'Nothing There' - FBI Declares There Was NOTHING To 'Trump-Russian-Bank- Connection' Fake News Claim


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Another Liberal LIE, another Democrat FAILED scandal, another one of many 'We've Got Him THIS Time' moments up in smoke....ANOTHER TRUMP WIN!

Let the gnashing of teeth, wailing, crying, tantrum-throwing, and screaming at the sky again commence...


Every pathetic, criminal, treasonous, illegal scam, accusation, coup attempt, & Impeachment attempt has failed and been exposed for what it was.

This one is just the latest revealed.

This is one of the readins Democrats, liberal extremists, and snowflakes are so obsessed with and hate him so much - he just keeps winning.


CDC clarifies and reduces Covid deaths dramatically.
FBI says No Insurrection and no Trump Russia .
Wedded to their wishes lib loons disregard all of it.
The suspension of reality must end for the good of the USA
So let me get this right, much of Congress, much of Deep State agencies, "intelligence" etc., all of Fake News, most of Hollywood, most of Academia, the establishment in general promoted complete lies and DISINFORMATION that attacked our President and our Democracy which apparently resulted in the current Sleepy Joe Regime which is intentionally Third Worldizing the USA and nobody is brought to justice? Nobody is in a cell awaiting trial? But individuals who used their Constitutional rights to protest are? Something seems amiss. :eusa_think:

To top it off, the profound irony of establishing a Disinfo Dept. apparently with that completely psychotic, Mary Poppins cover song singer who also promoted the disinformation that attacked our democracy. :heehee:
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