Not all of the 4,743 lynchings in America were blacks.......


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968
From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the lynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.
I see the monkeys still have the blood lust in them.

Racist Halloween Display Showing A Lynching Of African American Family Have Been Removed From Ft. Campbell Home Ear Hustle 411

From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the lynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

I wonder if Rosewood and Black Wall Street statistics are included in the lynching
From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the

ynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

Every year some of those souvenirs is a part of American history that some are still profiting from.

Lynching postcard is for sale in Duluth Star Tribune
From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the lynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

I wonder if Rosewood and Black Wall Street statistics are included in the lynching
From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the

ynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

Every year some of those souvenirs is a part of American history that some are still profiting from.

Lynching postcard is for sale in Duluth Star Tribune
You are obviously very ignorant of humans degradation of captive humans and like most ignorant people depend on
anything that makes you "appear" more intelligent by ignoring realities.
Here are some descriptions of "non-whites" treatment of captives, i.e. some are slaves!
Nelson Mandela's wife ,Winnie's favorite "torture" method..
controversial activist, she remains popular among her supporters, who refer to her as the 'Mother of the Nation', yet reviled by others after the South African Truth and Reconciliation commission found that she had personally been responsible for the murder, torture, abduction and assault of numerous men, women and children, as well as indirectly responsible for an even larger number of such crimes.[5]
"Necklacing" ... off your face and having to deal with the smell of burn popcorn that is your skin. Necklacing has been used in Africa since the 80's to set an example.
Screen Shot 2014-10-31 at 7.38.16 AM.png

Or how about the American Indians for cruelty?

In nearly every instance the Iroquois ate parts of the bodies of war prisoners who had been tortured to death. In Father Vimont’s previous account it was the heart or other internal organs that were consumed as well as the hands and feet of the tortured prisoner. Another Jesuit gives this account: "having cut off (the captive’s) hands and feet, (the Iroquois) skinned him and separated the flesh from the bones, in order to make from it a detestable repast." Further accounts include multiple mentions of the cannibalistic "customary feasts" of the Iroquois. There is obviously more to this form of cannibalism than the necessity of consuming human flesh to stay alive in hard times.
David Scheimann

See I can go on and on bringing equity to the vast ignorance of supposedly "intelligent" White elitists who want to make
people think ONLY White Men are the bad people in the world. GROW UP idiots!
From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the lynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

I wonder if Rosewood and Black Wall Street statistics are included in the lynching
From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the

ynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

Every year some of those souvenirs is a part of American history that some are still profiting from.

Lynching postcard is for sale in Duluth Star Tribune
You are obviously very ignorant of humans degradation of captive humans and like most ignorant people depend on
anything that makes you "appear" more intelligent by ignoring realities.
Here are some descriptions of "non-whites" treatment of captives, i.e. some are slaves!
Nelson Mandela's wife ,Winnie's favorite "torture" method..
controversial activist, she remains popular among her supporters, who refer to her as the 'Mother of the Nation', yet reviled by others after the South African Truth and Reconciliation commission found that she had personally been responsible for the murder, torture, abduction and assault of numerous men, women and children, as well as indirectly responsible for an even larger number of such crimes.[5]
"Necklacing" ... off your face and having to deal with the smell of burn popcorn that is your skin. Necklacing has been used in Africa since the 80's to set an example.
View attachment 33654

Or how about the American Indians for cruelty?

In nearly every instance the Iroquois ate parts of the bodies of war prisoners who had been tortured to death. In Father Vimont’s previous account it was the heart or other internal organs that were consumed as well as the hands and feet of the tortured prisoner. Another Jesuit gives this account: "having cut off (the captive’s) hands and feet, (the Iroquois) skinned him and separated the flesh from the bones, in order to make from it a detestable repast." Further accounts include multiple mentions of the cannibalistic "customary feasts" of the Iroquois. There is obviously more to this form of cannibalism than the necessity of consuming human flesh to stay alive in hard times.
David Scheimann

See I can go on and on bringing equity to the vast ignorance of supposedly "intelligent" White elitists who want to make
people think ONLY White Men are the bad people in the world. GROW UP idiots!

And you are a fool. First YOU post a link about lynchings IN AMERICA, then become overly sensitive when I posted a link about a lynching souvenir for sale IN AMERICA, then go off on a tangent about something that happened IN AFRICA that was is not even relative to YOUR thread. And where was amything posted stating "ONLY WHITE PEOPLE ARE BAD?"

Are you really that immature and insecure?or do you have a persecution complex?

Wake up idiots is right!

Please start with yourself.
Last edited:
From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the lynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

I wonder if Rosewood and Black Wall Street statistics are included in the lynching
From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the

ynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

Every year some of those souvenirs is a part of American history that some are still profiting from.

Lynching postcard is for sale in Duluth Star Tribune
You are obviously very ignorant of humans degradation of captive humans and like most ignorant people depend on
anything that makes you "appear" more intelligent by ignoring realities.
Here are some descriptions of "non-whites" treatment of captives, i.e. some are slaves!
Nelson Mandela's wife ,Winnie's favorite "torture" method..
controversial activist, she remains popular among her supporters, who refer to her as the 'Mother of the Nation', yet reviled by others after the South African Truth and Reconciliation commission found that she had personally been responsible for the murder, torture, abduction and assault of numerous men, women and children, as well as indirectly responsible for an even larger number of such crimes.[5]
"Necklacing" ... off your face and having to deal with the smell of burn popcorn that is your skin. Necklacing has been used in Africa since the 80's to set an example.
View attachment 33654

Or how about the American Indians for cruelty?

In nearly every instance the Iroquois ate parts of the bodies of war prisoners who had been tortured to death. In Father Vimont’s previous account it was the heart or other internal organs that were consumed as well as the hands and feet of the tortured prisoner. Another Jesuit gives this account: "having cut off (the captive’s) hands and feet, (the Iroquois) skinned him and separated the flesh from the bones, in order to make from it a detestable repast." Further accounts include multiple mentions of the cannibalistic "customary feasts" of the Iroquois. There is obviously more to this form of cannibalism than the necessity of consuming human flesh to stay alive in hard times.
David Scheimann

See I can go on and on bringing equity to the vast ignorance of supposedly "intelligent" White elitists who want to make
people think ONLY White Men are the bad people in the world. GROW UP idiots!
Your diversion was noted. You got your feelings hurt because you looked like a fool. If you insist on diverting from your own OP I submit the Holocaust.

From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the lynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

I wonder if Rosewood and Black Wall Street statistics are included in the lynching
From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the

ynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

Every year some of those souvenirs is a part of American history that some are still profiting from.

Lynching postcard is for sale in Duluth Star Tribune
You are obviously very ignorant of humans degradation of captive humans and like most ignorant people depend on
anything that makes you "appear" more intelligent by ignoring realities.
Here are some descriptions of "non-whites" treatment of captives, i.e. some are slaves!
Nelson Mandela's wife ,Winnie's favorite "torture" method..
controversial activist, she remains popular among her supporters, who refer to her as the 'Mother of the Nation', yet reviled by others after the South African Truth and Reconciliation commission found that she had personally been responsible for the murder, torture, abduction and assault of numerous men, women and children, as well as indirectly responsible for an even larger number of such crimes.[5]
"Necklacing" ... off your face and having to deal with the smell of burn popcorn that is your skin. Necklacing has been used in Africa since the 80's to set an example.
View attachment 33654

Or how about the American Indians for cruelty?

In nearly every instance the Iroquois ate parts of the bodies of war prisoners who had been tortured to death. In Father Vimont’s previous account it was the heart or other internal organs that were consumed as well as the hands and feet of the tortured prisoner. Another Jesuit gives this account: "having cut off (the captive’s) hands and feet, (the Iroquois) skinned him and separated the flesh from the bones, in order to make from it a detestable repast." Further accounts include multiple mentions of the cannibalistic "customary feasts" of the Iroquois. There is obviously more to this form of cannibalism than the necessity of consuming human flesh to stay alive in hard times.
David Scheimann

See I can go on and on bringing equity to the vast ignorance of supposedly "intelligent" White elitists who want to make
people think ONLY White Men are the bad people in the world. GROW UP idiots!
Your diversion was noted. You got your feelings hurt because you looked like a fool. If you insist on diverting from your own OP I submit the Holocaust.

Exactly! Why put up a topic then proceed to get offended when someone adds relevant feedback to the topic?
From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the lynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

I wonder if Rosewood and Black Wall Street statistics are included in the lynching
From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the

ynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

Every year some of those souvenirs is a part of American history that some are still profiting from.

Lynching postcard is for sale in Duluth Star Tribune
You are obviously very ignorant of humans degradation of captive humans and like most ignorant people depend on
anything that makes you "appear" more intelligent by ignoring realities.
Here are some descriptions of "non-whites" treatment of captives, i.e. some are slaves!
Nelson Mandela's wife ,Winnie's favorite "torture" method..
controversial activist, she remains popular among her supporters, who refer to her as the 'Mother of the Nation', yet reviled by others after the South African Truth and Reconciliation commission found that she had personally been responsible for the murder, torture, abduction and assault of numerous men, women and children, as well as indirectly responsible for an even larger number of such crimes.[5]
"Necklacing" ... off your face and having to deal with the smell of burn popcorn that is your skin. Necklacing has been used in Africa since the 80's to set an example.
View attachment 33654

Or how about the American Indians for cruelty?

In nearly every instance the Iroquois ate parts of the bodies of war prisoners who had been tortured to death. In Father Vimont’s previous account it was the heart or other internal organs that were consumed as well as the hands and feet of the tortured prisoner. Another Jesuit gives this account: "having cut off (the captive’s) hands and feet, (the Iroquois) skinned him and separated the flesh from the bones, in order to make from it a detestable repast." Further accounts include multiple mentions of the cannibalistic "customary feasts" of the Iroquois. There is obviously more to this form of cannibalism than the necessity of consuming human flesh to stay alive in hard times.
David Scheimann

See I can go on and on bringing equity to the vast ignorance of supposedly "intelligent" White elitists who want to make
people think ONLY White Men are the bad people in the world. GROW UP idiots!
Your diversion was noted. You got your feelings hurt because you looked like a fool. If you insist on diverting from your own OP I submit the Holocaust.

Exactly! Why put up a topic then proceed to get offended when someone adds relevant feedback to the topic?

Typically that means the fallacy in the post was exposed after the first couple of responses to the thread.
From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the lynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

I wonder if Rosewood and Black Wall Street statistics are included in the lynching
From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the

ynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

Every year some of those souvenirs is a part of American history that some are still profiting from.

Lynching postcard is for sale in Duluth Star Tribune
You are obviously very ignorant of humans degradation of captive humans and like most ignorant people depend on
anything that makes you "appear" more intelligent by ignoring realities.
Here are some descriptions of "non-whites" treatment of captives, i.e. some are slaves!
Nelson Mandela's wife ,Winnie's favorite "torture" method..
controversial activist, she remains popular among her supporters, who refer to her as the 'Mother of the Nation', yet reviled by others after the South African Truth and Reconciliation commission found that she had personally been responsible for the murder, torture, abduction and assault of numerous men, women and children, as well as indirectly responsible for an even larger number of such crimes.[5]
"Necklacing" ... off your face and having to deal with the smell of burn popcorn that is your skin. Necklacing has been used in Africa since the 80's to set an example.
View attachment 33654

Or how about the American Indians for cruelty?

In nearly every instance the Iroquois ate parts of the bodies of war prisoners who had been tortured to death. In Father Vimont’s previous account it was the heart or other internal organs that were consumed as well as the hands and feet of the tortured prisoner. Another Jesuit gives this account: "having cut off (the captive’s) hands and feet, (the Iroquois) skinned him and separated the flesh from the bones, in order to make from it a detestable repast." Further accounts include multiple mentions of the cannibalistic "customary feasts" of the Iroquois. There is obviously more to this form of cannibalism than the necessity of consuming human flesh to stay alive in hard times.
David Scheimann

See I can go on and on bringing equity to the vast ignorance of supposedly "intelligent" White elitists who want to make
people think ONLY White Men are the bad people in the world. GROW UP idiots!
Your diversion was noted. You got your feelings hurt because you looked like a fool. If you insist on diverting from your own OP I submit the Holocaust.


Again.. big bad white people murdering other white people.
Strange you seem to forget the largest genocide examples.. China..
asian on asian...
Mr Dikötter, who has been studying Chinese rural history from 1958 to 1962, when the nation was facing a famine, compared the systematic torture, brutality, starvation and killing of Chinese peasants to the Second World War in its magnitude.
At least 45 million people were worked, starved or beaten to death in China over these four years;
Mao s Great Leap Forward killed 45 million in four years - News - Books - The Independent
From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968

Doesn't even begin to stack up to the number of kids killed in Chicago since 1968.

That said, sometimes a lynching is in order.

Case in point:
KATC report Video shows residents confronting driver following accident where two children were struck killed News The Advocate mdash Baton Rouge Louisiana
I wish they had stoned him to death on the spot.
From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the lynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

I wonder if Rosewood and Black Wall Street statistics are included in the lynching
From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the

ynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

Every year some of those souvenirs is a part of American history that some are still profiting from.

Lynching postcard is for sale in Duluth Star Tribune
You are obviously very ignorant of humans degradation of captive humans and like most ignorant people depend on
anything that makes you "appear" more intelligent by ignoring realities.
Here are some descriptions of "non-whites" treatment of captives, i.e. some are slaves!
Nelson Mandela's wife ,Winnie's favorite "torture" method..
controversial activist, she remains popular among her supporters, who refer to her as the 'Mother of the Nation', yet reviled by others after the South African Truth and Reconciliation commission found that she had personally been responsible for the murder, torture, abduction and assault of numerous men, women and children, as well as indirectly responsible for an even larger number of such crimes.[5]
"Necklacing" ... off your face and having to deal with the smell of burn popcorn that is your skin. Necklacing has been used in Africa since the 80's to set an example.
View attachment 33654

Or how about the American Indians for cruelty?

In nearly every instance the Iroquois ate parts of the bodies of war prisoners who had been tortured to death. In Father Vimont’s previous account it was the heart or other internal organs that were consumed as well as the hands and feet of the tortured prisoner. Another Jesuit gives this account: "having cut off (the captive’s) hands and feet, (the Iroquois) skinned him and separated the flesh from the bones, in order to make from it a detestable repast." Further accounts include multiple mentions of the cannibalistic "customary feasts" of the Iroquois. There is obviously more to this form of cannibalism than the necessity of consuming human flesh to stay alive in hard times.
David Scheimann

See I can go on and on bringing equity to the vast ignorance of supposedly "intelligent" White elitists who want to make
people think ONLY White Men are the bad people in the world. GROW UP idiots!
Your diversion was noted. You got your feelings hurt because you looked like a fool. If you insist on diverting from your own OP I submit the Holocaust.


Again.. big bad white people murdering other white people.
Strange you seem to forget the largest genocide examples.. China..
asian on asian...
Mr Dikötter, who has been studying Chinese rural history from 1958 to 1962, when the nation was facing a famine, compared the systematic torture, brutality, starvation and killing of Chinese peasants to the Second World War in its magnitude.
At least 45 million people were worked, starved or beaten to death in China over these four years;
Mao s Great Leap Forward killed 45 million in four years - News - Books - The Independent
Wouldnt your example be Asians murdering Asians? No one on the face of the planet has killed more people than whites. Its not even close. Not only have white people killed each other, they have wiped out other societies or attempted genocide. Face it. When it comes to savagery and blood lust, no one beats the white race

Herero and Namaqua Genocide - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Herero and Namaqua Genocide was a campaign of racial extermination and collective punishment that the government ofGerman South-West Africa (modern-day Namibia) undertook against the Herero and Nama people. It is considered to have been the first genocide of the 20th century.[1][2][3][4][5] It took place between 1904 and 1907 during the Herero Wars.

The Tasmanian genocide Abagond

The Tasmanian genocide (fl. 1826-1829) is where white British settlers wiped out nearly all the native people of Tasmania (then called Van Diemen’s Land) and then sent the few hundred still alive to prison camps where they died of disease and despair. Truganini (pictured), the last full-blooded Tasmanian, died in 1876.
From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the lynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

I wonder if Rosewood and Black Wall Street statistics are included in the lynching
From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.
Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.
The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.
That is only 27.3%.
Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and 'all other causes'.

Most of the lynchings that took place happened in the South. A big reason for this was the end of the Civil War. Once black were given their freedom, many people felt that the freed blacks were getting away with too much freedom and felt they needed to be controlled. Mississippi had the highest lynchings from 1882-1968 with 581. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493. 79% of lynching happened in the South.

Of the lynching that did not take place in the South, mainly in the West, were normally lynchings of whites, not blacks. Most of the lynching in the West came from the lynching of either murders or cattle thief's. There really was no political link to the lynching of blacks in the South, and whites in the West.
Lynching Statistics for 1882-1968
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the

ynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

Every year some of those souvenirs is a part of American history that some are still profiting from.

Lynching postcard is for sale in Duluth Star Tribune
You are obviously very ignorant of humans degradation of captive humans and like most ignorant people depend on
anything that makes you "appear" more intelligent by ignoring realities.
Here are some descriptions of "non-whites" treatment of captives, i.e. some are slaves!
Nelson Mandela's wife ,Winnie's favorite "torture" method..
controversial activist, she remains popular among her supporters, who refer to her as the 'Mother of the Nation', yet reviled by others after the South African Truth and Reconciliation commission found that she had personally been responsible for the murder, torture, abduction and assault of numerous men, women and children, as well as indirectly responsible for an even larger number of such crimes.[5]
"Necklacing" ... off your face and having to deal with the smell of burn popcorn that is your skin. Necklacing has been used in Africa since the 80's to set an example.
View attachment 33654

Or how about the American Indians for cruelty?

In nearly every instance the Iroquois ate parts of the bodies of war prisoners who had been tortured to death. In Father Vimont’s previous account it was the heart or other internal organs that were consumed as well as the hands and feet of the tortured prisoner. Another Jesuit gives this account: "having cut off (the captive’s) hands and feet, (the Iroquois) skinned him and separated the flesh from the bones, in order to make from it a detestable repast." Further accounts include multiple mentions of the cannibalistic "customary feasts" of the Iroquois. There is obviously more to this form of cannibalism than the necessity of consuming human flesh to stay alive in hard times.
David Scheimann

See I can go on and on bringing equity to the vast ignorance of supposedly "intelligent" White elitists who want to make
people think ONLY White Men are the bad people in the world. GROW UP idiots!
Your diversion was noted. You got your feelings hurt because you looked like a fool. If you insist on diverting from your own OP I submit the Holocaust.


Again.. big bad white people murdering other white people.
Strange you seem to forget the largest genocide examples.. China..
asian on asian...
Mr Dikötter, who has been studying Chinese rural history from 1958 to 1962, when the nation was facing a famine, compared the systematic torture, brutality, starvation and killing of Chinese peasants to the Second World War in its magnitude.
At least 45 million people were worked, starved or beaten to death in China over these four years;
Mao s Great Leap Forward killed 45 million in four years - News - Books - The Independent
But those were bad people.

Reread your rewritten history.
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the lynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

I wonder if Rosewood and Black Wall Street statistics are included in the lynching
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the

ynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

Every year some of those souvenirs is a part of American history that some are still profiting from.

Lynching postcard is for sale in Duluth Star Tribune
You are obviously very ignorant of humans degradation of captive humans and like most ignorant people depend on
anything that makes you "appear" more intelligent by ignoring realities.
Here are some descriptions of "non-whites" treatment of captives, i.e. some are slaves!
Nelson Mandela's wife ,Winnie's favorite "torture" method..
controversial activist, she remains popular among her supporters, who refer to her as the 'Mother of the Nation', yet reviled by others after the South African Truth and Reconciliation commission found that she had personally been responsible for the murder, torture, abduction and assault of numerous men, women and children, as well as indirectly responsible for an even larger number of such crimes.[5]
"Necklacing" ... off your face and having to deal with the smell of burn popcorn that is your skin. Necklacing has been used in Africa since the 80's to set an example.
View attachment 33654

Or how about the American Indians for cruelty?

In nearly every instance the Iroquois ate parts of the bodies of war prisoners who had been tortured to death. In Father Vimont’s previous account it was the heart or other internal organs that were consumed as well as the hands and feet of the tortured prisoner. Another Jesuit gives this account: "having cut off (the captive’s) hands and feet, (the Iroquois) skinned him and separated the flesh from the bones, in order to make from it a detestable repast." Further accounts include multiple mentions of the cannibalistic "customary feasts" of the Iroquois. There is obviously more to this form of cannibalism than the necessity of consuming human flesh to stay alive in hard times.
David Scheimann

See I can go on and on bringing equity to the vast ignorance of supposedly "intelligent" White elitists who want to make
people think ONLY White Men are the bad people in the world. GROW UP idiots!
Your diversion was noted. You got your feelings hurt because you looked like a fool. If you insist on diverting from your own OP I submit the Holocaust.


Again.. big bad white people murdering other white people.
Strange you seem to forget the largest genocide examples.. China..
asian on asian...
Mr Dikötter, who has been studying Chinese rural history from 1958 to 1962, when the nation was facing a famine, compared the systematic torture, brutality, starvation and killing of Chinese peasants to the Second World War in its magnitude.
At least 45 million people were worked, starved or beaten to death in China over these four years;
Mao s Great Leap Forward killed 45 million in four years - News - Books - The Independent
Wouldnt your example be Asians murdering Asians? No one on the face of the planet has killed more people than whites. Its not even close. Not only have white people killed each other, they have wiped out other societies or attempted genocide. Face it. When it comes to savagery and blood lust, no one beats the white race

Herero and Namaqua Genocide - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Herero and Namaqua Genocide was a campaign of racial extermination and collective punishment that the government ofGerman South-West Africa (modern-day Namibia) undertook against the Herero and Nama people. It is considered to have been the first genocide of the 20th century.[1][2][3][4][5] It took place between 1904 and 1907 during the Herero Wars.

The Tasmanian genocide Abagond

The Tasmanian genocide (fl. 1826-1829) is where white British settlers wiped out nearly all the native people of Tasmania (then called Van Diemen’s Land) and then sent the few hundred still alive to prison camps where they died of disease and despair. Truganini (pictured), the last full-blooded Tasmanian, died in 1876.
Genghis Khan and Tamerlane were white?

I think you are just full of shit, and basically a dishonest race-baiter.

But, that's just me.

; - )
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the lynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

I wonder if Rosewood and Black Wall Street statistics are included in the lynching
I dont get your point? Do you really believe lynchings was the only way retarded white racists murdered Black people? Whites were very sick and twisted in their lynchings by the way. They brought their children making it a family outing and actually kept souvenirs of the

ynchings. It makes whites look like uncivilized savages barely a step above chimps.

Every year some of those souvenirs is a part of American history that some are still profiting from.

Lynching postcard is for sale in Duluth Star Tribune
You are obviously very ignorant of humans degradation of captive humans and like most ignorant people depend on
anything that makes you "appear" more intelligent by ignoring realities.
Here are some descriptions of "non-whites" treatment of captives, i.e. some are slaves!
Nelson Mandela's wife ,Winnie's favorite "torture" method..
controversial activist, she remains popular among her supporters, who refer to her as the 'Mother of the Nation', yet reviled by others after the South African Truth and Reconciliation commission found that she had personally been responsible for the murder, torture, abduction and assault of numerous men, women and children, as well as indirectly responsible for an even larger number of such crimes.[5]
"Necklacing" ... off your face and having to deal with the smell of burn popcorn that is your skin. Necklacing has been used in Africa since the 80's to set an example.
View attachment 33654

Or how about the American Indians for cruelty?

In nearly every instance the Iroquois ate parts of the bodies of war prisoners who had been tortured to death. In Father Vimont’s previous account it was the heart or other internal organs that were consumed as well as the hands and feet of the tortured prisoner. Another Jesuit gives this account: "having cut off (the captive’s) hands and feet, (the Iroquois) skinned him and separated the flesh from the bones, in order to make from it a detestable repast." Further accounts include multiple mentions of the cannibalistic "customary feasts" of the Iroquois. There is obviously more to this form of cannibalism than the necessity of consuming human flesh to stay alive in hard times.
David Scheimann

See I can go on and on bringing equity to the vast ignorance of supposedly "intelligent" White elitists who want to make
people think ONLY White Men are the bad people in the world. GROW UP idiots!
Your diversion was noted. You got your feelings hurt because you looked like a fool. If you insist on diverting from your own OP I submit the Holocaust.


Again.. big bad white people murdering other white people.
Strange you seem to forget the largest genocide examples.. China..
asian on asian...
Mr Dikötter, who has been studying Chinese rural history from 1958 to 1962, when the nation was facing a famine, compared the systematic torture, brutality, starvation and killing of Chinese peasants to the Second World War in its magnitude.
At least 45 million people were worked, starved or beaten to death in China over these four years;
Mao s Great Leap Forward killed 45 million in four years - News - Books - The Independent
Wouldnt your example be Asians murdering Asians? No one on the face of the planet has killed more people than whites. Its not even close. Not only have white people killed each other, they have wiped out other societies or attempted genocide. Face it. When it comes to savagery and blood lust, no one beats the white race

Herero and Namaqua Genocide - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Herero and Namaqua Genocide was a campaign of racial extermination and collective punishment that the government ofGerman South-West Africa (modern-day Namibia) undertook against the Herero and Nama people. It is considered to have been the first genocide of the 20th century.[1][2][3][4][5] It took place between 1904 and 1907 during the Herero Wars.

The Tasmanian genocide Abagond

The Tasmanian genocide (fl. 1826-1829) is where white British settlers wiped out nearly all the native people of Tasmania (then called Van Diemen’s Land) and then sent the few hundred still alive to prison camps where they died of disease and despair. Truganini (pictured), the last full-blooded Tasmanian, died in 1876.

What is the point of this whole discussion?

People are shitty worldwide; it's in the DNA.

No race has a monopoly on atrocities.
I wonder if Rosewood and Black Wall Street statistics are included in the lynching
Every year some of those souvenirs is a part of American history that some are still profiting from.

Lynching postcard is for sale in Duluth Star Tribune
You are obviously very ignorant of humans degradation of captive humans and like most ignorant people depend on
anything that makes you "appear" more intelligent by ignoring realities.
Here are some descriptions of "non-whites" treatment of captives, i.e. some are slaves!
Nelson Mandela's wife ,Winnie's favorite "torture" method..
controversial activist, she remains popular among her supporters, who refer to her as the 'Mother of the Nation', yet reviled by others after the South African Truth and Reconciliation commission found that she had personally been responsible for the murder, torture, abduction and assault of numerous men, women and children, as well as indirectly responsible for an even larger number of such crimes.[5]
"Necklacing" ... off your face and having to deal with the smell of burn popcorn that is your skin. Necklacing has been used in Africa since the 80's to set an example.
View attachment 33654

Or how about the American Indians for cruelty?

In nearly every instance the Iroquois ate parts of the bodies of war prisoners who had been tortured to death. In Father Vimont’s previous account it was the heart or other internal organs that were consumed as well as the hands and feet of the tortured prisoner. Another Jesuit gives this account: "having cut off (the captive’s) hands and feet, (the Iroquois) skinned him and separated the flesh from the bones, in order to make from it a detestable repast." Further accounts include multiple mentions of the cannibalistic "customary feasts" of the Iroquois. There is obviously more to this form of cannibalism than the necessity of consuming human flesh to stay alive in hard times.
David Scheimann

See I can go on and on bringing equity to the vast ignorance of supposedly "intelligent" White elitists who want to make
people think ONLY White Men are the bad people in the world. GROW UP idiots!
Your diversion was noted. You got your feelings hurt because you looked like a fool. If you insist on diverting from your own OP I submit the Holocaust.


Again.. big bad white people murdering other white people.
Strange you seem to forget the largest genocide examples.. China..
asian on asian...
Mr Dikötter, who has been studying Chinese rural history from 1958 to 1962, when the nation was facing a famine, compared the systematic torture, brutality, starvation and killing of Chinese peasants to the Second World War in its magnitude.
At least 45 million people were worked, starved or beaten to death in China over these four years;
Mao s Great Leap Forward killed 45 million in four years - News - Books - The Independent
Wouldnt your example be Asians murdering Asians? No one on the face of the planet has killed more people than whites. Its not even close. Not only have white people killed each other, they have wiped out other societies or attempted genocide. Face it. When it comes to savagery and blood lust, no one beats the white race

Herero and Namaqua Genocide - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Herero and Namaqua Genocide was a campaign of racial extermination and collective punishment that the government ofGerman South-West Africa (modern-day Namibia) undertook against the Herero and Nama people. It is considered to have been the first genocide of the 20th century.[1][2][3][4][5] It took place between 1904 and 1907 during the Herero Wars.

The Tasmanian genocide Abagond

The Tasmanian genocide (fl. 1826-1829) is where white British settlers wiped out nearly all the native people of Tasmania (then called Van Diemen’s Land) and then sent the few hundred still alive to prison camps where they died of disease and despair. Truganini (pictured), the last full-blooded Tasmanian, died in 1876.

What is the point of this whole discussion?

People are shitty worldwide; it's in the DNA.

No race has a monopoly on atrocities.
Ask the OP. He is the one that diverted his own thread.

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