conspiracy theory ever has been started. All it takes is an innocuous glance of movement of the camera to come up with the most outrageous tale.
It's amazing how complex a story you can build after a given set of facts. That's how every conspiracy theory ever has been started. All it takes is an innocuous glance of movement of the camera to come up with the most outrageous tale.

Not outrageous, but you better hope my take is true. Why? Because if they did it on the fly with no prior planning, it bodes badly for the establishment wings of both parties.

How do we draw a reasonable conclusion I am correct? Easy, Trump and Carson admit they talked on the debate, the left insists that Cruz is Trumps mini-me, and Fiorina and Trump made nice; while NONE of them made nice with Bush or Kasich.

Wait till they get to Clinton-)
It's amazing how complex a story you can build after a given set of facts. That's how every conspiracy theory ever has been started. All it takes is an innocuous glance of movement of the camera to come up with the most outrageous tale.

Not outrageous, but you better hope my take is true. Why? Because if they did it on the fly with no prior planning, it bodes badly for the establishment wings of both parties.

How do we draw a reasonable conclusion I am correct? Easy, Trump and Carson admit they talked on the debate, the left insists that Cruz is Trumps mini-me, and Fiorina and Trump made nice; while NONE of them made nice with Bush or Kasich.

Wait till they get to Clinton-)

If you say so, but it still belongs in the conspiracy theory department.
Well, well. How about this update........the Republican campaigns are to meet WITHOUT the RNC to discuss control over the debates.

Oh yes Bull, this is the 1st time they are meeting. And I have some swampland in Florida I will sell you too!
Well, well. How about this update........the Republican campaigns are to meet WITHOUT the RNC to discuss control over the debates.

Oh yes Bull, this is the 1st time they are meeting. And I have some swampland in Florida I will sell you too!
That is so fuckin awesome!!!
Really makes me think the movement has started! The precedent being set is undeniable.
Im going to try and find it.
GOP candidates plot debate revolt against RNC
It has got some losers involved but its better than nothing!

And that is the point Harley, the establishment is losing control, and the younger, turk, conservatives are stepping to the plate.

There is a story out there (no I don't have the link, but you can google it) that stated that after this last debate, the republican party as we know it is dead! That the conservatives and moderate republicans were going to rally around those with the nerve to go after the democrats and media, while invigorating the party.

As they pointed out, the establishment Democrat and Republicans, are almost the same; old, and white. The revolution we see in the republican party, will also soon ht the democratic party, they are just a cycle or two behind. LOOK AT THEIR CANDIDATES, and if you were younger than 45, what would you think, lolol!
GOP candidates plot debate revolt against RNC
It has got some losers involved but its better than nothing!

And that is the point Harley, the establishment is losing control, and the younger, turk, conservatives are stepping to the plate.

There is a story out there (no I don't have the link, but you can google it) that stated that after this last debate, the republican party as we know it is dead! That the conservatives and moderate republicans were going to rally around those with the nerve to go after the democrats and media, while invigorating the party.

As they pointed out, the establishment Democrat and Republicans, are almost the same; old, and white. The revolution we see in the republican party, will also soon ht the democratic party, they are just a cycle or two behind. LOOK AT THEIR CANDIDATES, and if you were younger than 45, what would you think, lolol!
Im 29 lol
GOP candidates plot debate revolt against RNC
It has got some losers involved but its better than nothing!

And that is the point Harley, the establishment is losing control, and the younger, turk, conservatives are stepping to the plate.

There is a story out there (no I don't have the link, but you can google it) that stated that after this last debate, the republican party as we know it is dead! That the conservatives and moderate republicans were going to rally around those with the nerve to go after the democrats and media, while invigorating the party.

As they pointed out, the establishment Democrat and Republicans, are almost the same; old, and white. The revolution we see in the republican party, will also soon ht the democratic party, they are just a cycle or two behind. LOOK AT THEIR CANDIDATES, and if you were younger than 45, what would you think, lolol!
Im 29 lol

then you are the perfect age to know what young people think when they look at an old biddy, and old socialist on one side, against more youthful candidates talking about trying to save the future for them!

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