Now We Know What Obama and Zuckerbert Discussed at Dinner


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
A few weeks ago, a group of High Tech Elite met with Obama for a Tasty Treat.

Mark Zuckerberg was seated next to Obama, and now one can make a pretty safe bet that they discussed the Facebook Upgrade.

Facebook’s managers are deploying a new software upgrade that will dismantle myriad groups of like-minded political activists unless they get a special software-key from the company.

But Facebook managers are providing very limited information about which groups are being favored with the new key, prompting some activists to complain about possible political favoritism among Facebook managers, and many other activists to experiment with techniques and tricks to get the needed upgrade-key.

“Who is being given the upgrade?” asked Pamela Geller, the New York organizer of a 15,000-member group opposed to Islamist political groups. Without the special key, groups lose access to their members, she said. “I’ve seen people really freaking out.”

Facebook’s software changes do not impact the individual pages that Facebook subscribers use to stay in contact with friends and to tout their relationships, statuses and accomplishments. The upgrade only effects the software that links Facebook’s “groups” of like-minded people, each of which is managed by one or more group administrators.

The groups vary in size from a single person to more than one million people. They have varying levels of activity from nothing to very active.

The new software-upgrade will automatically archive all groups. Once archived, each group’s past activity will be still be visible on Facebook, but the groups’ administrators will lose access to their lists of group members. That means the administrators lose contact with everyone in their groups, and will be forced to recruit all those members again – unless Facebook provides them with the special upgrade software.

With the upgrade, group-administrators can keep in contact with their original members, and get to use the upgraded software to help the group become more active.


Chicago libertarian activist Eric Odom has built an active 60,000-member group, but is not being offered an upgrade key.

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence got the upgrade for its 1,000-member group. “We changed over very smoothly,” said David Churchill, the network-manager at the D.C.-based gun-control group. “We just basically clicked the upgrade button, checked it over, and we have a tremendous increase in participation,” he said....

Facebook | Special Software Key | Political Facebook Groups | The Daily Caller
The Daily Caller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Daily Caller is a news website based in Washington, D.C., United States with a focus on politics, original reporting, breaking news, and YouTube videos, founded by journalist and political pundit Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel, former adviser to former Vice President Dick Cheney. The Daily Caller launched on January 11, 2010.
As usual, TMN has nothing at all to contribute to the discussion.

Shoo, little moron, shoo.
It is a trash site from a failed journalist.

Tucker carlson is a partisan hack
Being a partisan hack is TMN's one area of expertise.

But that doesn't extend to having enough discernment to properly identify other partisan hacks.
Why do you think the Feds are so interested in regulating the internet?
Liberals are very clever and sneaky. They definitely have game. I don't believe in coincidences either. This will be set up to benefit Obama and the Dems.
As usual, TMN has nothing at all to contribute to the discussion.

Shoo, little moron, shoo.

I wish we could invent idiot spray in a can.

Liberals are very clever and sneaky. They definitely have game. I don't believe in coincidences either. This will be set up to benefit Obama and the Dems.

It's pretty nasty.

Just think of group communication being disrupted during the general election campaign season - and that disruption being targeted at Obama's opponent's supporters.
Liberals are very clever and sneaky. They definitely have game. I don't believe in coincidences either. This will be set up to benefit Obama and the Dems.

It's pretty nasty.

Just think of group communication being disrupted during the general election campaign season - and that disruption being targeted at Obama's opponent's supporters.

It's an excellent plan.

Much like disabling the credit card security machines in 2008 so that the money trail could not be followed.

They want to win, and will do anything.

Hopefully someone stays ahead of this ploy.
The Lefties reaction to this will be quite interesting. They often rant about Big Business abusing its power - well, here is an Excellent Example of such.
Well, there is always shunning.

Sad sack little hacks like TMN lose interest and waddle away when they don't receive responses.
It is a trash site from a failed journalist.

Tucker carlson is a partisan hack

honestly why don't you take the day off from posting your normal bullshit. go outside and get some exercise or something.

I suspect her exercise consists of yelling at the neighborhood kids to get off her lawn.
This is an act of subversion against the American populace that this administration has hinted at in the past and continues to pursue just like his predecessor. FaceBook yields immense influence over millions of lives, and the source of the capital venture that allowed it to become what it is is questionable:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Does what happens in the Facebook stay in the Facebook?‬‏[/ame]

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