Non-organic source of petroleum

Robert Urbanek

Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2019
Vacaville, CA
We may have more oil and gas than previously thought, as noted in the study THE NON-ORGANIC THEORY OF THE GENESIS OF PETROLEUM.

Among the points for a non-organic source for at least some hydrocarbons:

The concentration of oil in the Middle East implies that that region must have been exceptionally prolific in plant and animal life over long periods of the Earth’s history. This is unlikely, since life tends to be more dispersed.

Methane occurs in giant ocean rifts, in continental rifts and the lakes that occur nearby, e.g. dissolved in the waters of the East African Lake Kivu, as methane hydrates in permafrost, in active volcanic and mud volcanic regions, as well as at great depths of more than 10 km as geopressured gas etc. A biological origin for this methane can be virtually ruled out.


The author is Samar Abbas, a physicist in India. His only “agenda” seems to be the hope that a non-organic theory would support further exploration for petroleum in India, which, by conventional theories, is considered a poor prospect for oil exploration. He argues that as the result of experimental drilling in Sweden “the case appears to have recently swung in favour of the non-organists.”

Nevertheless, we still need to use these resources judiciously to avoid contaminating our environment.
Sounds a little far fetched, but if he can prove petroleum is produced by non organic means, then good for him. If he could figure out where to find all that non organically produced petroleum, it would be even better.
The concentration of oil in the Middle East implies that that region must have been exceptionally prolific in plant and animal life over long periods of the Earth’s history. This is unlikely, since life tends to be more dispersed.

Why So Much Oil in the Middle East?

The reason is due to plate tectonics over the history of the region.

Your link provides compelling and persuasive information. Abbas, though, appears to argue that plate tectonic movement, not organic material, is the more significant driver in the creation of hydrocarbons.
The concentration of oil in the Middle East implies that that region must have been exceptionally prolific in plant and animal life over long periods of the Earth’s history. This is unlikely, since life tends to be more dispersed.

Why So Much Oil in the Middle East?

The reason is due to plate tectonics over the history of the region.

Your link provides compelling and persuasive information. Abbas, though, appears to argue that plate tectonic movement, not organic material, is the more significant driver in the creation of hydrocarbons.
That's not accurate at all. The article, in great detail, specifies how the organic sources of that oil were made to form and concentrate the oil in some places more than others, due to geography, itself altered by plate tectonics. It is literally the entire point of the article.
Sounds a little far fetched, but if he can prove petroleum is produced by non organic means, then good for him. If he could figure out where to find all that non organically produced petroleum, it would be even better.

Abiogenic oil is a theory that has been around for decades. Dr. Gold drilled an exploratory hole into the continental Kraton, igneous rock, in other words, and found petroleum where every theory said it couldn't be.
Best theory of the origin of petroleum was given by Immanuel Velikovski in his book "Worlds in collision"

He debunked the beliefs of hydrocarbons formed by ancient organisms like bacteria.

In reality those beliefs have not support in absolute. The process of bacteria tuning into petroleum is practically laughable.

Velikovski explained it by cause of the collision of Earth with planet Venus at the time of exodus. The forces caused by electromagnetic at such a level which is unique and almost impossible to imitate in lab, in such an event, were the reason of "rain of hydrocarbon" which is described by the ancient in those times.

And if planet earth has suffered other similar collisions in a former past, then our planet must contain lots of hydrocarbon "in storage".

See? Every time a spill of petroleum has happened and the water and shores were cleaned up, it was discovered that just by pulling up a stone or rock, there it was, petroleum "hiding itself under the stone".

This is a good explanation of why petroleum is found underground. After its formation the rain of hydrocarbon went to the old former underground canals and caves and fill them up.

Velikovski has been vindicated years ago when hydrocarbon was discovered in Jupiter. And today hydrocarbon is also found in Titan, the moon of Saturn.

Time to wake up and enjoy the coffee.
Best theory of the origin of petroleum was given by Immanuel Velikovski in his book "Worlds in collision"
No. A million times no. That theory is not only not the best, it is utterly worthless, as it has not been confirmd by a mountain of evidenxe, much less any at all. Stop spamming the science sextion with your religious horseshit. Thanks.
We may have more oil and gas than previously thought, as noted in the study THE NON-ORGANIC THEORY OF THE GENESIS OF PETROLEUM.

Among the points for a non-organic source for at least some hydrocarbons:

The concentration of oil in the Middle East implies that that region must have been exceptionally prolific in plant and animal life over long periods of the Earth’s history. This is unlikely, since life tends to be more dispersed.

Methane occurs in giant ocean rifts, in continental rifts and the lakes that occur nearby, e.g. dissolved in the waters of the East African Lake Kivu, as methane hydrates in permafrost, in active volcanic and mud volcanic regions, as well as at great depths of more than 10 km as geopressured gas etc. A biological origin for this methane can be virtually ruled out.


The author is Samar Abbas, a physicist in India. His only “agenda” seems to be the hope that a non-organic theory would support further exploration for petroleum in India, which, by conventional theories, is considered a poor prospect for oil exploration. He argues that as the result of experimental drilling in Sweden “the case appears to have recently swung in favour of the non-organists.”

Nevertheless, we still need to use these resources judiciously to avoid contaminating our environment.

Ah Earth to earthling. Vulcanism indicates great heat and fire, methane can not exist in this region without igniting, at which point it is no longer methane

But then some scientist make their own physical rules
If you explain hydrocarbons in Jupiter as caused by animals and plants living in that planet millions of years ago, then, why wasting more time and we must recognize "life in other planets finally proved"?

Same as well with hydrocarbons in moon Titan?

Hydrocarbons formed by collisions between cosmic bodies, as presented by Velikovski can explain its origin not only in our planet but in our solar system.
How about nearby planets that developed lots of bacterial life and that were shattered in supernovae and sent hurtling into space?

A lot of Type C asteroids have methane.

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