Not The Onion: Climate Change Causing Ocean Floor To Sink Under Water Weight From Melting Glaciers


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
So you ask, isn't that weight already in the ice? Ice is lighter than water. It floats. So it doesn't count. Or something. Trying to follow our scientific superiors thinking gives me a headache.

So much extra water is being added into the world’s oceans from melting glaciers that the ocean floor is sinking underneath its increasing weight. This ocean floor deformation also means we have miscalculated just how much ocean levels are rising and the problem could be far worse than previously believed.

Over the past 20 years, ocean basins have sunk an average of 0.004 inches per year. This means that the ocean is 0.08 inches deeper than it was two decades ago. While this small fragment of an inch may not seem much, oceans cover 70 percent of our planet, making the problem bigger than it seems at an initial glance.

All that extra water from melting glaciers has caused the ocean to sink
So you ask, isn't that weight already in the ice? Ice is lighter than water. It floats. So it doesn't count. Or something. Trying to follow our scientific superiors thinking gives me a headache.

So much extra water is being added into the world’s oceans from melting glaciers that the ocean floor is sinking underneath its increasing weight. This ocean floor deformation also means we have miscalculated just how much ocean levels are rising and the problem could be far worse than previously believed.

Over the past 20 years, ocean basins have sunk an average of 0.004 inches per year. This means that the ocean is 0.08 inches deeper than it was two decades ago. While this small fragment of an inch may not seem much, oceans cover 70 percent of our planet, making the problem bigger than it seems at an initial glance.

All that extra water from melting glaciers has caused the ocean to sink
Any kind of rational or logical thought at all tends to give you a headache. That ice that is adding water to the ocean is on land. As the ice melts, isostatic rebound takes place on the land. As the oceans gain more water, the opposite happens. Of course, that is just too complex for you.
So that's why the oceans aren't rising. That makes perfect sense. That's right up there with North America Global warming ice box.

Did the trapped excess heat make the oceans sink too?
Yeah...yeah...sinking ocean floors...that's the ticket...sea levels aren't rising as predicted so lets tell them that the ocean floor is sinking....yeah...they will believe that...that's the ticket.
I applaud all the hyper-k00k stuff these people bring..............go........go!!:up: I will say though.............this one is up there with the whole "ISIS caused by climate change".
Have you ever noticed that the climate kooks always find something that is next to impossible to verify because no one can measure it accurately?

They ALWAYS seem to forget that if it cant be measured accurately that their pontificating is pure fantasy and an unproven hypothesis.. But they never seem to mind that its all made up crap.... pathetic.

NEXT....... Bullshit Claim....
Yeah...yeah...sinking ocean floors...that's the ticket...sea levels aren't rising as predicted so lets tell them that the ocean floor is sinking...
That has zero to do with it. the oceans are rising, and you sound like a moron to imply some vast conspiracy.
Yeah...yeah...sinking ocean floors...that's the ticket...sea levels aren't rising as predicted so lets tell them that the ocean floor is sinking...
That has zero to do with it. the oceans are rising, and you sound like a moron to imply some vast conspiracy.

As someone who lives close to the ocean and has been a beach goer since the 60s, I call you a liar. Unless you are going to claim that the florida coastline is somehow exempt.
Yeah...yeah...sinking ocean floors...that's the ticket...sea levels aren't rising as predicted so lets tell them that the ocean floor is sinking...
That has zero to do with it. the oceans are rising, and you sound like a moron to imply some vast conspiracy.

Alas fort fun, it is you who comes across as a moron...when asked to provide just a single piece of observed, measured data that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability you can't manage it...rather than provide the data that would support your belief, you engage in logical fallacy, impotent name calling, and whatever other school yard tactics you can come up with...what you can't come up with is that single piece of real data to support your belief..that makes you come across as quite stupid..
Alas fort fun, it is you who comes across as a moron...when asked to provide just a single piece of observed, measured data that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability you can't manage it...rather than provide the data that would support your belief, you engage in logical fallacy, impotent name calling, and whatever other school yard tactics you can come up with...what you can't come up with is that single piece of real data to support your belief..that makes you come across as quite stupid..
This, from you who doesn't believe in science of the past 100 years, and can't supply observed, measured data that supports your beliefs that no other scientist agrees with? Sad.
Yeah...yeah...sinking ocean floors...that's the ticket...sea levels aren't rising as predicted so lets tell them that the ocean floor is sinking...
That has zero to do with it. the oceans are rising, and you sound like a moron to imply some vast conspiracy.

Alas fort fun, it is you who comes across as a moron...when asked to provide just a single piece of observed, measured data that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability you can't manage it...rather than provide the data that would support your belief, you engage in logical fallacy, impotent name calling, and whatever other school yard tactics you can come up with...what you can't come up with is that single piece of real data to support your belief..that makes you come across as quite stupid.. attention loser....I am not going to litigate the truth of accepted scientific theories with uneducated slobs on the internet. I am just going to ridicule you 90 pound weaklings who are here claiming you can beat up Mike Tyson in his prime. That's all. Any time any of you morons wants to put your money where ypur mouth is, publish some science. Speak at a university, or at a scientific society. Get in the ring with Mike Tyson, so to speak. You are not competent in this field of science and you are a shameless little liar. Thats why you are here, shouting into an echo chamber.

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