Now 100s of USA swimmers claim sex abuse and demand MONEY MONEY MONEY


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
As with the gymnasts the "victim" swimmers don't have evidence. It's just talk - "he did it and i want a million bucks".

100s of USA swimmers were sexually abused for decades and the people in charge knew and ignored it, investigation finds – Orange County Register

feb 17 2018 USA Swimming repeatedly missed opportunities to overhaul a culture within American swimming where the sexual abuse of underage swimmers by their coaches and others in positions of power within the sport was commonplace and even accepted by top officials and coaches, according to the documents and interviews with sexual abuse survivors, former Olympians, USA Swimming officials, safe sport advocates and some of USA Swimming’s leading financial benefactors.

The Southern California News Group investigation found:

• Top USA Swimming executives, board members, top officials and coaches acknowledge in the documents that they were aware of sexually predatory coaches for years, in some cases even decades, but did not take action against them. In at least 11 cases either Wielgus or other top USA Swimming officials declined to pursue sexual abuse cases against high profile coaches even when presented with direct complaints, documents show. With some of the complaints, the decision not to pursue the case was made by Susan Woessner, USA Swimming’s current director of Safe Sport.
As with the gymnasts the "victim" swimmers don't have evidence. It's just talk - "he did it and i want a million bucks".

100s of USA swimmers were sexually abused for decades and the people in charge knew and ignored it, investigation finds – Orange County Register

feb 17 2018 USA Swimming repeatedly missed opportunities to overhaul a culture within American swimming where the sexual abuse of underage swimmers by their coaches and others in positions of power within the sport was commonplace and even accepted by top officials and coaches, according to the documents and interviews with sexual abuse survivors, former Olympians, USA Swimming officials, safe sport advocates and some of USA Swimming’s leading financial benefactors.

The Southern California News Group investigation found:

• Top USA Swimming executives, board members, top officials and coaches acknowledge in the documents that they were aware of sexually predatory coaches for years, in some cases even decades, but did not take action against them. In at least 11 cases either Wielgus or other top USA Swimming officials declined to pursue sexual abuse cases against high profile coaches even when presented with direct complaints, documents show. With some of the complaints, the decision not to pursue the case was made by Susan Woessner, USA Swimming’s current director of Safe Sport.

Did you even read the article? There was a lot more than just victim testimony involved in this investigation. In the portion you quoted, it says that executives, board members, top officials, and coaches acknowledged knowing about sexually predatory coaches for years! So various people in positions of power within USA Swimming say it happened, and you try to blame the victims?

It says that since 1997, "at least 252 swim coaches and officials have been arrested, charged by prosecutors, or disciplined by USAS for sexual abuse or misconduct against individuals under 18." And you try to blame the victims?

It also says, "USA Swimming board members and coaches acknowledged they were aware of statutory rape cases that occurred during U.S. national team trips to major international competitions." And you try to blame the victims?

Good job posting a link to an article which so completely contradicts your victim-blaming conclusion.
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Did you even read the article? There was a lot more than just victim testimony involved in this investigation. In the portion you quoted, it says that executives, board members, top officials, and coaches acknowledged knowing about sexually predatory coaches for years!

And all that is just more talk. We're talking billions of dollars in lawsuits. Let's see some actual evidence.
Did you even read the article? There was a lot more than just victim testimony involved in this investigation. In the portion you quoted, it says that executives, board members, top officials, and coaches acknowledged knowing about sexually predatory coaches for years!

And all that is just more talk. We're talking billions of dollars in lawsuits. Let's see some actual evidence.

Billions in lawsuits? Do you enjoy pulling numbers out of thin air?

Just more talk....why do you discount all testimony? And why are you ignoring the various criminal charges and convictions also brought up in the article? Do you only believe sexual assault and harassment happen when there is video of it, or something?
Did you even read the article? There was a lot more than just victim testimony involved in this investigation. In the portion you quoted, it says that executives, board members, top officials, and coaches acknowledged knowing about sexually predatory coaches for years!

And all that is just more talk. We're talking billions of dollars in lawsuits. Let's see some actual evidence.
You have one week to announce you were abused. Otherwise take a hike.
Did you even read the article? There was a lot more than just victim testimony involved in this investigation. In the portion you quoted, it says that executives, board members, top officials, and coaches acknowledged knowing about sexually predatory coaches for years!

And all that is just more talk. We're talking billions of dollars in lawsuits. Let's see some actual evidence.
You have one week to announce you were abused. Otherwise take a hike.

I hate my inability to recognize sarcasm in this a serious comment?
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Do you only believe sexual assault and harassment happen when there is video of it, or something?

That's about right. People will SAY anything if they can get money from their lies. Check out family/divorce courts.
As with the gymnasts the "victim" swimmers don't have evidence. It's just talk - "he did it and i want a million bucks".

100s of USA swimmers were sexually abused for decades and the people in charge knew and ignored it, investigation finds – Orange County Register

feb 17 2018 USA Swimming repeatedly missed opportunities to overhaul a culture within American swimming where the sexual abuse of underage swimmers by their coaches and others in positions of power within the sport was commonplace and even accepted by top officials and coaches, according to the documents and interviews with sexual abuse survivors, former Olympians, USA Swimming officials, safe sport advocates and some of USA Swimming’s leading financial benefactors.

The Southern California News Group investigation found:

• Top USA Swimming executives, board members, top officials and coaches acknowledge in the documents that they were aware of sexually predatory coaches for years, in some cases even decades, but did not take action against them. In at least 11 cases either Wielgus or other top USA Swimming officials declined to pursue sexual abuse cases against high profile coaches even when presented with direct complaints, documents show. With some of the complaints, the decision not to pursue the case was made by Susan Woessner, USA Swimming’s current director of Safe Sport.

Over 100 coaches have been convicted of child sexual abuse or child pornography charges and have NOT been banned by USA swimming.

The organization needs to be burned to the ground. Just like USA gymnastics. And for the same reasons.
Who has gotten money? And you do understand that there have been criminal convictions, don't you?

When it comes to sex crimes, you're guilty until proven innocent. Ask Mike Tyson. He spent years in prison in a he said she said case.

People will gladly lie and ruin someone's life if they can get some money out of it.
Who has gotten money? And you do understand that there have been criminal convictions, don't you?

When it comes to sex crimes, you're guilty until proven innocent. Ask Mike Tyson. He spent years in prison in a he said she said case.

People will gladly lie and ruin someone's life if they can get some money out of it.

I'll ask again, who has gotten money from this?

I'll also ask, do you have the slightest idea what evidence was used to come to the convictions talked about in the article?
I'll ask again, who has gotten money from this?

The lawsuits are coming, my little friend and i promise you they will total in the billions of dollars. THINK

These are adults who admitted they knew coaches were sexually abusing children and who neither said or did anything to stop it.

Not only did they do nothing to stop these men from abusing these children, they didn’t even lift their coaching certificates or ban them from the program after they were convicted.

Why are you so keenly defending convicted pedophiles?
Just more talk....why do you discount all testimony? And why are you ignoring the various criminal charges and convictions also brought up in the article? Do you only believe sexual assault and harassment happen when there is video of it, or something?
Sad state of affairs. I recently had jury duty and had to explain to fellow jurors that testimony is evidence. They thought voice and video recordings were evidence and testimony was essentially subjective opinion.

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