NSA and Britain’s equivalent, GCHQ have been tracking people who logged onto the WikiLeaks.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Assange would never receive a fair trial in the U.S., but he’s not receiving one in Britain either.
(snip from article)
Surveillance, constant wherever Assange found himself, intensified when he took political asylum in Ecuador’s London Embassy in June 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden. He told me on one of my visits to him there that life in the embassy, with cameras and microphones everywhere, was like “The Truman Show.” The intelligence services observed his every movement and heard his every word. They spied on private discussions with his lawyers and his physicians. If a priest had visited the Catholic Assange, they would have violated the sanctity of the confessional.

Meanwhile, the NSA and Britain’s equivalent, GCHQ, tracked people who logged onto the WikiLeaks website. U.S. financial institutions attempted to cripple WikiLeaks financially by denying donors the use of credit cards and PayPal to support the organization. Assange’s legal counsel did not escape scrutiny. His Spanish lawyer, the famed former judge, Baltasar Garzón, who had prosecuted Chile’s Gen. Augusto Pinochet, was followed, and his computer was stolen from his office in late 2017. I had a curious experience in 2019, and I’m just a journalist. Two days after one of my meetings with Assange at the embassy, burglars broke into an office I shared with two designers in London. The only item missing was my computer, the thieves having left my office mates’ computers untouched. It’s impossible to prove who did it, but it’s not impossible to guess.

Wikileaks allowing themselves to become the instrument of a Russian espionage operation directed against the USA tainted their organization beyond repair. The left used to be his greatest champion and he betrayed them. Now he is fucked.
Yes ... Angelo ... the NSA has a file on you ... if such an agency actually existed, they would know what you did last summer ... any day, they're going to show up at your door and you'll be one more "unsolved mystery" ... The Disappeared ... keep your affairs in order, no sense burdening your unfortunate spouse ... it will be ten years before they'll be able to get a death certificate issued ...

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