North Korea trying to stop the Jasmine Revolution..


Dec 9, 2008
[ame=][Parody] North Korean propaganda poster - YouTube[/ame]

This year, dictators and their regimes in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya have been collapsed and executed. And the ones most scared of this situation are problbly Kim Jong il and Kim Jong Un.
Two days ago, accompained by his third son Kinm Jong Un and Jang Sung-taek, Chairmand Kim Jong il visited Guard Command Center that will protect himself and his regime, in order to show off how his regime still stands and to stop the people of North Korea from getting agitated.
When he was visiting the Command Center, he insisted that everyone must "fight with the last gun on the ground for the completion of Juche Revolution and fighting to protect the glorious leader unitl the very last breath." He even forced all officers to take an oath of absolute loyalty.
What's even more ridiculous is that he wanted to stop his people from getting agitated from the revolutions and regime chagnes going on in Middle East, and ordered "the ban of returning to North Korea for everyone working in Libya and Egypt."
No matter how much they try to block the information from getting to his people, Kim Jong il won't be able to avoid the democratic revolution sweeping through the world...
You need to provide links to stories like this. So we can read for ourselves.

I would not be surprised to hear that the Norks are banning the return of people from overseas who have seen revolution.

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