‘Nothing Less Than a Civil War’:These White Voters on the Far Right See Doom Without Trump

You're a laugh riot.. Trump is much tougher on Putin than previous admins.. Gave permission to blow away a couple Russian mercenaries in Syria.. Actually gave MEANINGFUL weapons to Ukraine.. Didn't cow to Russia because he needed them to get a phony Iran nuclear deal...

YOUR team has done more to destroy confidence in American leadership and govt than Putin EVER could accomplish.. The "russian sources" for that phony Steele dossier now have statues in the Kremlin for DUPING the media and the country so badly... AND WE CAUSED the 3 year meltdown.. Not Trump or Putin...

Sanctions are ramping up because Congress, in a rare show of bipartisanship, is ramping up sanctions, against Trump's resistance. They even got damn near passing a resolution condemning Trump's halting and belated implementation of Congressionally mandated sanctions.

Yes, these mercenaries appeared to march toward a small American outpost. Every president would have agreed to take them out.

For most of President Obama's time, Ukraine was deemed too corrupt to receive lethal aid. Moreover, when Luhansk oblast was taken over by rebels, providing weapons was initially considered a risk of inviting Russia to invade. When Ukraine got serious about corruption, and Russia's direct involvement in Luhansk became clear, both went a away, and weapons delivery started - until, in order to get a little personal favor, the corrupt goon halted it.

Ah, the infamous Steele dossier. That caused quite a ripple, for a while. In the overall scheme of things, it is a pittance, other than for subservient Trump acolytes who cannot possibly stop whining about it. There is a three-year meltdown, yes, and it's the corrupt, incompetent clown you elected into office, and who hasn't seen an international institution the U.S. helped to build, and which he worked to undermine and destroy. That's the entirety of the destruction of confidence in U.S. leadership. Putin had next to nothing to do with that, but Trump most assuredly did.

You're delusional.
How have you managed to avoid the monstrous fact that ALL of the "Trump is a traitor" Trump is a Spawn of Putin HINGED around this "infamous" fraud.. It was given FULL blessing as a legitimate US Intel product by Clapper and Brennan and Comey, when EVERYONE including STEELE knew it was pure diarreatic fantasy...

All of the spying and active full foreign Intel compromise actions against Page, Cavuto, Papadopoulus -- AND the wimpy "Mueller Report and 18 months of fake news were BASED on this thing you call a pittance..

There was ZERO other corroborating evidence that ANY US person was involved in "Russian election interference"... Says so in the Mueller Report that Mueller seems to know little about.

Maybe YOU have time to waste 3 years of your life worshipping fake news fantasies and govt abuse of power and to remain stupid useful idiot.. Most of us don't...

The Steele dossier was considered "raw intelligence" - even Steele said so. Any one of a sane mind knew it wasn't anywhere near a "legitimate US Intel product", and so did everyone you mention.

No, the FISA application and the counter-intelligence operation against (former) members of the Trump campaign suspected of conspiring with a foreign power wasn't "BASED" on the Steele dossier in any significant way.

The Mueller report found ample contacts, north of 150 of them, with a criminal gang operating at the behest of Putin and Russian intelligence and contributing to an assault on U.S. elections. That obviously concerns you not one whit.

Then, something funny happens, Flac, ardent consumer of Rightardia's most outlandish propaganda outlets, turns around and talks about "fake news fantasies" - just not his own.

Just kidding, it isn't funny at all.

You are a stone cold retard, dude.
Just own it.
The Steele dossier was considered "raw intelligence" - even Steele said so.

The term "raw intelligience" doesn't impress me having worked around the Intel agencies for 7 years.. It can mean anything from a tweet, an overheard bar conversion or a phone call picked up by satellite.. It HAS no bearing on the fact that EVEN STEELE recanted the verifiability of ANY of that shit when under oath in the UK.. His "source" has long denied that ANY of it was really capable of being verified.. It's crap.. Pure unadulterated BS...

The only TRUE fact in that fairy tale is that Carter worked in Russia.. The truth is -- Carter Page came out of Naval Intel and he WAS an asset for both the CIA and FBI and worked over there with the FULL blessing of America's intel orgs. They BURNED him.. And fucking ruined his life and reputation.. Spent 8 hours with the Mueller team and they never charged him or called him back...

I'm really not "doing this dossier again".. Folks like you will just have to see the outcome of this for yourselves. It is NOT "going away"....

And it's too far from the topic of this thread... Go back to bashing Trump voters.. Instead of getting your OWN team back to reality....
The Mueller report found ample contacts, north of 150 of them, with a criminal gang operating at the behest of Putin and Russian intelligence and contributing to an assault on U.S. elections. That obviously concerns you not one whit.

You mean like Jeff Sessions being at a DC cocktail mixer with the Russian ambassador?? Is THAT one of 150 contacts?? You are delusional... There were NO NADA ZERO US persons "colluding with the RUssians to fix an election"....

EXCEPT OF COURSE, Fusion GPS, the DNC/Hillary campaign that funded Steele and the "russian sources", Clapper, Brennan and Comey...
The Steele dossier was considered "raw intelligence" - even Steele said so.

The term "raw intelligience" doesn't impress me having worked around the Intel agencies for 7 years.. It can mean anything from a tweet, an overheard bar conversion or a phone call picked up by satellite.. It HAS no bearing on the fact that EVEN STEELE recanted the verifiability of ANY of that shit when under oath in the UK.. His "source" has long denied that ANY of it was really capable of being verified.. It's crap.. Pure unadulterated BS...

The only TRUE fact in that fairy tale is that Carter worked in Russia.. The truth is -- Carter Page came out of Naval Intel and he WAS an asset for both the CIA and FBI and worked over there with the FULL blessing of America's intel orgs. They BURNED him.. And fucking ruined his life and reputation.. Spent 8 hours with the Mueller team and they never charged him or called him back...

I'm really not "doing this dossier again".. Folks like you will just have to see the outcome of this for yourselves. It is NOT "going away"....

And it's too far from the topic of this thread... Go back to bashing Trump voters.. Instead of getting your OWN team back to reality....

If you knew what "raw intelligence" means, why did you mischaracterize Steele's dossier as a "U.S. intelligence product"? Because that means a carefully vetted and checked piece of properly vetted information, which, as all knew, the dossier was not.

And, yes, this is an example for one the root causes of the upcoming civil war (provided there will be one, or something like it): The imbecilic notion that the so-called "Deep State" is in cahoots with, of all persons, Hillary Clinton, and works to undermine Trump, the Trump voters' Dear Leader - duly elected, as they never fail to mention. Of course, that mendacious nonsense is being fed to the marks, just to keep them agitated and to fan the flames of anger, and you angrily and happily contribute to this staggering nonsense. It truly boggles the mind.
If you knew what "raw intelligence" means, why did you mischaracterize Steele's dossier as a "U.S. intelligence product"? Because that means a carefully vetted and checked piece of properly vetted information, which, as all knew, the dossier was not.

Evidently, you're so far behind on this -- you're embarrassing yourself.. I thought you would know that the dossieer was shopped around to the media for MONTHS and all sources refused to "break the story"... It then fell to Clapper and Brennan to give this phony paid for hit piece credibility by creating and UNPRECEDENTED "Public Intel Report on Russian Interference in the 2016 election"...

MOST of that public relations piece was boiler plate recycled history of Russian interference in our country.. Stuff that I had to read when I got new clearances back 30 years ago... BUT -- Clapper tossed the whole fucking dossier INTO that weirdly public intel product as an Appendix... Peeing prostitutes and all... And we were off to the races..

Press still wasn't bitting completely, so COMEY took it upon his tall empty soul to go brief the brand new PRESIDENT on this hearsay gossip.. NOW THAT --- made it official.. EVERY media outlet went to press with "President briefed on speculation that he's got Russian connections...

Because Comey made certain that the press KNEW he had been briefed on all that gossip and Russian compromise crap...

It WAS PUBLISHED as "an official US Intel Document" you slacker...... Don't you remember the claim that the report I just told you about was FALSELY CLAIMED to be approved by all 16 US Intel Agencies????
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There will be NO "Civil War" after President Trump leaves the White House.

The so-called "Far Right" will -- like all of us -- do the best that they can under the circumstances.

Eventually (in a few decades), some "Far Right" Americans may decide to emigrate to another country.
And, yes, this is an example for one the root causes of the upcoming civil war (provided there will be one, or something like it): The imbecilic notion that the so-called "Deep State" is in cahoots with, of all persons, Hillary Clinton, and works to undermine Trump, the Trump voters' Dear Leader - duly elected, as they never fail to mention. Of course, that mendacious nonsense is being fed to the marks, just to keep them agitated and to fan the flames of anger, and you angrily and happily contribute to this staggering nonsense.
The Deep State is real.
Nope. The cause is the government being controlled by a foreign race who has their own interests in mind when it comes to dictating law and policy.
This is a runaway train heading our way and we have to do whatever it takes to stop it.

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