Now We Know What Obama and Zuckerbert Discussed at Dinner

What I find especially hypocritical is that Facebook is a big advocate of "Net Neutrality". They want ISPs, Cable, and Telecom companies to provide unlimited bandwidth access, yet they are censoring the content that passes through it.

“Facebook continues to support principles of net neutrality for both landline and wireless networks. Preserving an open Internet that is accessible to innovators — regardless of their size or wealth — will promote a vibrant and competitive marketplace where consumers have ultimate control over the content and services delivered through their Internet connections.”

Facebook Enters the Google-Verizon Net Neutrality Debate

Note: they want the access to be open to INNOVATORS, not to consumers (despite the gratuitous blather at the end of the quote).
Well, there is always shunning.

Sad sack little hacks like TMN lose interest and waddle away when they don't receive responses.

This is my common remedy; However I actually find TM too amusing to ignore.....its like having around someone who constantly hits themself in the face with a pie.
Hold on...let me see if I have this straight. The latest right-wing nut job conspiracy is that Facebook is changing the way Groups work to intentionally disband conservative leaning groups? Seriously? LMAO!!!!
Well, there is always shunning.

Sad sack little hacks like TMN lose interest and waddle away when they don't receive responses.

This is my common remedy; However I actually find TM too amusing to ignore.....its like having around someone who constantly hits themself in the face with a pie.

Amusing only in limited doses. The one note aspect gets tiresome.
Why do you think the Feds are so interested in regulating the internet?

Where in the article does it say some people aren't getting the key? All it talks about are "fears". Without the facts, I don't see how you could make any conclusions about what Facebook is doing. If you're trying to spread fear, be upfront about it. Don't act like Obama or the Feds are or want to do something without backup. It makes your dissing of TM quite hypocritical.
Why do you think the Feds are so interested in regulating the internet?

LOL, they are?? Details please.

PLEASE link to a net neutrality article. PLEASE!

You are quite possibly in the top 5 for dumbest people on this site and that's no small accomplishment. You consistently post stuff you clearly don't understand then when it's explained to you, you neg rep and ignore the rest of the post. (like you have already done to me in this thread).

Why do you think the Feds are so interested in regulating the internet?

Where in the article does it say some people aren't getting the key? All it talks about are "fears". Without the facts, I don't see how you could make any conclusions about what Facebook is doing. If you're trying to spread fear, be upfront about it. Don't act like Obama or the Feds are or want to do something without backup. It makes your dissing of TM quite hypocritical.

You clearly lack reading comprehension abilities.

Get back to us after you take a remedial course.
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Why do you think the Feds are so interested in regulating the internet?

LOL, they are?? Details please.

PLEASE link to a net neutrality article. PLEASE!

You are quite possibly in the top 5 for dumbest people on this site and that's no small accomplishment. You consistently post stuff you clearly don't understand then when it's explained to you, you neg rep and ignore the rest of the post. (like you have already done to me in this thread).


Gee you're dumb. And not very well read to boot.

The Obama administration said today that it's moving ahead with a plan for broad adoption of Internet IDs despite concerns about identity centralization, and hopes to fund pilot projects next year.

At an event hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington, D.C., administration officials downplayed privacy and civil liberties concerns about their proposal, which they said would be led by the private sector and not be required for Americans who use the Internet.

There's "no reliable way to verify identity online" at the moment, Commerce Secretary Gary Locke said, citing the rising tide of security threats including malware and identity theft that have grown increasingly prevalent over the last few years. "Passwords just won't cut it here."

A 55-page document (PDF) released by the White House today adds a few more details to the proposal, which still remains mostly hazy and inchoate.

It offers examples of what the White House views as an "identity ecosystem," including obtaining a digital ID from an Internet service provider that could be used to view your personal health information, or obtaining an ID linked to your cell phone that would let you log into to view payments and file taxes. The idea is to have multiple identity providers that are part of the same system. ...

Obama moves forward with Internet ID plan | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Obama is pushing a National ID Card equivalent for people to use the internet.
So the President may be dicking with free speach [there's no actual proof] and TM couldn't care less, but a teenager claims cons are being mean to her and TM knows it to be fact.

You have shown you are nothing but a partisan liar TM. [again]

I certainly hope this is just some non-sense, and turns out to be not true. But if the Pres is fucking with Free Speach, he needs to be in court pronto.
Well, there is always shunning.

Sad sack little hacks like TMN lose interest and waddle away when they don't receive responses.

This is my common remedy; However I actually find TM too amusing to ignore.....its like having around someone who constantly hits themself in the face with a pie.

Amusing only in limited doses. The one note aspect gets tiresome.

Hater: I bet you cannot stand The Three Stooges either.:(

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