North Korean satellite in Orbit.


Nov 14, 2012

The US have confirmed they detected an "object" in the Orbit. It is the new North Korean satellite, which was launched for peacefully purposes.

South Korean President Lee Myung-bak convened an emergency meeting, what a stupid scaremongering.

North American Aerospace Defense Command:
"At no time was the missile or the resultant debris a threat to North America."

Nobody can tell North Korea what to do.

North Korea Launches Satellite; US Confirms Object In Orbit
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The North Korean state seems to be run by a bunch of especially stupid monkeys but this does look a lot like a satellite launch as opposed to a nuke test.
The technology involved is similar in a lot of ways but I didn't hear the roars of anger when the US did the same thing.
its not a satellite its a test of a delivery system for nuclear weapons, satellite is the cover story, nobody believes it though, it is very similar technology.
its not a satellite its a test of a delivery system for nuclear weapons, satellite is the cover story, nobody believes it though, it is very similar technology.
The maximum payload of the Unha 3 is 100 kilogram. "Experts" who scaremonger about the launch, should mention that too, don´t you think?

Comparison: tho most common rocket for satellites, the Ariane, has a payload of up to 12000 kilogram.
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What the hell? The US advanced technology didn't detect a NK launch until somebody spotted a satellite in space? Not what I expected from the last super-power on earth.
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More blackmail for food and financial support from North Korea.:rolleyes:
its not a satellite its a test of a delivery system for nuclear weapons, satellite is the cover story, nobody believes it though, it is very similar technology.
The maximum payload of the Unha 3 is 100 kilogram. "Experts" who scaremonger about the launch, should mention that too, don´t you think?

Comparison: tho most common rocket for satellites, the Ariane, has a payload of up to 12000 kilogram.

n korea has no interest in satellite technology, they already have nuclear weapons the next stage is delivery systems, thats what this was, I dont know the details but Im sure they could scale it up if need be, its a bargaining chip to get the west to ease sanctions and give them food etc as said below.
What the hell? The US advanced technology didn't detect a NK launch until somebody spotted a satellite in space? Not what I expected from the last super-power on earth.

I'm sure NORAD saw it, and we had an AEGIS ship near NK tracking it locally.

The launch is easy to detect. What is harder is to see if the satillite is actually in orbit and functioning.
Sounds good to me. Now can we stop sending taxpayer money to these idiots? Please?
The US do not send money to North Korea.

Then you're an idiot.

Between 1995 and 2008, US taxpayers have shelled out just under $1.3 Billion for food, energy, medical supplies, fuel oil, etc.
What a crime to help the people in a food shortage. I am sure sure the evil regime made missiles out of this food.
Food isn´t money by the way.
The US do not send money to North Korea.

Then you're an idiot.

Between 1995 and 2008, US taxpayers have shelled out just under $1.3 Billion for food, energy, medical supplies, fuel oil, etc.
What a crime to help the people in a food shortage. I am sure sure the evil regime made missiles out of this food.
Food isn´t money by the way.

Are you so obtuse to suggest food doesn't cost money? Good grief man, grow up.

What is your thing with North Korea anyway? You like the idea of tyrannous dictatorships? Big fan of Communism? What?
Then you're an idiot.

Between 1995 and 2008, US taxpayers have shelled out just under $1.3 Billion for food, energy, medical supplies, fuel oil, etc.
What a crime to help the people in a food shortage. I am sure sure the evil regime made missiles out of this food.
Food isn´t money by the way.

Are you so obtuse to suggest food doesn't cost money? Good grief man, grow up.

What is your thing with North Korea anyway? You like the idea of tyrannous dictatorships? Big fan of Communism? What?
I just said that the US do not send money. And food is not money.

And what is your problem with North Korea? Do they hurt you?
What a crime to help the people in a food shortage. I am sure sure the evil regime made missiles out of this food.
Food isn´t money by the way.

Are you so obtuse to suggest food doesn't cost money? Good grief man, grow up.

What is your thing with North Korea anyway? You like the idea of tyrannous dictatorships? Big fan of Communism? What?
I just said that the US do not send money. And food is not money.

And what is your problem with North Korea? Do they hurt you?

Another fucking troll. Wonderful.

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