Now Kerry is calling Alawi a Liar!

tim_duncan2000 said:
That's ironic for Kerry, of all people, to be saying that. He is the king of contradictory statements.

Tim there are so many things wrong with Kerry's statement you need charts and graphs to illustrate them all.
Avatar4321 said:
Holy crap is this dumb. I mean even if you dont agree with President Bush there is no reason to critsize the leader of Iraq. How the heck does Kerry intend to win the peace if he treats the leader of Iraq like garbage? Is this the diplomacy he intends to give us? Insult our allies and the leaders of the nations we just liberated and then tell them how they are going to do things? And President Bush is somehow the arrogant President? BS! I would vote for Mickey Mouse before i voted for John Kerry. Ive been planning to vote for President Bush. The more this election goes on the more i want to vote AGAINST John Kerry. This man is crossing the line. Forget treason 34 years ago. He committed it today. This man is evil. And the fact that there is a major political party has nominated this man for President is a disgrace to American politics.

30-40% of Kerry's base are upset with Kerry's positions this week. If Kerry keeps this up that poll i posted last night with the totally red map may actually come true. He crossed a line today. I dont think ive ever been this angry with someone.

well now Avatar I understand your rage I feel the same, and scared for us if Kerry wins (reason #1000 why it would be a nightmare if he were president), but lets remember who is steering the Kerry campaign ship.......Ketchup queen extraordinaire who has foot in mouth disease, and obviously Kerry can't even stand up to her much less terrorists.
Bonnie said:
well now Avatar I understand your rage I feel the same, and scared for us if Kerry wins (reason #1000 why it would be a nightmare if he were president), but lets remember who is steering the Kerry campaign ship.......Ketchup queen extraordinaire who has foot in mouth disease, and obviously Kerry can't even stand up to her much less terrorists.

i think you are right...half right. The Ketchup Queen is too dumb to be controling Kerry. This is Hillary. I dont know how but she is the only one who benefits from this.
Liberalism - what wonderful, wacky fun!

Nothing - but NOTHING - takes a back seat to political expediency; not the human life of the unborn, which he acknowledges, not the lives of U.S. soldiers, not the long-term war on terrorist cowards, not the interests of this sovereign nation, not you, not me - NOTHING. Political expediency is God.
Avatar4321 said:
i think you are right...half right. The Ketchup Queen is too dumb to be controling Kerry. This is Hillary. I dont know how but she is the only one who benefits from this.

You hit the nail right on the head, Avatar. If Hillary wanted to sabotage Kerry's campaign (and, in my opinion, she MUST), what better way to do it than to simply let the idiot open his mouth?
How the heck does Kerry intend to win the peace if he treats the leader of Iraq like garbage? Is this the diplomacy he intends to give us? Insult our allies and the leaders of the nations we just liberated and then tell them how they are going to do things?
Remember, he also called the coalition "phony" (I guess since it didn't include France and Germany, 2 countries who often oppose the US). He sure has a funny way of trying to repair relations with our allies.
Some bloggers take was similar to those hear, the first I think the best. Several links, including to another Allawi speech:

September 23, 2004
Allawi's Speech
Wow. Strong speech. Advantage Allawi (and Bush).

Kerry looks, er, very small today. I mean, was this statement for real? In its discombobulation, utter lack of grace (all but calling Allawi a liar--a man almost axed to death by Saddam's henchmen in the U.K. and under constant threat of assassination today), near absurdities ("Let me tell you, if the 4th Infantry Division and the diplomacy had been done (ed. note: whatever "done" means) with Turkey, you wouldn't have had a Fallujah"), pleading tone ("And ask the military leaders. Go ask the military leaders")--it reads more like a bona fide Deanian (or Goreian?) meltdown than a serious policy statement/press conference.

And am I the only one concerned that Kerry opened his remarks by proclaiming: "I want victory. I want to win." Er, shouldn't that go without saying? Why does a candidate for the U.S. Presidency even need to say that? How very odd. Of course, if he is serious about us winning--he should instead act like a statesman, head to Washington, and assure the new Iraq PM that there is a bipartisan consensus to support Iraq during its perilous path towards democracy whoever wins in November.

But no. Instead, a sour, rambling statement from the sidelines. As I said, small. Very small. I'm tempted to say he needs new advisors--but he's already gone through quite a few batches. At some point, the buck stops with the principal, no?

More on the Allawi speech and Kerry's remarks hopefully later tonight London time.

UPDATE: Heh. Matt Yglesias has a slightly different take (Hat Tip: Memeorandum). Needless to say, I guess, I think Matt's being a tad generous to Mr. Kerry. Or maybe, as one of B.D.'s smartest commenters (who runs an erudite left-of-center blog) contends--I'm being unfair to the Senator.

ANOTHER UPDATE: I just got off a special dial-in teleconference to hear Iyad Allawi speaking at the CFR (I trust it's on the record as the Council's main webpage mentions it is to be broadcast live on C-SPAN). Someone in the audience pointedly asked Allawi about Kerry's comments that I blog above--ie, that Allawi was in heavy-spin mode to give Bush political cover. Allawi responded: [SIZE=4[B]]"I'm a tool of nobody." [/B] [/SIZE] And then something about not getting involved in the internal politics of the U.S., that it's "none of our business."

He's better at all of this than Kerry, isn't he?

Posted by Gregory Djerejian at September 23, 2004 09:09 PM

A SMALL REACTION TO A BIG SPEECH: The Belgravia Dispatch is deeply unimpressed with Kerry's response to Allawi's speech:

Kerry looks, er, very small today. I mean, was this statement for real? In its discombobulation, utter lack of grace (all but calling Allawi a liar), near absurdities ("Let me tell you, if the 4th Infantry Division and the diplomacy had been done (ed. note: whatever "done" means) with Turkey, you wouldn't have had a Fallujah"), pleading tone ("And ask the military leaders. Go ask the military leaders")--it reads more like a bona fide Deanian (or Goreian?) meltdown than a serious policy statement/press conference.

What I don't get is that Kerry's big claim is that he'll get us allies, but it seems that whenever you turn around he's dissing somebody on our side. Last week it was Australia, and then there were those remarks about a "fraudulent coalition" in Iraq. This seems to me to be no way to win friends, though I suspect that it may influence people.

UPDATE: Roger Simon asks: "[W]hat if Kerry wins using this rhetoric? What will he do when confronted with decisions to make on Iraq?" You know, the more I look at the new, Dean-channeling Kerry, the more I think that he doesn't expect to win. He's given up trying to convince swing voters that he's serious on the war. I think this is about firing up the base to protect down-ticket candidates as much as possible.

posted at 06:40 PM by Glenn Reynolds
Roger Simon's take is especially interesting. I'm more inclined to believe, though, that whoever is pulling John Kerry's WIRES doesn't expect him to win; maybe, never did. I credit Kerry with no coherent thought processes whatever - the man is brainless.
musicman said:
Roger Simon's take is especially interesting. I'm more inclined to believe, though, that whoever is pulling John Kerry's WIRES doesn't expect him to win; maybe, never did. I credit Kerry with no coherent thought processes whatever - the man is brainless.

That is Glenn's take, I tend to agree.
Kathianne said:
That is Glenn's take, I tend to agree.

And I as well. He did everything but physically walk up to Allawi and spit in his face. And this is a man who claims to be a master of diplomacy? Can you imagine what a Kerry cabinet would look like........I can see Carter back as ambassador to Iran or North Korea.... :fifty: :blowup: :mad:
Bonnie said:
And I as well. He did everything but physically walk up to Allawi and spit in his face. And this is a man who claims to be a master of diplomacy? Can you imagine what a Kerry cabinet would look like........I can see Carter back as ambassador to Iran or North Korea.... :fifty: :blowup: :mad:

Sending Carter to NK might not be a bad idea, no CNN coverage there...
Bonnie said:
And I as well. He did everything but physically walk up to Allawi and spit in his face. And this is a man who claims to be a master of diplomacy? Can you imagine what a Kerry cabinet would look like........I can see Carter back as ambassador to Iran or North Korea.... :fifty: :blowup: :mad:


Terry McAullife as head of "covert operations"!
Well ive finally settled down. Its amaze how a good karate class and relieve some rage. Hitting people feels good sometimes.

Anyway I am still not comprehending why Kerry would commit political suicide like this. I cant honestly believe he is stupid enough to believe that saying all this would have been a good move. Either he is or he is parroting what his advisors tell him to say which is even worse than the former because that means he is a mind numbed robot.

I am seriously starting to wonder if Kerry will win any state. After seeing nearly half his base is unhappy i think there is going to be low voter turn out for Dems.
Avatar4321 said:
After seeing nearly half his base is unhappy i think there is going to be low voter turn out for Dems.

You hit the nail on the head with that Avatar. Most of the votes that Kerry will receive will not be for him, rather people voting against Bush. That just is not going to be a big motivator for voters to get out this election.
Avatar4321 said:
Well ive finally settled down. Its amaze how a good karate class and relieve some rage. Hitting people feels good sometimes.

Anyway I am still not comprehending why Kerry would commit political suicide like this. I cant honestly believe he is stupid enough to believe that saying all this would have been a good move. Either he is or he is parroting what his advisors tell him to say which is even worse than the former because that means he is a mind numbed robot.

I am seriously starting to wonder if Kerry will win any state. After seeing nearly half his base is unhappy i think there is going to be low voter turn out for Dems.
this man is so out of touch with reality, and the middle class of America, i can't believe the dems are standing behind him??? I guess power is everything over us stupid little Americans that is to stupid to UNDERSTAND how politicts work. were more :up to date today than you and your stupid headhunters realize. Just ask CBS, oh thats right you already did, i forgot. Kerry makes me ill.... :ssex:
Stephanie said:
this man is so out of touch with reality, and the middle class of America, i can't believe the dems are standing behind him??? I guess power is everything over us stupid little Americans that is to stupid to UNDERSTAND how politicts work. were more :up to date today than you and your stupid headhunters realize. Just ask CBS, oh thats right you already did, i forgot. Kerry makes me ill.... :ssex:

:huh: :huh: :huh:

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