Left's Hate


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Chicago Black Pastor Inundated With Death Threats Over His Endorsement Of A GOP Candidate: “You Sellout Uncle Tom Ass N*gger”…

The death threats and tweets are disgusting and show just how far those on the left will go to stop anyone – regardless of race – their efforts to stop them.

I hope this pastor stands up to them – with obviously needed protection of course.

Read more @ Chicago Black Pastor Inundated With Death Threats Over His Endorsement Of A GOP Candidate You Sellout Uncle Tom Ass N gger John Hawkins Right Wing News

Also noticed that a white actress is accusing Bill Cosby of raping here and worse – 25 years later. Is he endorsing a Republican candidate? Or is she trying to sell a book?
I don
Nice victimhood cherrypick. You get 10 GOP points. Save them up for a free tote bag or other GOP merchandise.

I don't know whether to condemn your brainless retort or applaud your expose' of knee-jerk emotionalism. Which should it be?
Crazy fuckers.
Rauner ordered a hot dog in Chicago... with ketchup. Now they're going ape-shit over it.

Bruce Rauner orders ketchup on hot dog WGN-TV

Careful now. You don't want to do anything to stir up or ignite another go-round of Hot Dog Wars among the aficionados of various Chicago hot dog factions. For some of them the dos and don'ts of what ingredients constitute the true Chicago Style hot dog, including the dog itself, is subject to long-standing dispute, to say the least. The arguments can rage long and loud in the best traditions of, say, political or religious debate.

As indicated, for some of us the battle begins and ends with the make and composition of the very dog: David Berg vs. Vienna. I won't go into the claims and allegations each side cites in favor or opposed to the other simply because 'outsiders' could generally care less about that which they consider to be nonsense at best. We understand and accept their agnosticism. As for my particular dog preference, I'm not willing to commit here for security purposes.

In addition to the dogs themselves there's another battlefront concering specifically which condiments are considered the official "trimmings" of the true Chicago Style hot dog, and ketchup has long been excluded from that array, for at least some in the battles anyway.

I gotta plan a Chicago trip soon.

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