Not Looking Good For The Democrats...


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "The Hill Poll: Voter gloom over Obama’s jobs, gas, debt policies

2. Half of likely voters expect the Supreme Court to strike down President Obama’s signature healthcare law, and strong majorities see other major policies coming from the White House making life more difficult for themselves and the country, according to this week’s The Hill Poll.

3. The poll indicated that 49 percent of likely voters said they expect a court ruling that is unfavorable to the Affordable Care Act, while just 29 percent think it will be upheld and 22 percent aren’t sure.

4. On economic issues, 62 percent of voters say Obama’s policies will increase the debt, while 25 percent think they will cut it, and by a 48-percent-to-38-percent margin, voters believe those policies will increase joblessness rather than put people back to work.

5. On energy, 58 percent say Obama’s policies will result in gasoline prices increasing, while just 20 percent expect them to cut prices — and by a 46-percent-to-36-percent margin, voters believe they will cause the United States to become even more dependent on foreign oil.

6. Voters’ wide-ranging pessimism comes as gasoline prices have risen sharply, which often dampens attitudes among U.S. voters toward those in power,...

7. ...a Fox News poll released Wednesday found that 58 percent of voters had seen signs of economic progress. And a Washington Post/ABC News poll that concluded March 10 found that 49 percent think the economy is beginning to recover, compared with 36 percent in November.

8. On every question, a majority or plurality of white voters said they expected Obama’s policies to fail — while a majority or plurality of black voters expect them to succeed.

a. ... blacks by a 46-percent-to-39-percent margin...

9. There also is a slight gender gap between men and women, although both concluded that most of Obama’s policies would be counterproductive.

10. Sixty-nine percent of independents predicted the federal debt would increase as a result of Obama’s presidency, and 61 percent predicted an increase in gas prices."
The Hill Poll: Voter gloom over Obama

An aside....I believe that if the Supreme Court finds against ObamaCare...this would actually increase the President's chances, as it reduces the immediacy of voting against him...

....but he'll still lose.
1. "The Hill Poll: Voter gloom over Obama’s jobs, gas, debt policies

2. Half of likely voters expect the Supreme Court to strike down President Obama’s signature healthcare law, and strong majorities see other major policies coming from the White House making life more difficult for themselves and the country, according to this week’s The Hill Poll.

3. The poll indicated that 49 percent of likely voters said they expect a court ruling that is unfavorable to the Affordable Care Act, while just 29 percent think it will be upheld and 22 percent aren’t sure.

4. On economic issues, 62 percent of voters say Obama’s policies will increase the debt, while 25 percent think they will cut it, and by a 48-percent-to-38-percent margin, voters believe those policies will increase joblessness rather than put people back to work.

5. On energy, 58 percent say Obama’s policies will result in gasoline prices increasing, while just 20 percent expect them to cut prices — and by a 46-percent-to-36-percent margin, voters believe they will cause the United States to become even more dependent on foreign oil.

6. Voters’ wide-ranging pessimism comes as gasoline prices have risen sharply, which often dampens attitudes among U.S. voters toward those in power,...

7. ...a Fox News poll released Wednesday found that 58 percent of voters had seen signs of economic progress. And a Washington Post/ABC News poll that concluded March 10 found that 49 percent think the economy is beginning to recover, compared with 36 percent in November.

8. On every question, a majority or plurality of white voters said they expected Obama’s policies to fail — while a majority or plurality of black voters expect them to succeed.

a. ... blacks by a 46-percent-to-39-percent margin...

9. There also is a slight gender gap between men and women, although both concluded that most of Obama’s policies would be counterproductive.

10. Sixty-nine percent of independents predicted the federal debt would increase as a result of Obama’s presidency, and 61 percent predicted an increase in gas prices."
The Hill Poll: Voter gloom over Obama

An aside....I believe that if the Supreme Court finds against ObamaCare...this would actually increase the President's chances, as it reduces the immediacy of voting against him...

....but he'll still lose.

Obama will be in office until 2016. The Dems should lose the Senate though.
Stick a fork in him, he's toast.

He's toxic waste to Jews, Moderates and everyone to the right of Chairman Mao
1. "The Hill Poll: Voter gloom over Obama’s jobs, gas, debt policies

2. Half of likely voters expect the Supreme Court to strike down President Obama’s signature healthcare law, and strong majorities see other major policies coming from the White House making life more difficult for themselves and the country, according to this week’s The Hill Poll.

3. The poll indicated that 49 percent of likely voters said they expect a court ruling that is unfavorable to the Affordable Care Act, while just 29 percent think it will be upheld and 22 percent aren’t sure.

4. On economic issues, 62 percent of voters say Obama’s policies will increase the debt, while 25 percent think they will cut it, and by a 48-percent-to-38-percent margin, voters believe those policies will increase joblessness rather than put people back to work.

5. On energy, 58 percent say Obama’s policies will result in gasoline prices increasing, while just 20 percent expect them to cut prices — and by a 46-percent-to-36-percent margin, voters believe they will cause the United States to become even more dependent on foreign oil.

6. Voters’ wide-ranging pessimism comes as gasoline prices have risen sharply, which often dampens attitudes among U.S. voters toward those in power,...

7. ...a Fox News poll released Wednesday found that 58 percent of voters had seen signs of economic progress. And a Washington Post/ABC News poll that concluded March 10 found that 49 percent think the economy is beginning to recover, compared with 36 percent in November.

8. On every question, a majority or plurality of white voters said they expected Obama’s policies to fail — while a majority or plurality of black voters expect them to succeed.

a. ... blacks by a 46-percent-to-39-percent margin...

9. There also is a slight gender gap between men and women, although both concluded that most of Obama’s policies would be counterproductive.

10. Sixty-nine percent of independents predicted the federal debt would increase as a result of Obama’s presidency, and 61 percent predicted an increase in gas prices."
The Hill Poll: Voter gloom over Obama

An aside....I believe that if the Supreme Court finds against ObamaCare...this would actually increase the President's chances, as it reduces the immediacy of voting against him...

....but he'll still lose.

Obama will be in office until 2016. The Dems should lose the Senate though.

The Republicans had the Senate in 2010 and they fucked it up. I fully expect them to do the same in 2012. All they have to do is keep their mouths shut and ride the wave of Congressional discontent among voters

I seriously doubt they can keep their mouths shut
Notably, a Fox News poll released Wednesday found that 58 percent of voters had seen signs of economic progress. And a Washington Post/ABC News poll that concluded March 10 found that 49 percent think the economy is beginning to recover, compared with 36 percent in November.

The poll did not include questions about recent conflicts over the Obama administration’s birth-control coverage mandate, including comments by conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh that a young woman was a “slut” and a “prostitute” for supporting the policy in testimony before Congress.

From your cite.

What makes you think CONZ will escape voters wrath?
Wishful thinking? It's not like you've done a lot legislatively, have you.

I would not be surprised if the dems retook the house and widened the gap in the Senate.
1. "The Hill Poll: Voter gloom over Obama’s jobs, gas, debt policies

2. Half of likely voters expect the Supreme Court to strike down President Obama’s signature healthcare law, and strong majorities see other major policies coming from the White House making life more difficult for themselves and the country, according to this week’s The Hill Poll.

3. The poll indicated that 49 percent of likely voters said they expect a court ruling that is unfavorable to the Affordable Care Act, while just 29 percent think it will be upheld and 22 percent aren’t sure.

4. On economic issues, 62 percent of voters say Obama’s policies will increase the debt, while 25 percent think they will cut it, and by a 48-percent-to-38-percent margin, voters believe those policies will increase joblessness rather than put people back to work.

5. On energy, 58 percent say Obama’s policies will result in gasoline prices increasing, while just 20 percent expect them to cut prices — and by a 46-percent-to-36-percent margin, voters believe they will cause the United States to become even more dependent on foreign oil.

6. Voters’ wide-ranging pessimism comes as gasoline prices have risen sharply, which often dampens attitudes among U.S. voters toward those in power,...

7. ...a Fox News poll released Wednesday found that 58 percent of voters had seen signs of economic progress. And a Washington Post/ABC News poll that concluded March 10 found that 49 percent think the economy is beginning to recover, compared with 36 percent in November.

8. On every question, a majority or plurality of white voters said they expected Obama’s policies to fail — while a majority or plurality of black voters expect them to succeed.

a. ... blacks by a 46-percent-to-39-percent margin...

9. There also is a slight gender gap between men and women, although both concluded that most of Obama’s policies would be counterproductive.

10. Sixty-nine percent of independents predicted the federal debt would increase as a result of Obama’s presidency, and 61 percent predicted an increase in gas prices."
The Hill Poll: Voter gloom over Obama

An aside....I believe that if the Supreme Court finds against ObamaCare...this would actually increase the President's chances, as it reduces the immediacy of voting against him...

....but he'll still lose.

Obama will be in office until 2016. The Dems should lose the Senate though.

The Republicans had the Senate in 2010 and they fucked it up. I fully expect them to do the same in 2012. All they have to do is keep their mouths shut and ride the wave of Congressional discontent among voters

I seriously doubt they can keep their mouths shut

How exactly did they fuck it up? They had a democrat controlled senate that would not even bring any bills to the floor that the house sent to them. If anybody fucked shit up it was the democrat controlled senate, not the house GOP. And most people out there who are aware of how shit works sees it. The only thing you can do now is hope the ignorant voters of the democrat party dont catch on.
Notably, a Fox News poll released Wednesday found that 58 percent of voters had seen signs of economic progress. And a Washington Post/ABC News poll that concluded March 10 found that 49 percent think the economy is beginning to recover, compared with 36 percent in November.

The poll did not include questions about recent conflicts over the Obama administration’s birth-control coverage mandate, including comments by conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh that a young woman was a “slut” and a “prostitute” for supporting the policy in testimony before Congress.

From your cite.

What makes you think CONZ will escape voters wrath?
Wishful thinking? It's not like you've done a lot legislatively, have you.

I would not be surprised if the dems retook the house and widened the gap in the Senate.

It would be nice if there was an actual recovery, but those of us living in reality just dont see it. Numbers boosting at it's best.
Obama will be in office until 2016. The Dems should lose the Senate though.

The Republicans had the Senate in 2010 and they fucked it up. I fully expect them to do the same in 2012. All they have to do is keep their mouths shut and ride the wave of Congressional discontent among voters

I seriously doubt they can keep their mouths shut

How exactly did they fuck it up? They had a democrat controlled senate that would not even bring any bills to the floor that the house sent to them. If anybody fucked shit up it was the democrat controlled senate, not the house GOP. And most people out there who are aware of how shit works sees it. The only thing you can do now is hope the ignorant voters of the democrat party dont catch on.

Sharon Angle
Christine O'Donnell
Carl Palodino
1. "The Hill Poll: Voter gloom over Obama’s jobs, gas, debt policies

2. Half of likely voters expect the Supreme Court to strike down President Obama’s signature healthcare law, and strong majorities see other major policies coming from the White House making life more difficult for themselves and the country, according to this week’s The Hill Poll.

3. The poll indicated that 49 percent of likely voters said they expect a court ruling that is unfavorable to the Affordable Care Act, while just 29 percent think it will be upheld and 22 percent aren’t sure.

4. On economic issues, 62 percent of voters say Obama’s policies will increase the debt, while 25 percent think they will cut it, and by a 48-percent-to-38-percent margin, voters believe those policies will increase joblessness rather than put people back to work.

5. On energy, 58 percent say Obama’s policies will result in gasoline prices increasing, while just 20 percent expect them to cut prices — and by a 46-percent-to-36-percent margin, voters believe they will cause the United States to become even more dependent on foreign oil.

6. Voters’ wide-ranging pessimism comes as gasoline prices have risen sharply, which often dampens attitudes among U.S. voters toward those in power,...

7. ...a Fox News poll released Wednesday found that 58 percent of voters had seen signs of economic progress. And a Washington Post/ABC News poll that concluded March 10 found that 49 percent think the economy is beginning to recover, compared with 36 percent in November.

8. On every question, a majority or plurality of white voters said they expected Obama’s policies to fail — while a majority or plurality of black voters expect them to succeed.

a. ... blacks by a 46-percent-to-39-percent margin...

9. There also is a slight gender gap between men and women, although both concluded that most of Obama’s policies would be counterproductive.

10. Sixty-nine percent of independents predicted the federal debt would increase as a result of Obama’s presidency, and 61 percent predicted an increase in gas prices."
The Hill Poll: Voter gloom over Obama

An aside....I believe that if the Supreme Court finds against ObamaCare...this would actually increase the President's chances, as it reduces the immediacy of voting against him...

....but he'll still lose.

Obama will be in office until 2016. The Dems should lose the Senate though.

The Republicans had the Senate in 2010 and they fucked it up. I fully expect them to do the same in 2012. All they have to do is keep their mouths shut and ride the wave of Congressional discontent among voters

I seriously doubt they can keep their mouths shut

No they didn't.... the dems have been in control of the Senate for years.

Good grief.
Obama will be in office until 2016. The Dems should lose the Senate though.

The Republicans had the Senate in 2010 and they fucked it up. I fully expect them to do the same in 2012. All they have to do is keep their mouths shut and ride the wave of Congressional discontent among voters

I seriously doubt they can keep their mouths shut

No they didn't.... the dems have been in control of the Senate for years.

Good grief.

Good Gaws Sog.

You really don't really think that facts are what the left want to hear do ya?? Jeeze.
Plus there's this: what happens if we have a successful terrorist attack here before election day? If it appears that Obama's policies were inadequate, that'll really kill his chances. Other issue is, will Israel strike Iran's nuke facilities? That whole region could go up in war and conflict, and Obama could get some blame for it. As it is, it's hard to believe he'll get nearly as much support from the Jewish voters that he got in 2008.
Obama will be in office until 2016. The Dems should lose the Senate though.

The Republicans had the Senate in 2010 and they fucked it up. I fully expect them to do the same in 2012. All they have to do is keep their mouths shut and ride the wave of Congressional discontent among voters

I seriously doubt they can keep their mouths shut

No they didn't.... the dems have been in control of the Senate for years.

Good grief.

Yup.....and the TeaTards sure ruined the Republicans chances to take it back didn't they?

Christine O'Donnell. :lol:
Plus there's this: what happens if we have a successful terrorist attack here before election day? If it appears that Obama's policies were inadequate, that'll really kill his chances. Other issue is, will Israel strike Iran's nuke facilities? That whole region could go up in war and conflict, and Obama could get some blame for it. As it is, it's hard to believe he'll get nearly as much support from the Jewish voters that he got in 2008.

I Guess Republicans can always pray can't they?
The Republicans had the Senate in 2010 and they fucked it up. I fully expect them to do the same in 2012. All they have to do is keep their mouths shut and ride the wave of Congressional discontent among voters

I seriously doubt they can keep their mouths shut

No they didn't.... the dems have been in control of the Senate for years.

Good grief.

Yup.....and the TeaTards sure ruined the Republicans chances to take it back didn't they?

Christine O'Donnell. :lol:
"i'm not a witch...... i'm you"
Plus there's this: what happens if we have a successful terrorist attack here before election day? If it appears that Obama's policies were inadequate, that'll really kill his chances. Other issue is, will Israel strike Iran's nuke facilities? That whole region could go up in war and conflict, and Obama could get some blame for it. As it is, it's hard to believe he'll get nearly as much support from the Jewish voters that he got in 2008.

I Guess Republicans can always pray can't they?

Sure, about as much as the Dems did for more bodybags coming home from Iraq when Bush was in office. Never said I wanted any of this to happen, but the reality is that it's possible. And quite frankly, I'm not too thrilled with Obama's handling of foreign policy or with terrorism.
Plus there's this: what happens if we have a successful terrorist attack here before election day? If it appears that Obama's policies were inadequate, that'll really kill his chances. Other issue is, will Israel strike Iran's nuke facilities? That whole region could go up in war and conflict, and Obama could get some blame for it. As it is, it's hard to believe he'll get nearly as much support from the Jewish voters that he got in 2008.

I Guess Republicans can always pray can't they?

Sure, about as much as the Dems did for more bodybags coming home from Iraq when Bush was in office. Never said I wanted any of this to happen, but the reality is that it's possible. And quite frankly, I'm not too thrilled with Obama's handling of foreign policy or with terrorism.
what dont you agree with?
Last edited:
I Guess Republicans can always pray can't they?

Sure, about as much as the Dems did for more bodybags coming home from Iraq when Bush was in office. Never said I wanted any of this to happen, but the reality is that it's possible. And quite frankly, I'm not too thrilled with Obama's handling of foreign policy or with terrorism.
what dont you agree with?

I support Obama over the buffoons that the GOP has put up to run against him, however, I completely disagreed with Obama's "doubling down" on Afghanistan. He should have pulled our troops out of there, just as he planned to do with the ones in Iraq. Mistake on his part, IMHO.
1. "The Hill Poll: Voter gloom over Obama’s jobs, gas, debt policies

2. Half of likely voters expect the Supreme Court to strike down President Obama’s signature healthcare law, and strong majorities see other major policies coming from the White House making life more difficult for themselves and the country, according to this week’s The Hill Poll.

3. The poll indicated that 49 percent of likely voters said they expect a court ruling that is unfavorable to the Affordable Care Act, while just 29 percent think it will be upheld and 22 percent aren’t sure.

4. On economic issues, 62 percent of voters say Obama’s policies will increase the debt, while 25 percent think they will cut it, and by a 48-percent-to-38-percent margin, voters believe those policies will increase joblessness rather than put people back to work.

5. On energy, 58 percent say Obama’s policies will result in gasoline prices increasing, while just 20 percent expect them to cut prices — and by a 46-percent-to-36-percent margin, voters believe they will cause the United States to become even more dependent on foreign oil.

6. Voters’ wide-ranging pessimism comes as gasoline prices have risen sharply, which often dampens attitudes among U.S. voters toward those in power,...

7. ...a Fox News poll released Wednesday found that 58 percent of voters had seen signs of economic progress. And a Washington Post/ABC News poll that concluded March 10 found that 49 percent think the economy is beginning to recover, compared with 36 percent in November.

8. On every question, a majority or plurality of white voters said they expected Obama’s policies to fail — while a majority or plurality of black voters expect them to succeed.

a. ... blacks by a 46-percent-to-39-percent margin...

9. There also is a slight gender gap between men and women, although both concluded that most of Obama’s policies would be counterproductive.

10. Sixty-nine percent of independents predicted the federal debt would increase as a result of Obama’s presidency, and 61 percent predicted an increase in gas prices."
The Hill Poll: Voter gloom over Obama

An aside....I believe that if the Supreme Court finds against ObamaCare...this would actually increase the President's chances, as it reduces the immediacy of voting against him...

....but he'll still lose.

Obama will be in office until 2016. The Dems should lose the Senate though.

They aren't going to lose the senate either.

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