Now that Obama's Killed Osama


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Can someone explain to me why is it the SEAL Team was under orders to execute the unarmed highest value source of Terrorist information on the planet? If, in fact UBL was unarmed as one of he several different version of the raid suggest, why kill him?

Also, would be at all appropriate for Obama to use footage from his Ground Zero "I Killed Osama" Victory Tour for his reelection campaign, (assuming he in fact does get the nomination)?

And finally, UBL is dead, now what? Is the GWOT, er I mean the Overseas Contingency Plan to attack people who perpetrate Manmade Disasters now over?
Can someone explain to me why is it the SEAL Team was under orders to execute the unarmed highest value source of Terrorist information on the planet? If, in fact UBL was unarmed as one of he several different version of the raid suggest, why kill him?

Also, would be at all appropriate for Obama to use footage from his Ground Zero "I Killed Osama" Victory Tour for his reelection campaign, (assuming he in fact does get the nomination)?

And finally, UBL is dead, now what? Is the GWOT, er I mean the Overseas Contingency Plan to attack people who perpetrate Manmade Disasters now over?

if this give him a bump in his approval ratings I'm guessing obama will personally be waterbording gitmo inmates looking for intel
Can someone explain to me why is it the SEAL Team was under orders to execute the unarmed highest value source of Terrorist information on the planet? If, in fact UBL was unarmed as one of he several different version of the raid suggest, why kill him?

Also, would be at all appropriate for Obama to use footage from his Ground Zero "I Killed Osama" Victory Tour for his reelection campaign, (assuming he in fact does get the nomination)?

And finally, UBL is dead, now what? Is the GWOT, er I mean the Overseas Contingency Plan to attack people who perpetrate Manmade Disasters now over?

You got a copy of those orders, Frank? Seems you're talking out your ass again about stuff of which you have no knowledge. Par for the course though. We see it all the time in the AGW debate.
Can someone explain to me why is it the SEAL Team was under orders to execute the unarmed highest value source of Terrorist information on the planet? If, in fact UBL was unarmed as one of he several different version of the raid suggest, why kill him?

Also, would be at all appropriate for Obama to use footage from his Ground Zero "I Killed Osama" Victory Tour for his reelection campaign, (assuming he in fact does get the nomination)?

And finally, UBL is dead, now what? Is the GWOT, er I mean the Overseas Contingency Plan to attack people who perpetrate Manmade Disasters now over?

You got a copy of those orders, Frank? Seems you're talking out your ass again about stuff of which you have no knowledge. Par for the course though. We see it all the time in the AGW debate.

One of the accounts said Osama was unarmed. If so, why shoot an unarmed man, especially a man who should have been captured alive at all costs?

Second, the day you find one single repeatable laboratory experiment showing how a 200PPM increase in CO2 raises temperature, melts ice caps and spawn will be the last day I ever talk about AGW. Don't derail the thread.
Can someone explain to me why is it the SEAL Team was under orders to execute the unarmed highest value source of Terrorist information on the planet? If, in fact UBL was unarmed as one of he several different version of the raid suggest, why kill him?

Also, would be at all appropriate for Obama to use footage from his Ground Zero "I Killed Osama" Victory Tour for his reelection campaign, (assuming he in fact does get the nomination)?

And finally, UBL is dead, now what? Is the GWOT, er I mean the Overseas Contingency Plan to attack people who perpetrate Manmade Disasters now over?

You got a copy of those orders, Frank? Seems you're talking out your ass again about stuff of which you have no knowledge. Par for the course though. We see it all the time in the AGW debate.

One of the accounts said Osama was unarmed. If so, why shoot an unarmed man, especially a man who should have been captured alive at all costs?

Second, the day you find one single repeatable laboratory experiment showing how a 200PPM increase in CO2 raises temperature, melts ice caps and spawn will be the last day I ever talk about AGW. Don't derail the thread.

There was no reason to take him alive. Or, at least, certainly not to let the world know that we'd taken him alive. The last thing we want is for this administration to try this guy in court. Best thing, send him to Allah... there is no intel value to someone like Osama. But there is intel to be had, and we have that.

Dead was the best option.
The White House has changed their story. But that doesn't surprise me one damn bit. I don't believe hardly a word obama says. He's a consummate liar, and so are those he has surrounded himself with.

Personally, I'm glad Osama did get a bullet in the head, or where ever it was. That story has changed as well. But I do see people's point. How is it obama is going to spin shooting an unarmed man?
You got a copy of those orders, Frank? Seems you're talking out your ass again about stuff of which you have no knowledge. Par for the course though. We see it all the time in the AGW debate.

One of the accounts said Osama was unarmed. If so, why shoot an unarmed man, especially a man who should have been captured alive at all costs?

Second, the day you find one single repeatable laboratory experiment showing how a 200PPM increase in CO2 raises temperature, melts ice caps and spawn will be the last day I ever talk about AGW. Don't derail the thread.

There was no reason to take him alive. Or, at least, certainly not to let the world know that we'd taken him alive. The last thing we want is for this administration to try this guy in court. Best thing, send him to Allah... there is no intel value to someone like Osama. But there is intel to be had, and we have that.

Dead was the best option.

How do you know ANY of that? How? Do you think he was tending his vegetable garden the past 10 years?

He should have been taken ALIVE.
One of the accounts said Osama was unarmed. If so, why shoot an unarmed man, especially a man who should have been captured alive at all costs?

Second, the day you find one single repeatable laboratory experiment showing how a 200PPM increase in CO2 raises temperature, melts ice caps and spawn will be the last day I ever talk about AGW. Don't derail the thread.

There was no reason to take him alive. Or, at least, certainly not to let the world know that we'd taken him alive. The last thing we want is for this administration to try this guy in court. Best thing, send him to Allah... there is no intel value to someone like Osama. But there is intel to be had, and we have that.

Dead was the best option.

How do you know ANY of that? How? Do you think he was tending his vegetable garden the past 10 years?

He should have been taken ALIVE.

I tend to go by what people who know far more about this shit than any of us do tell me. It is they who say it was better to send him to Allah.... he would not have significant intel on operations. He was nothing more than a figurehead since around 2004/05... that's because the US had kept him on the run for so long, and made it next to impossible for him to communicate with his people.... hence the use of couriers.

You honestly think our security services are stupid enough to not have thought this operation through?
The White House has changed their story. But that doesn't surprise me one damn bit. I don't believe hardly a word obama says. He's a consummate liar, and so are those he has surrounded himself with.

Personally, I'm glad Osama did get a bullet in the head, or where ever it was. That story has changed as well. But I do see people's point. How is it obama is going to spin shooting an unarmed man?

he'll blame and courtmarshall the seal
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Incarcerating bin Laden would have just lionized his image in they eyes of the Muslim world and turned him into more of a celebrity. It would have taken years and teams of lawyers to get bin Laden executed, and in the meantime young radicals would have had their resolve reinvigorated by the thought that their hero was being held in prison by the enemy. How many bombs would have gone off inspired by people who wanted to show bin Laden they honored him. Instead, already the media hype surrounding him is starting to die down. If he was being held somewhere right now it would still be at a fever pitch. I think the order to Shoot him and dump the body sends the most straightforward message to would be terrorists what we think of them. I think it was a brilliant move and good for the USA.
There was no reason to take him alive. Or, at least, certainly not to let the world know that we'd taken him alive. The last thing we want is for this administration to try this guy in court. Best thing, send him to Allah... there is no intel value to someone like Osama. But there is intel to be had, and we have that.

Dead was the best option.

How do you know ANY of that? How? Do you think he was tending his vegetable garden the past 10 years?

He should have been taken ALIVE.

I tend to go by what people who know far more about this shit than any of us do tell me. It is they who say it was better to send him to Allah.... he would not have significant intel on operations. He was nothing more than a figurehead since around 2004/05... that's because the US had kept him on the run for so long, and made it next to impossible for him to communicate with his people.... hence the use of couriers.

You honestly think our security services are stupid enough to not have thought this operation through?

We got much better stuff than bin laden alive, we got all his computer stuff, all his paperwork. for the past 5 years bin laden was more a symbol than a mastermind, forced to be that way due to the price on his head. The real value is in finding out who he was talking to, especially within pakistan.

Alive he is a heroic martyr, able to spread his lies in court, and a creator of a constant threat of retaliatory "kidnappings" trying to secure his release.

He died quick, he was buried quick, and in the muslim world is on his way to being forgotten just as quickly as another failed egomaniac with delusions of grandeur.
The best outcome was to kill the SOB

If he had been captured, we would have had westerners kidnapped around the globe as hostages for the release of bin Laden

Obama played it right. Kill the bastard, whisk the body away, quick funeral and dump the body at sea. No martyr, no shrine, not even a final picture

He just ceased to exist
The best outcome was to kill the SOB

If he had been captured, we would have had westerners kidnapped around the globe as hostages for the release of bin Laden

Obama played it right. Kill the bastard, whisk the body away, quick funeral and dump the body at sea. No martyr, no shrine, not even a final picture

He just ceased to exist

Must be a blue moon. We agree. :lol:
Can someone explain to me why is it the SEAL Team was under orders to execute the unarmed highest value source of Terrorist information on the planet? If, in fact UBL was unarmed as one of he several different version of the raid suggest, why kill him?

Also, would be at all appropriate for Obama to use footage from his Ground Zero "I Killed Osama" Victory Tour for his reelection campaign, (assuming he in fact does get the nomination)?

And finally, UBL is dead, now what? Is the GWOT, er I mean the Overseas Contingency Plan to attack people who perpetrate Manmade Disasters now over?


No need to be a total douche, Francis.
The right is going with bin laden being unarmed and killed is a bad thing? The seals had orders to capture first and if he resisted or fought, fucking kill him.

The right are pacifists now? If this happened under bush you all would be saying how much a great cowboy bush was.

Fuck off.
The White House has changed their story. But that doesn't surprise me one damn bit. I don't believe hardly a word obama says. He's a consummate liar, and so are those he has surrounded himself with.

Personally, I'm glad Osama did get a bullet in the head, or where ever it was. That story has changed as well. But I do see people's point. How is it obama is going to spin shooting an unarmed man?

he'll blame and courtmarshall the seal

That's funny. Because the only people I see "blaming" anyone for killing this douchbag are partisan righties.

Now we are going to call this an "execution"? Really? Why not an "assassination"? Or maybe we can call it a "murder"! Then we can really make Obama look bad!

First the Birth Certificate and now this. If the extreme right wing in this country doesn't unfuck itself, you guys will be creamed in 2012 and then again in 2014.
Incarcerating bin Laden would have just lionized his image in they eyes of the Muslim world and turned him into more of a celebrity. It would have taken years and teams of lawyers to get bin Laden executed, and in the meantime young radicals would have had their resolve reinvigorated by the thought that their hero was being held in prison by the enemy. How many bombs would have gone off inspired by people who wanted to show bin Laden they honored him. Instead, already the media hype surrounding him is starting to die down. If he was being held somewhere right now it would still be at a fever pitch. I think the order to Shoot him and dump the body sends the most straightforward message to would be terrorists what we think of them. I think it was a brilliant move and good for the USA.

How much would it have cost us to have him in a prison somewhere and how much to try him? How many people would have died or been held hostage because the radicals tried to get him back?

He is gone, shot in the face and at sea being eaten by sea creatures. I cant think of a better conclusion. I really cant.
The White House has changed their story. But that doesn't surprise me one damn bit. I don't believe hardly a word obama says. He's a consummate liar, and so are those he has surrounded himself with.

Personally, I'm glad Osama did get a bullet in the head, or where ever it was. That story has changed as well. But I do see people's point. How is it obama is going to spin shooting an unarmed man?

he'll blame and courtmarshall the seal

That's funny. Because the only people I see "blaming" anyone for killing this douchbag are partisan righties.

Now we are going to call this an "execution"? Really? Why not an "assassination"? Or maybe we can call it a "murder"! Then we can really make Obama look bad!

First the Birth Certificate and now this. If the extreme right wing in this country doesn't unfuck itself, you guys will be creamed in 2012 and then again in 2014.

I am going to start a petition to allow just this one time, three terms. :doubt:

Obama 2016! LOL
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We can't torture Terrorists for information, but we can shoot unarmed men in the face?
We had his hard drives? Fucking seriously? That's Intel? You had the guy!!!! His hard drives are gravy after that

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