Now That Democrats Have Made Us a Banana Republic

When and where was Trump convicted of sedition?

I must have missed that trial.

Anyone got a link to Trump being convicted of sedition?
I mean, why not?

We all know Biden is corrupt….so red states should pull him off ballots.

Finger rape Joe does not have a chance in Florida, so let’s take him off the ballot.

So how does an accuastion of corruption count as insurrection under the 14th Amendment?

Biden has never been convicted of rape, and the crazy woman who accused him defected to Russia.
Meanwhile, Trump has been found guilty of sexual assault and fined 5 million dollars.
I look forward to Red States disqualifying key Democrats from the ballot for insurrection. Not even a charge is required per the new rules, let alone a conviction.

All of the Midwest can now be Democrat free at their will now.

New Rules now.
It would be great if it worked that way. Unfortunately the statist left don't see it that way. Make sure to read the 2nd link ESPECIALLY EVERY SINGLE WORD IN BLUE. Ever wonder WHY the GOP has so many CENTRISTS". You will not be wondering after you read the three below links!

That didn't happen you lying sack of SHIT!!!!!
It did. You just won't admit it.

"President Trump called the speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives twice during the past week to make an extraordinary request for help reversing his loss in the state, reflecting a broadening pressure campaign by the president and his allies to try to subvert the 2020 election result.

The calls, confirmed by House Speaker Bryan Cutler’s office, make Pennsylvania the third state where Trump has directly attempted to overturn a result since he lost the election to former vice president Joe Biden. He previously reached out to Republicans in Michigan, and on Saturday he pressured Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) in a call to try to replace that state’s electors.

The president’s outreach to Pennsylvania’s Republican House leader came after his campaign and its allies decisively lost numerous legal challenges in the state in both state and federal court. Trump has continued to press his baseless claims of widespread voting irregularities both publicly and privately.

“The president said, ‘I’m hearing about all these issues in Philadelphia, and these issues with your law,’ ” said Cutler spokesman Michael Straub, describing the House speaker’s two conversations with Trump. “ ‘What can we do to fix it?’ ”
A White House spokesman declined to comment on the calls to Cutler, and a Trump campaign spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

Cutler told the president that the legislature had no power to overturn the state’s chosen slate of electors, said Straub, who was not on the calls but was briefed about them afterward.
It would be great if it worked that way. Unfortunately the statist left don't see it that way. Make sure to read the 2nd link ESPECIALLY EVERY SINGLE WORD IN BLUE. Ever wonder WHY the GOP has so many CENTRISTS". You will not be wondering after you read the three below links!

My county voted 86% Trump in 20.

Bring on the lawsuits!

What court was this where Trump was convicted of sedition? What was his sentence?

Trump sedition
I look forward to Red States disqualifying key Democrats from the ballot for insurrection. Not even a charge is required per the new rules, let alone a conviction.

All of the Midwest can now be Democrat free at their will now.

New Rules now.
a banana republic is brutally capitalistic. why would commies like these socialist fascists want a banana republic?

i also think that it is highly unfair to disqualify me from office just because i wore a pink knit hat for 1 night in 2017.

i was an ugly hat, but i did not beat law enforcement officers with blunt objects or spray them with insectacide
That's the only federal question that could even land in front of the US Supreme Court. But assuming they do find that the 14th doesn't apply to the Presidency, all the court can do is remand the case back to the Colorado Supreme Court for further consideration. States determine their own rules and procedures for ballot access.
A civil lawsuit is not a criminal case.
Where is the link to Trump being convicted of sedition?

This is a completely baseless ruling by a KANGAROO COURT of FAR left wing ideologues.
It did. You just won't admit it.

"President Trump called the speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives twice during the past week to make an extraordinary request for help reversing his loss in the state, reflecting a broadening pressure campaign by the president and his allies to try to subvert the 2020 election result.

The calls, confirmed by House Speaker Bryan Cutler’s office, make Pennsylvania the third state where Trump has directly attempted to overturn a result since he lost the election to former vice president Joe Biden. He previously reached out to Republicans in Michigan, and on Saturday he pressured Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) in a call to try to replace that state’s electors.

The president’s outreach to Pennsylvania’s Republican House leader came after his campaign and its allies decisively lost numerous legal challenges in the state in both state and federal court. Trump has continued to press his baseless claims of widespread voting irregularities both publicly and privately.

“The president said, ‘I’m hearing about all these issues in Philadelphia, and these issues with your law,’ ” said Cutler spokesman Michael Straub, describing the House speaker’s two conversations with Trump. “ ‘What can we do to fix it?’ ”
A White House spokesman declined to comment on the calls to Cutler, and a Trump campaign spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

Cutler told the president that the legislature had no power to overturn the state’s chosen slate of electors, said Straub, who was not on the calls but was briefed about them afterward.
Fuck you and the communist WAPO propaganda merchants!!!!
You are selling a NARRATIVE void of TRUTH and FACTS!!!!
What YOU and the communist Colorado assholes are doing is a REAL INSURRECTION against WE, THE PEOPLE!!!!
See, what you demented Marxist IDIOTS fail to recognize is the FACT that every retarded Marxist revolution in the 20th century REQUIRED MASS-MURDER to come to be!!!!!
Go ahead and FORCE that shit on us, mother fuckers, DO IT!!!!!
The results won't be what you expect..... :dev3:
Colorado democrats only are having to do this because the GOP is embracing a criminal that they didnt impeach because they said he would just go away. The GOP should have barred him from the ballot.
I thought they did it because INSURRECTION.

Its nice of you to admit it’s just because Trump is running for President.

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