Not "Who Done It", but "What They Do"


Gold Member
Aug 19, 2008
Since the White Water investigations, the GOP has perverted the correct and logical Due Process of Law:

In the correct investigating of any crime, first it's found that a crime has been committed, then they investigate to discover who did it. Finally they determine the correct punishment.

Since White Water, the GOP has been getting this backwards. They first determine who did it and the punishment they deserve before they even know of a crime that's been committed.

The White Water "investigation", which went on for years, determined that Bill & Hillary Clinton were guilty of something, without knowing what that was, that the punishment would be impeachment, then they investigated and investigated and investigated. Some how an investigation into a simple land purchase led to an investigation of Bill Clinton's personal life which was completely unrelated to the White Water land purchase. They satiated themselves in catching Bill Clinton in a lie about his personal relationship with an intern. The whole fiasco belonged in a Goldie Hawn movie.

Now the GOP clowns in Congress are trying to pull the same ass backwards approach to impeaching Biden. What's worse is not only have they not started by investigating a crime, then determining who did it, but they can't decide for sure who it is that's committed the crime that they haven't found yet!

They certainly have decided on the punishment (impeachment) for the person which they do not yet know who they are, for the crime that they haven't yet found to have been committed!

The GOP just keeps getting stupider and stupider....

The GOP just keeps getting stupider and stupider....
That one line alone tears down any attempt you've made to have a rational discussion.

But in any case, it's expected that you would resort to that sort of spam.
Since the White Water investigations, the GOP has perverted the correct and logical Due Process of Law:

In the correct investigating of any crime, first it's found that a crime has been committed, then they investigate to discover who did it. Finally they determine the correct punishment.

Since White Water, the GOP has been getting this backwards. They first determine who did it and the punishment they deserve before they even know of a crime that's been committed.

The White Water "investigation", which went on for years, determined that Bill & Hillary Clinton were guilty of something, without knowing what that was, that the punishment would be impeachment, then they investigated and investigated and investigated. Some how an investigation into a simple land purchase led to an investigation of Bill Clinton's personal life which was completely unrelated to the White Water land purchase. They satiated themselves in catching Bill Clinton in a lie about his personal relationship with an intern. The whole fiasco belonged in a Goldie Hawn movie.

Now the GOP clowns in Congress are trying to pull the same ass backwards approach to impeaching Biden. What's worse is not only have they not started by investigating a crime, then determining who did it, but they can't decide for sure who it is that's committed the crime that they haven't found yet!

They certainly have decided on the punishment (impeachment) for the person which they do not yet know who they are, for the crime that they haven't yet found to have been committed!

The GOP just keeps getting stupider and stupider....

Is there anything about this Biden business that seems legit to you? If it was legit, they would have explained these insane payments LONG ago.

Are you honestly willing to defend a comprimised president simply because it would be inconvenient for your party if he gets busted? China can blackmail our fucking president? Thats cool with you? Thats better than Biden going to jail for said bribery?

Jesus fucking Christ. Ethics and common sense are dead in this nation.
Is there anything about this Biden business that seems legit to you? If it was legit, they would have explained these insane payments LONG ago.

Are you honestly willing to defend a comprimised president simply because it would be inconvenient for your party if he gets busted? China can blackmail our fucking president? Thats cool with you? Thats better than Biden going to jail for said bribery?

Jesus fucking Christ. Ethics and common sense are dead in this nation.
You have to learn that US foreign policy is the greater cause. Even the criminal action taken to destroy Iraq and murder more than a million has been held to be justifiable.l

Why not this? Consider all of it to be in the name of your god.
You have to learn that US foreign policy is the greater cause. Even the criminal action taken to destroy Iraq and murder more than a million has been held to be justifiable.l

Why not this? Consider all of it to be in the name of your god.
So because our country has gone to war in the past, its cool if our current president took bribes and is now certainly being blackmailed by multiple parties, including the Chinese? I dont follow your logic. That shit sounds stupid as fuck.
Since the White Water investigations, the GOP has perverted the correct and logical Due Process of Law:

In the correct investigating of any crime, first it's found that a crime has been committed, then they investigate to discover who did it. Finally they determine the correct punishment.

Since White Water, the GOP has been getting this backwards. They first determine who did it and the punishment they deserve before they even know of a crime that's been committed.

The White Water "investigation", which went on for years, determined that Bill & Hillary Clinton were guilty of something, without knowing what that was, that the punishment would be impeachment, then they investigated and investigated and investigated. Some how an investigation into a simple land purchase led to an investigation of Bill Clinton's personal life which was completely unrelated to the White Water land purchase. They satiated themselves in catching Bill Clinton in a lie about his personal relationship with an intern. The whole fiasco belonged in a Goldie Hawn movie.

Now the GOP clowns in Congress are trying to pull the same ass backwards approach to impeaching Biden. What's worse is not only have they not started by investigating a crime, then determining who did it, but they can't decide for sure who it is that's committed the crime that they haven't found yet!

They certainly have decided on the punishment (impeachment) for the person which they do not yet know who they are, for the crime that they haven't yet found to have been committed!

The GOP just keeps getting stupider and stupider....

The problem with rewriting history is that some of us are old enough to remember the 90s . stick to trying to rewrite the 1800s and indoctrinating 8 year olds
Is there anything about this Biden business that seems legit to you? If it was legit, they would have explained these insane payments LONG ago.

Are you honestly willing to defend a comprimised president simply because it would be inconvenient for your party if he gets busted? China can blackmail our fucking president? Thats cool with you? Thats better than Biden going to jail for said bribery?

Jesus fucking Christ. Ethics and common sense are dead in this nation.

The investigation of Biden started BEFORE any crimes have been found. As a matter of fact so far no crimes have been found.

Just political theater - yet they've already decided to impeach him
The problem with rewriting history is that some of us are old enough to remember the 90s . stick to trying to rewrite the 1800s and indoctrinating 8 year olds

What crimes were found related to the White Water land deal?


Ken Star's mandate was to investigate the White Water land deal. He found no crimes.
That one line alone tears down any attempt you've made to have a rational discussion.

But in any case, it's expected that you would resort to that sort of spam.

Sorry to get you panty's in a twirl!
Congress cannot charge anyone with a crime.
Hope that helps

Impeachment is the equivalent with charging the with a crime.

Doesn't the phrase "High Crimes and misdemeanors" mean anything to you?

Impeachment is the equivalent with charging the with a crime.

Doesn't the phrase "High Crimes and misdemeanors" mean anything to you?

There is no such thing as "the equivalent with charging the (?) with a crime.".
You are either charged with a crime or you are not.
And dumb ass is 2 words.
Dumb ass.
The investigation of Biden started BEFORE any crimes have been found. As a matter of fact so far no crimes have been found.

Just political theater - yet they've already decided to impeach him
No, the investigation started with Hunters laptop and the damning messages and emails found within. It suggested that there was bribery. Oddly, BEFORE the laptop ever went missing there were already witnesses who came forward to report bribery to the FBI. Multiple unconnected people made this accusation BEFORE bribery was in the news.

Let me guess, everyone is lying and just coincidentally telling the same lie?
What crimes were found related to the White Water land deal?


Ken Star's mandate was to investigate the White Water land deal. He found no crimes.
what are you talking about? 15 people were convicted of more then 40 crimes...including the Gov of Arkansas.

  • Jim Guy Tucker: Governor of Arkansas at the time, resigned (fraud, 3 counts)
  • John Haley: attorney for Jim Guy Tucker (tax evasion)
  • William J. Marks Sr.: Jim Guy Tucker's business partner (conspiracy)
  • Stephen Smith: former Governor Clinton aide (conspiracy to misapply funds). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • Webster Hubbell: Clinton political supporter; U.S. Associate Attorney General; Rose Law Firm partner (embezzlement, fraud)
  • Jim McDougal: banker, Clinton political supporter: (18 felonies, varied)
  • Susan McDougal: Clinton political supporter (multiple frauds). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • David Hale: banker, self-proclaimed Clinton political supporter: (conspiracy, fraud)
  • Neal Ainley: Perry County Bank president (embezzled bank funds for Clinton campaign)
  • Chris Wade: Whitewater real estate broker (multiple loan fraud). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • Larry Kuca: Madison real estate agent (multiple loan fraud)
  • Robert W. Palmer: Madison appraiser (conspiracy). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • John Latham: Madison Bank CEO (bank fraud)
  • Eugene Fitzhugh: Whitewater defendant (multiple bribery)
  • Charles Matthews: Whitewater defendant (bribery)

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