NPR's Firing of Juan Williams Was Poorly Handled


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Juan Williams once again got himself into trouble with NPR for comments he made at his other job, at Fox News. And NPR's reaction has unleashed an unprecedented firestorm of criticism directed not at Williams – but at NPR.

NPR fired Williams Wednesday night after 10 years with the network for comments he made about Muslims on Fox News.

Thursday was a day like none I’ve experienced since coming to NPR in October 2007. Office phone lines rang non-stop like an alarm bell with no off button. We’ve received more than 8,000 emails, a record with nothing a close second

NPR's Firing of Juan Williams Was Poorly Handled : NPR Ombudsman : NPR

This was far from an isolated incident.

they better have every thing well documented.
All NPR accomplished with this absolutely horrible HR and PR Fracas was to turn Juan into both a Martyr and an Enemy.
NPR will pay for this, already are. Whoever that hate filled woman was is going to get slapped down too. Party is over for the NPR. I don't even want to see their salaries there, 420 MILLION a year at taxpayer expense and growing.

Democrats, the party of corruption.
It's just like the NAACP, another liberal wing of the Democrat Party, and doesn't have squat to do with civil rights.

You really can see the revolution building against these freaks, glad it's happening.
All NPR accomplished with this absolutely horrible HR and PR Fracas was to turn Juan into both a Martyr and an Enemy.

Are you watching him tonight? He's chairing the O'Reilly Factor. I've never seen him so pissed off.
I'll watch him when I get home later.

Hell hath no fury like a person scorned and the newly converted.

It should be epid.
I've seen him many times on Fox and knew he was with NPR.I liked him before this happened even though
I didn't care for a lot of his positions.I really like the guy now still knowing he is a little bit to the left.What they did was a disgrace to just toss him to the curb.
I've seen him many times on Fox and knew he was with NPR.I liked him before this happened even though
I didn't care for a lot of his positions.I really like the guy now still knowing he is a little bit to the left.What they did was a disgrace to just toss him to the curb.

I don't agree with his politics but he's decent, articulate and intelligent. I'm surprised he lasted so long on NPR!
I'll watch him when I get home later.

Hell hath no fury like a person scorned and the newly converted.

It should be epid.

You gotta watch him. It's really, really good. That guy is a man on a mission.

I wonder if O'Reilly stepped aside deliberately to give Juan a whole show to blast NRP? That would make it even more entertaining. :lol:
He's filled in for O'Reilly before but this time I feel Bill stepped aside and had him host because it was on O'Reilly's show where Juan made the comment.At least I hope that's the case.
He is a political commentator and he got fired for making political comments.

Sort of like canning a guy for doing his job.

Maybe for doing it better for the competition. That NPR piece was lame. They better come up with a better justification than that.
I'll watch him when I get home later.

Hell hath no fury like a person scorned and the newly converted.

It should be epid.

You gotta watch him. It's really, really good. That guy is a man on a mission.

I wonder if O'Reilly stepped aside deliberately to give Juan a whole show to blast NRP? That would make it even more entertaining. :lol:

That's exactly what Mr. O did. The night before O'Reilly told Juan that he (Juan)had a solid contract and would be anchoring the O'Reilly Factor every friday night and he said "I got your back man." O'Reilly is a very big man in so many ways and he doesn't take kindly to unfairness and the left wing loon attacks.
I'll watch him when I get home later.

Hell hath no fury like a person scorned and the newly converted.

It should be epid.

You gotta watch him. It's really, really good. That guy is a man on a mission.

I wonder if O'Reilly stepped aside deliberately to give Juan a whole show to blast NRP? That would make it even more entertaining. :lol:

That's exactly what Mr. O did. The night before O'Reilly told Juan that he (Juan)had a solid contract and would be anchoring the O'Reilly Factor every friday night and he said "I got your back man." O'Reilly is a very big man in so many ways and he doesn't take kindly to unfairness and the left wing loon attacks.

I don't usually watch him but I'm thinking I'll turn in more often to see why the left rant about him so much. My impression is that they don't like him because he's smarter than they are. :lol:

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