North Korea's Horrors, as Shown by One Defector's Drawings

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
North Korea's Horrors, as Shown by One Defector's Drawings

The graphic sketches depict atrocities committed by Kim Jong Un's regime.

Matt Ford Feb 18 2014, 12:59 PM ET

A drawing portrays torture inside North Korean prisons. The caption reads "Pigeon position interrogation." (Kim Kwang-Il/United Nations)

On Monday, the United Nations' Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea published a wide-ranging report on what it described as "systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations [that] have been and are being committed by [North Korea], its institutions and officials." The panel recommended that North Korea and its leader, 31-year-old Kim Jong Un, be referred to the International Criminal Court by the UN Security Council. Michael Kirby, the panel's chairman, said that the atrocities taking place in North Korea were "strikingly similar" to the crimes of Nazi Germany during World War II.

Among the 300 North Koreans who testified about regime abuses was Kim Kwang-Il, a 48-year-old defector who spent almost three years in a North Korean gulag for smuggling pine nuts across the border. After escaping to South Korea, Kim published a book about his experiences that included professional illustrations of the crimes he witnessed. The drawings provide a rare look into a vast constellation of prisons and concentration camps in which more than 200,000 North Koreans languish, according to Amnesty International.

A drawing based on Kim Kwang-Il's experiences. The captions read, "Crane, airplane, and car interrogation positions." (United Nations)
The above sketch shows various positions in which prisoners would be forced to stand for long periods of time. Those who move are severely beaten, according to Kim's testimony to the panel:

We are supposed to think there’s an imaginary motorcycle and we are supposed to be in this position as if we are riding the motorcycle. And for this, we pose as if we are airplanes ourselves. We are flying. And if we stand like this there’s no way that you can hold that position for a long time. You are bound to fall forward. Everybody in the detention centre goes through this kind of this torture.

According to Kim, prisoners are forced to hold themselves in these positions until they sweat enough to fill a glass beneath them.

Sure glad the US would never do this.
And yet, for some odd reason, Democrats/Liberals (and a good many Republicans/Globalists) want to move America towards Socialism/Communism. Thanks for the insight.
And yet, for some odd reason, Democrats/Liberals (and a good many Republicans/Globalists) want to move America towards Socialism/Communism.

1) Nobody wants to move America towards "socialism", much less communism. America will always be a great place to live if you are a rich douchebag.

2) North Korea's evils have very little do with "socialism" and a lot more to do with the fact that it's been run by a family of crazy people for the last 60 years.
And yet, for some odd reason, Democrats/Liberals (and a good many Republicans/Globalists) want to move America towards Socialism/Communism.

1) Nobody wants to move America towards "socialism", much less communism. America will always be a great place to live if you are a rich douchebag.

2) North Korea's evils have very little do with "socialism" and a lot more to do with the fact that it's been run by a family of crazy people for the last 60 years.

1) In your opinion is there anyone who's rich who ISN'T a douche-bag? The fact that you think folks who worked hard and succeeded are "douche-bags" indicates your dislike for the free-market and individual success.

2) North Korea is a Communist country that embraces and practices Marxist Socialism. Here's a list of some other "crazy people" who've embraced Socialism: Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung, Hitler ... and the list goes on.
North Korea has always oppressed it's people, and why we still have forces in South Korea.

Russia and China are economic partners with the leadership scum in North Korea as well. Russia just signed a deal with them.

Fine trading partner they have there huh....................

North Korea has sunk a ROK ship in the past killing ROK soldiers.
North Korea fired on a disputed Island in the past killing ROK soldiers and 2 civilians.
North Korea has tested Nuclear weapons against UN resolutions.
North Korea has fired missiles into waters near Japan to anger Japan.

Nice folks there.
1) In your opinion is there anyone who's rich who ISN'T a douche-bag? The fact that you think folks who worked hard and succeeded are "douche-bags" indicates your dislike for the free-market and individual success.

Pretty much, no. Lots of people work hard, not all of them get rich. The people who do should pay their fair share in taxes and not bitch about it.

2) North Korea is a Communist country that embraces and practices Marxist Socialism. Here's a list of some other "crazy people" who've embraced Socialism: Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung, Hitler ... and the list goes on.

Hitler was a very good friend to Germany's rich people, who were all for the war until Germany started losing.
North Korea isn't so bad, that's why they have a Joint Manufacturing Facility that the South utilizes. Employs what, 40,000 Norks? I found out about it when Obama signed a "Free Not Fair Trade Agreement" in 2012.

North and South Korea reopen Kaesong Industrial Complex -

Look at yer Samsung phone. Perhaps it contains parts made there? You support Slave Labor!

Good thing we have troops in South Korea right? To protect the South from those Evil Capitalist Manufacturers up North. Suckers!

Side Note: I've been deployed to Korea numerous times and was stationed there once so try to think before you flame.
Luddy, why are you questioning the wisdom of the government? These people were probably NK Tea Party people and NEEDED this!

The US already does this, but only to "Terrorists"

If you fucking Progressives ever get us unarmed you will do this to your "Enemies"

You should be very careful about what you say, Obama is listening and they may be questioning your unflinching loyalty to the government and have you on a list of possible subversives
Russia provides relief for No. Korea food shortages...

Russia sends 2,400 tons of food to North Korea
May 19, 2016 -- Russia has sent North Korea 2,400 tons of food aid at a time when the country is still facing critical food shortages.
The Russian embassy in Pyongyang made the announcement this week that 2,394 tons of flour and other food items have been sent to the North Korean port city of Chongjin, Sputnik news agency reported Thursday. The flour was sent through the United Nations World Food Program and was made possible with a Russian donation, according to South Korean news agency Yonhap. This is the second time in 2016 Russia has delivered a shipment. In March, Moscow provided funds for the delivery of 2,500 tons of flour to North Korea.


The flour is to be used to produce nutritious biscuits and cereals that can be distributed to child daycare centers in North Hamgyong and Kangwon provinces, according to the report. North Korea maintains a state rationing system, but the rations do not provide adequate nutrition. Some sources have said the price of rice in the gray markets, where most ordinary North Koreans procure their food, has risen dramatically, but it wasn't confirmed whether the price increase is the result of economic sanctions that passed in March.

The most vulnerable groups are women and children, according to the World Food Program. One in three North Korean children under age 5 suffer from stunted growth due to malnutrition, and one-third of North Korean women are afflicted by anemia, according to Damian Kean, WFP's regional communications officer for Asia. Last September, the International Food Policy Research Institute in Washington, D.C., issued a report that stated 1 in 4 North Korean children suffer from acute anemia, and compared to developing countries China and Mongolia, children are three times more likely to be developmentally challenged.

Russia sends 2,400 tons of food to North Korea

See also:

U.N. commissioner: North Korea will be held responsible for human rights violations
May 18, 2016 | WASHINGTON -- The individual ultimately accountable for North Korea human rights violations will be held responsible, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said Monday.
Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein made the statement at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., in response to a reporter's question regarding the possible referral of Kim Jong Un to the International Criminal Court, Radio Free Asia reported. Al Hussein said that as the U.N. Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in North Korea continues to secure evidence of North Korea violations, ultimately the person responsible would be asked to answer, Yonhap reported.


The high commissioner did not make specific references to Kim or any other North Korean politician, but said that the Commission of Inquiry has investigated human rights abuses of North Korean citizens. Al-Hussein said the COI had secured substantial evidence of North Korea's human tragedy, and that North Korea should be referred to the ICC. U.N. investigations show violations have taken place across various categories, including access to food, and freedom of expression and movement.

North Koreans continue to suffer serious human rights abuses, and the United Nations has stated in a report filed with the 70th Session of the U.N. General Assembly that summary executions, abductions, enforced disappearances and human trafficking still take place on a large scale in the country. North Korea is sensitive to international criticism of its human rights record, and earlier in April slammed the United States for releasing a human rights report critical of the regime. North Korea has called U.S. statements on the country's political prison camps, forced labor and summary executions "outright lies," and has said the United States will be face "bone-crushing" consequences.

U.N. commissioner: North Korea will be held responsible for human rights violations
1) In your opinion is there anyone who's rich who ISN'T a douche-bag? The fact that you think folks who worked hard and succeeded are "douche-bags" indicates your dislike for the free-market and individual success.

Pretty much, no. Lots of people work hard, not all of them get rich. The people who do should pay their fair share in taxes and not bitch about it.

2) North Korea is a Communist country that embraces and practices Marxist Socialism. Here's a list of some other "crazy people" who've embraced Socialism: Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung, Hitler ... and the list goes on.

Hitler was a very good friend to Germany's rich people, who were all for the war until Germany started losing.
We keep hearing fair share.

We never hear what that fair share is.

Be more specific, please.

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