Not All Conservatives Thrilled About Romney VP Pick


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Howard Fineman

Despite general cheer among conservatives, some in that camp are apoplectic at Mitt Romney's choice of Rep. Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate, though they are reluctant to say so publicly.

Here -- anonymously, by his request -- is a critique of the choice by one of the country's most prominent and influential conservatives, who sent this analysis to close friends:

Here are some problems I see:

Vice president, at this moment, I don't see it. I believe when Ryan adds a top leadership job to his resume, like joining the Senate or becoming a governor, he would be presidential timber in the GOP. Today, in this election, he subtracts more than he adds.

This was supposed to be Mitt Romney's election to lose. Right now polls show he is losing. It's important to remember that Romney's top campaign staff were Charlie Crist's political staff. They took the most popular Republican governor in the U.S. and by the end of his first term, his campaign for Senate had not only crashed, Charlie Crist had to leave the Republican party! It was no surprise when I read in the New Republic that Mitt's chief strategist told folks he voted for Obama in 2008.​

Good Article/Much More: Howard Fineman: Rep. Paul Ryan VP Choice Draws Criticism From Some Conservatives
Its not as bad as the Palin pick but it sure wont help win him the election
By Howard Fineman

Despite general cheer among conservatives, some in that camp are apoplectic at Mitt Romney's choice of Rep. Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate, though they are reluctant to say so publicly.

Here -- anonymously, by his request -- is a critique of the choice by one of the country's most prominent and influential conservatives, who sent this analysis to close friends:

Here are some problems I see:

Vice president, at this moment, I don't see it. I believe when Ryan adds a top leadership job to his resume, like joining the Senate or becoming a governor, he would be presidential timber in the GOP. Today, in this election, he subtracts more than he adds.

This was supposed to be Mitt Romney's election to lose. Right now polls show he is losing. It's important to remember that Romney's top campaign staff were Charlie Crist's political staff. They took the most popular Republican governor in the U.S. and by the end of his first term, his campaign for Senate had not only crashed, Charlie Crist had to leave the Republican party! It was no surprise when I read in the New Republic that Mitt's chief strategist told folks he voted for Obama in 2008.​

Good Article/Much More: Howard Fineman: Rep. Paul Ryan VP Choice Draws Criticism From Some Conservatives

LOL.........who is this link targeted at exactly??:50:

Huffington Post for the only by the hyper-k00k left.

s0n..........this is the POLITICS forum. I think you're looking for PHILOSOPHY.
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Not all Democrats are thrilled with Obama there will always be people in both parties who won't be thrilled with a candidate so I'm really not sure what your point here is.

I sympathize with your confusion...
No need to I just wanted to give you the opportunity to actually make one before pointing out there never was a point.
By Howard Fineman

Despite general cheer among conservatives, some in that camp are apoplectic at Mitt Romney's choice of Rep. Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate, though they are reluctant to say so publicly.

Here -- anonymously, by his request -- is a critique of the choice by one of the country's most prominent and influential conservatives, who sent this analysis to close friends:

Here are some problems I see:

Vice president, at this moment, I don't see it. I believe when Ryan adds a top leadership job to his resume, like joining the Senate or becoming a governor, he would be presidential timber in the GOP. Today, in this election, he subtracts more than he adds.

This was supposed to be Mitt Romney's election to lose. Right now polls show he is losing. It's important to remember that Romney's top campaign staff were Charlie Crist's political staff. They took the most popular Republican governor in the U.S. and by the end of his first term, his campaign for Senate had not only crashed, Charlie Crist had to leave the Republican party! It was no surprise when I read in the New Republic that Mitt's chief strategist told folks he voted for Obama in 2008.​

Good Article/Much More: Howard Fineman: Rep. Paul Ryan VP Choice Draws Criticism From Some Conservatives

Written by Howard Fineman.. What an unbiased, objective piece of journalism it must be!
By Howard Fineman

Despite general cheer among conservatives, some in that camp are apoplectic at Mitt Romney's choice of Rep. Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate, though they are reluctant to say so publicly.

Here -- anonymously, by his request -- is a critique of the choice by one of the country's most prominent and influential conservatives, who sent this analysis to close friends:

Here are some problems I see:

Vice president, at this moment, I don't see it. I believe when Ryan adds a top leadership job to his resume, like joining the Senate or becoming a governor, he would be presidential timber in the GOP. Today, in this election, he subtracts more than he adds.

This was supposed to be Mitt Romney's election to lose. Right now polls show he is losing. It's important to remember that Romney's top campaign staff were Charlie Crist's political staff. They took the most popular Republican governor in the U.S. and by the end of his first term, his campaign for Senate had not only crashed, Charlie Crist had to leave the Republican party! It was no surprise when I read in the New Republic that Mitt's chief strategist told folks he voted for Obama in 2008.​

Good Article/Much More: Howard Fineman: Rep. Paul Ryan VP Choice Draws Criticism From Some Conservatives

Ooooooo, nooooooo!:frown: I'm devastated, I tell you!:lol:
Paul "Ayn Rand" Ryan will serve a very useful purpose - to remind voters of the GOP WAR on the following:


Middle Class


Not all Democrats are thrilled with Obama there will always be people in both parties who won't be thrilled with a candidate so I'm really not sure what your point here is.

But in Ryan's case, his negatives far outweigh the benefits...

And this is Mitt Romney, master of cost-benefit analysis.

The costs are he scares Old people, which make Florida and Virginia harder to win. He has no foreign policy experience, no military experience, no business experience and has never been a mayor or a governor, so no executive experience. Also, he has extreme views on abortion, wh ich is the last thing Romney needs right now.

The benefits are that he gets conservatives warmed up. But Romney should have already had them in the bag.

Of course, we have no idea what came up about the other guys in vetting.

So much as Romney got the nomination because the other guys were worse, the same might be said for his running-mate.

Offering places in my "LEarning to Live with Obama" seminar for disgruntled conservatives.
By Howard Fineman

Despite general cheer among conservatives, some in that camp are apoplectic at Mitt Romney's choice of Rep. Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate, though they are reluctant to say so publicly.

Here -- anonymously, by his request -- is a critique of the choice by one of the country's most prominent and influential conservatives, who sent this analysis to close friends:

Here are some problems I see:

Vice president, at this moment, I don't see it. I believe when Ryan adds a top leadership job to his resume, like joining the Senate or becoming a governor, he would be presidential timber in the GOP. Today, in this election, he subtracts more than he adds.

This was supposed to be Mitt Romney's election to lose. Right now polls show he is losing. It's important to remember that Romney's top campaign staff were Charlie Crist's political staff. They took the most popular Republican governor in the U.S. and by the end of his first term, his campaign for Senate had not only crashed, Charlie Crist had to leave the Republican party! It was no surprise when I read in the New Republic that Mitt's chief strategist told folks he voted for Obama in 2008.​

Good Article/Much More: Howard Fineman: Rep. Paul Ryan VP Choice Draws Criticism From Some Conservatives

hmmmm, Ryan or Biden? Need I say more?
Not all conservatives are thrilled with the Romney nomination either. This election just plain sucks. We get shit regardless of who we vote for. The only question will be is it Republican shit or Democrat shit, but then shit is shit.

Like Romney and his five sons, Ryan never served his country in the military. Where's all that wingnut patriotism?
Not all Democrats are thrilled with Obama there will always be people in both parties who won't be thrilled with a candidate so I'm really not sure what your point here is.

But in Ryan's case, his negatives far outweigh the benefits...

And this is Mitt Romney, master of cost-benefit analysis.

The costs are he scares Old people, which make Florida and Virginia harder to win. He has no foreign policy experience, no military experience, no business experience and has never been a mayor or a governor, so no executive experience. Also, he has extreme views on abortion, wh ich is the last thing Romney needs right now.

The benefits are that he gets conservatives warmed up. But Romney should have already had them in the bag.

Of course, we have no idea what came up about the other guys in vetting.

So much as Romney got the nomination because the other guys were worse, the same might be said for his running-mate.

Offering places in my "LEarning to Live with Obama" seminar for disgruntled conservatives.

Negatives Far outweigh the benefits according to who the Democrats? He has been the nominee for less than one day and you automatically think everyone will feel the same about him as the left does that is being more than a little presumptive.
Obama had even less experience than Ryan and he was elected President, so I don't think its particularly valid. Bush, despite being elected governor, had accomplished absolutely nothing up until then, except trading on his name to get the government to subsidize a stadium for the Rangers.

However, it is a little surprising given that the Romney camp was talking up someone with more gravitas.
By Howard Fineman

Despite general cheer among conservatives, some in that camp are apoplectic at Mitt Romney's choice of Rep. Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate, though they are reluctant to say so publicly.

Here -- anonymously, by his request -- is a critique of the choice by one of the country's most prominent and influential conservatives, who sent this analysis to close friends:

Here are some problems I see:

Vice president, at this moment, I don't see it. I believe when Ryan adds a top leadership job to his resume, like joining the Senate or becoming a governor, he would be presidential timber in the GOP. Today, in this election, he subtracts more than he adds.

This was supposed to be Mitt Romney's election to lose. Right now polls show he is losing. It's important to remember that Romney's top campaign staff were Charlie Crist's political staff. They took the most popular Republican governor in the U.S. and by the end of his first term, his campaign for Senate had not only crashed, Charlie Crist had to leave the Republican party! It was no surprise when I read in the New Republic that Mitt's chief strategist told folks he voted for Obama in 2008.​

Good Article/Much More: Howard Fineman: Rep. Paul Ryan VP Choice Draws Criticism From Some Conservatives

Using the words Howard Fineman and Good Article in the same sentence is a contradiction. Poor Howard couldn't write a good article if his liberal sorry assed life depended on it.

Obama got his ass kicked in his first attempt at public office and he lost the house in 2010 in a major way.

Nobody is really thrilled with much of anything right now.

But you keep your head up your ass so reality can't get to you.
Like Romney and his five sons, Ryan never served his country in the military. Where's all that wingnut patriotism?

Obama served ?

I think you and Chris are spending to much time together with gerbils.

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