Now we can combine science and mythology


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
Myths cannot be taken literally, but the secrets of life and being are encrypted in them.

The question of the Sun and light has always been a key one in both mythology and physics.

The solar cult was the enemy of the chthonic, Eitstein did everything to destroy the Theory of the ether.

If someone can capture all the energy from the sun, he will be able to give it only to whom he wants, like any intermediary.

The biblical gods were afraid that people would gain access to the tree of life.

Now, when there is little carbon in the atmosphere, energy goes into the ground.

If all the carbon is in the earth, it will take all the energy from the sun.

Hades can distribute this energy. He will give it to whomever he sees fit.

The tree of life are light and Carbon , and the gods who have access to it are the underground Gads, the children of Hades and Tiamat.

All this corresponds to what is happening now.

Carbon is the basis of life.
Myths cannot be taken literally, but the secrets of life and being are encrypted in them.

The question of the Sun and light has always been a key one in both mythology and physics.

The solar cult was the enemy of the chthonic, Eitstein did everything to destroy the Theory of the ether.

If someone can capture all the energy from the sun, he will be able to give it only to whom he wants, like any intermediary.

The biblical gods were afraid that people would gain access to the tree of life.

Now, when there is little carbon in the atmosphere, energy goes into the ground.

If all the carbon is in the earth, it will take all the energy from the sun.

Hades can distribute this energy. He will give it to whomever he sees fit.

The tree of life are light and Carbon , and the gods who have access to it are the underground Gads, the children of Hades and Tiamat.

All this corresponds to what is happening now.

Carbon is the basis of life.
True, but really so is oxygen added to carbon, CO2. The more of it, the more life there is and this is found to be true through geology work of the past.
I don't believe Einstein tried to destroy the God of the OT and NT by using physics. He didn't use physics for that purpose. He was no Darwin.
Myths cannot be taken literally, but the secrets of life and being are encrypted in them.

The question of the Sun and light has always been a key one in both mythology and physics.

The solar cult was the enemy of the chthonic, Eitstein did everything to destroy the Theory of the ether.

If someone can capture all the energy from the sun, he will be able to give it only to whom he wants, like any intermediary.

The biblical gods were afraid that people would gain access to the tree of life.

Now, when there is little carbon in the atmosphere, energy goes into the ground.

If all the carbon is in the earth, it will take all the energy from the sun.

Hades can distribute this energy. He will give it to whomever he sees fit.

The tree of life are light and Carbon , and the gods who have access to it are the underground Gads, the children of Hades and Tiamat.

All this corresponds to what is happening now.

Carbon is the basis of life.

There were no Biblical "Gods", plural.
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True, but really so is oxygen added to carbon, CO2. The more of it, the more life there is and this is found to be true through geology work of the past.
I don't believe Einstein tried to destroy the God of the OT and NT by using physics. He didn't use physics for that purpose. He was no Darwin.
There may be another principle here. So far, they have not refuted the oxygen theory of aging. The fact that aggressive oxygen kills living tissue when it combines with elements of living tissue is a fact that no one disputed.
The less carbon in the atmosphere, the more free oxygen that destroys.
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There were no Biblical "Gods", plural.
Biblical. This is a story from the book of Genesis. They said that access to the tree of life is through the tree of knowledge. This is the "original sin"
Sure there are: Elohim, Jehovah, Jesus. The use of "US" and "OUR."

"Genesis 1:26 says, “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’” Genesis 3:22 states, “And the LORD God said, ‘The man has now become like one of us.’” There are other passages in the Old Testament in which God refers to Himself using plural constructions. It is also interesting to note that Elohim, one of the primary titles of God in the Old Testament (occurring over 2,500 times), is in the plural form.

Some people have used these verses to hypothesize that there are more than one God. However, we can rule out polytheism (belief in multiple gods), because that would contradict countless other Scriptures that tell us that God is one and that there is only one God. Three times in Isaiah 45 alone, God states, “I am the LORD, and there is no other; there is no God besides Me” (vv. 5, 6, 18).

A second possible explanation for God’s referring to Himself in the plural is that God was including the angels in His statement. In saying “us” and “our,” God was speaking of all the heavenly host, Himself included. However, the Bible nowhere states that angels have the same “image” or “likeness” as God (see Genesis 1:26). That description is given to humanity alone.

Since the Bible, and the New Testament especially, presents God as a Trinity (three Persons but only one God), Genesis 1:26 and 3:22 can only represent a conversation within the Trinity. God the Father is having a “conversation” with God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The Old Testament hints at the plurality of God, and the New Testament clarifies this plurality with the doctrine of the Trinity. Obviously, there is no way we can fully understand how this works, but God has given us enough information to know that He does exist in three Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."

Why does God refer to Himself in the plural in Genesis 1:26 and 3:22? |
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All this demagogy is inappropriate here. It is clear that the biblical myths simply copied the Sumero-Akkadian myths and their interpretations, there were many gods.

But for our question it does not matter.
Biblical. This is a story from the book of Genesis. They said that access to the tree of life is through the tree of knowledge. This is the "original sin"

The "original sin" was that of pride, or thinking onself to be more powerful than God. The original sin came into being when Satan rebelled against heaven, leading one-third of the angels with him. It was also pride that made Adam and Eve think they could disobey God, and eat the forbidden fruit.
This is not a thread about the Christian religion from a Christian point of view.
This is not a thread about the Christian religion from a Christian point of view.

Other than the fact that you mentioned the Bible, I have no fucking clue what it's about. It has as little to do with science and technology, as it does religion.

But then, that seems to be a pattern with your goofy threads. :laughing0301:
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"Genesis 1:26 says, “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’” Genesis 3:22 states, “And the LORD God said, ‘The man has now become like one of us.’” There are other passages in the Old Testament in which God refers to Himself using plural constructions. It is also interesting to note that Elohim, one of the primary titles of God in the Old Testament (occurring over 2,500 times), is in the plural form.

Some people have used these verses to hypothesize that there are more than one God. However, we can rule out polytheism (belief in multiple gods), because that would contradict countless other Scriptures that tell us that God is one and that there is only one God. Three times in Isaiah 45 alone, God states, “I am the LORD, and there is no other; there is no God besides Me” (vv. 5, 6, 18).

A second possible explanation for God’s referring to Himself in the plural is that God was including the angels in His statement. In saying “us” and “our,” God was speaking of all the heavenly host, Himself included. However, the Bible nowhere states that angels have the same “image” or “likeness” as God (see Genesis 1:26). That description is given to humanity alone.

Since the Bible, and the New Testament especially, presents God as a Trinity (three Persons but only one God), Genesis 1:26 and 3:22 can only represent a conversation within the Trinity. God the Father is having a “conversation” with God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The Old Testament hints at the plurality of God, and the New Testament clarifies this plurality with the doctrine of the Trinity. Obviously, there is no way we can fully understand how this works, but God has given us enough information to know that He does exist in three Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."

Why does God refer to Himself in the plural in Genesis 1:26 and 3:22? |
What if "God" is not used as a name but as a title? And, the concept of Godhead means 3 personages that make up God? Also, as well as today, Israel in the past during Isaiah's time period also raised other distractions into "Priorities" that are idol worshiping at their core. Such as; priorities are being “served” ahead of God by persons—even religious persons—in our day? Consider these possibilities, all common in our world: Cultural and family traditions, Political correctness, Career and aspirations, Material possessions, Recreational pursuits, Power, prominence, and prestige. We often just assume that this means another personage whom we call Lord or God. As you mentioned, Elohim is plural and the words "us" and "our" is clear. Especially with the understanding that God represents Godhead. For instance, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), interprets this "oneness" as a metaphorical oneness in spirit, purpose, and glory, rather than a physical or bodily unity."

This is a fair writing of this topic and also eye-opening with your Isaiah quotes and other: Question: How is Mormon belief compatible with Isaiah's statement that beside the Lord "there is no God?" - FAIR
Myths cannot be taken literally, but the secrets of life and being are encrypted in them.

The question of the Sun and light has always been a key one in both mythology and physics.

The solar cult was the enemy of the chthonic, Eitstein did everything to destroy the Theory of the ether.

If someone can capture all the energy from the sun, he will be able to give it only to whom he wants, like any intermediary.

The biblical gods were afraid that people would gain access to the tree of life.

Now, when there is little carbon in the atmosphere, energy goes into the ground.

If all the carbon is in the earth, it will take all the energy from the sun.

Hades can distribute this energy. He will give it to whomever he sees fit.

The tree of life are light and Carbon , and the gods who have access to it are the underground Gads, the children of Hades and Tiamat.

All this corresponds to what is happening now.

Carbon is the basis of life.

No, we cannot. The basis for science is the Scientific Method. Mythology does not fit in any way.

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