Not prosecuting Trump for Jan. 6 would fuel a 'much graver threat,' Liz Cheney says

Jul 26, 2010
North Carolina
The Justice Department should not avoid prosecuting Donald Trump in relation to the Jan. 6 Capitol attack if a prosecution is warranted, Rep. Liz Cheney said in an interview with ABC News' "This Week" co-anchor Jonathan Karl.

While bringing charges against the former president -- who may challenge President Joe Biden in 2024 -- would be unprecedented and "difficult" for the country, not doing so would support a "much graver constitutional threat," Cheney said Wednesday in an interview at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library that aired Sunday on "This Week."

"Are you worried about what that means for the country, to [see] a former president prosecuted? A former president who was a likely candidate; who may in fact be running for president against Biden?" Karl asked Cheney.

MORE: Charges for Trump or others not a 'principal interest,' Jan. 6 committee's Jamie Raskin says
"I think it's a much graver constitutional threat if a president can engage in these kinds of activities, and the majority of the president's party looks away; or we as a country decide we're not actually going to take our constitutional obligations seriously," Cheney said. "I think that's a much, a much more serious threat."

"I really believe we have to make these decisions, as difficult as it is, apart from politics. We really have to think about these from the perspective of: What does it mean for the country?" she said.

Of course you know Trump Humpers, right wingers and republicans want no part of that for Trumpy.

We can kill that slogan about "No man is above the Law" because that has been proven to be a lie time and time again.
This DNC witch hunt is the graver threat. Attempting to turn political opponents into enemies of the state is far more dangerous. Particularly so as the nation struggles and idiots like Cheney dance around pointing at a boogeyman called Trump. Only the dedicated America haters care about this silly January farce.
The Justice Department should not avoid prosecuting Donald Trump in relation to the Jan. 6 Capitol attack if a prosecution is warranted, Rep. Liz Cheney said in an interview with ABC News' "This Week" co-anchor Jonathan Karl.

While bringing charges against the former president -- who may challenge President Joe Biden in 2024 -- would be unprecedented and "difficult" for the country, not doing so would support a "much graver constitutional threat," Cheney said Wednesday in an interview at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library that aired Sunday on "This Week."

"Are you worried about what that means for the country, to [see] a former president prosecuted? A former president who was a likely candidate; who may in fact be running for president against Biden?" Karl asked Cheney.

MORE: Charges for Trump or others not a 'principal interest,' Jan. 6 committee's Jamie Raskin says
"I think it's a much graver constitutional threat if a president can engage in these kinds of activities, and the majority of the president's party looks away; or we as a country decide we're not actually going to take our constitutional obligations seriously," Cheney said. "I think that's a much, a much more serious threat."

"I really believe we have to make these decisions, as difficult as it is, apart from politics. We really have to think about these from the perspective of: What does it mean for the country?" she said.

Of course you know Trump Humpers, right wingers and republicans want no part of that for Trumpy.

We can kill that slogan about "No man is above the Law" because that has been proven to be a lie time and time again.
The Justice Department should not avoid prosecuting Donald Trump in relation to the Jan. 6 Capitol attack if a prosecution is warranted, Rep. Liz Cheney said in an interview with ABC News' "This Week" co-anchor Jonathan Karl.

While bringing charges against the former president -- who may challenge President Joe Biden in 2024 -- would be unprecedented and "difficult" for the country, not doing so would support a "much graver constitutional threat," Cheney said Wednesday in an interview at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library that aired Sunday on "This Week."

"Are you worried about what that means for the country, to [see] a former president prosecuted? A former president who was a likely candidate; who may in fact be running for president against Biden?" Karl asked Cheney.

MORE: Charges for Trump or others not a 'principal interest,' Jan. 6 committee's Jamie Raskin says
"I think it's a much graver constitutional threat if a president can engage in these kinds of activities, and the majority of the president's party looks away; or we as a country decide we're not actually going to take our constitutional obligations seriously," Cheney said. "I think that's a much, a much more serious threat."

"I really believe we have to make these decisions, as difficult as it is, apart from politics. We really have to think about these from the perspective of: What does it mean for the country?" she said.

Of course you know Trump Humpers, right wingers and republicans want no part of that for Trumpy.

We can kill that slogan about "No man is above the Law" because that has been proven to be a lie time and time again.
The only prosecution of Trump that will happen, will happen right before the election to smear him..........again

But at the end of the day, nothing will come of it..................again.

Those in the Federal government are just like monkeys slinging poo.

Not interested in their stupidity anymore. If crimes have been committed do your damned job and hold him to account. Don't hold TV hearings 24/7 for 10 years to convince us all, just do your freakin jobs or STFU cuz you are all ugly and have zero charisma and for the most part stupid.

The same libs that are talking about prosecuting Trump also talked about prosecuting Dick Cheney.

The followup question for Rep. Cheney is what kind of precedent did letting the former VP to skate for a crimes against humanity rap? Would she be willing to extradite him to The Hague- in the interest of fairness?
I'll settle for an indictment and a hefty fine.
Prison would be a bonus.

Oh yeah, can't impeach someone who isn't President. :)
Oh yeah, can't impeach someone who isn't President.

Someone needs to tell Pelosi and Schiff.

"I'll settle for an indictment and a hefty fine.
Prison would be a bonus."

based on hearsay evidence?
The Justice Department should not avoid prosecuting Donald Trump in relation to the Jan. 6 Capitol attack if a prosecution is warranted, Rep. Liz Cheney said in an interview with ABC News' "This Week" co-anchor Jonathan Karl.

While bringing charges against the former president -- who may challenge President Joe Biden in 2024 -- would be unprecedented and "difficult" for the country, not doing so would support a "much graver constitutional threat," Cheney said Wednesday in an interview at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library that aired Sunday on "This Week."

"Are you worried about what that means for the country, to [see] a former president prosecuted? A former president who was a likely candidate; who may in fact be running for president against Biden?" Karl asked Cheney.

MORE: Charges for Trump or others not a 'principal interest,' Jan. 6 committee's Jamie Raskin says
"I think it's a much graver constitutional threat if a president can engage in these kinds of activities, and the majority of the president's party looks away; or we as a country decide we're not actually going to take our constitutional obligations seriously," Cheney said. "I think that's a much, a much more serious threat."

"I really believe we have to make these decisions, as difficult as it is, apart from politics. We really have to think about these from the perspective of: What does it mean for the country?" she said.

Of course you know Trump Humpers, right wingers and republicans want no part of that for Trumpy.

We can kill that slogan about "No man is above the Law" because that has been proven to be a lie time and time again.

Nice to see you young Black men finally coming around, and realizing how much more those Republicans care about you folks. Granted, Cheney is not one of my favorite Republicans, but obviously you like her.

So I take it you'll be voting Republican this time? Well come on down, there's plenty of room for new members.

House Select Committee must not give the Republican Party a free pass​

In six presentations in June, the House Select Committee on Jan. 6 made a clear, compelling, and convincing case that Donald Trump: 1) continued to claim he won the 2020 presidential election after members of his administration, including then-Attorney General Bill Barr, repeatedly informed him there was no evidence of widespread fraud; 2) told Vice President Mike Pence to use powers he did not have under the U.S. Constitution to reject Electoral College results and ridiculed him when he refused to do so; 3) pressured legislators in battleground states to overturn already certified election returns; 4) instructed Department of Justice officials to send official communications to battleground states stating they were investigating credible claims of election fraud and planned to fire them when they refused; 5) badgered state election officials to find the votes he needed to win; 6) falsely accused local election workers of tampering with ballots, exposing them to death threats; 7) endorsed a scheme to send fake Electoral College slates to the National Archives, Congress, and Vice President Pence; 8) ordered security precautions for his rally at the Ellipse lifted after officials discovered that members of the crowd had weapons and body armor because ‘no one intended to harm him;’ and 9) after exhorting his supporters to “fight like hell,” did nothing to stop the insurrection, despite pleas from members of his family, ardent supporters in Congress and the media, when the mob broke into the Capitol to “Stop the Steal” and “hang Mike Pence.”

House Select Committee must not give the Republican Party a free pass​

In six presentations in June, the House Select Committee on Jan. 6 made a clear, compelling, and convincing case that Donald Trump: 1) continued to claim he won the 2020 presidential election after members of his administration, including then-Attorney General Bill Barr, repeatedly informed him there was no evidence of widespread fraud; 2) told Vice President Mike Pence to use powers he did not have under the U.S. Constitution to reject Electoral College results and ridiculed him when he refused to do so; 3) pressured legislators in battleground states to overturn already certified election returns; 4) instructed Department of Justice officials to send official communications to battleground states stating they were investigating credible claims of election fraud and planned to fire them when they refused; 5) badgered state election officials to find the votes he needed to win; 6) falsely accused local election workers of tampering with ballots, exposing them to death threats; 7) endorsed a scheme to send fake Electoral College slates to the National Archives, Congress, and Vice President Pence; 8) ordered security precautions for his rally at the Ellipse lifted after officials discovered that members of the crowd had weapons and body armor because ‘no one intended to harm him;’ and 9) after exhorting his supporters to “fight like hell,” did nothing to stop the insurrection, despite pleas from members of his family, ardent supporters in Congress and the media, when the mob broke into the Capitol to “Stop the Steal” and “hang Mike Pence.”

MSN is fake news.

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