Nominate Rubio Already


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
I wish Republicans would just stop the song and dance about Ben carson or carli fiorina. It's not going to be a tea partier so Cruz is out. Christie was too corrupt in jersey plus Republicans won't nominate him. He's too moderate. Jeb has the last name bush. Kasich is too blah. Its not gonna be Rand Paul.

So lets here Republicans now profess their love for rubio. You didn't even know he was going to be your nominee because the GOP hasn't told you yet. You heard it here first.
I wish Republicans would just stop the song and dance about Ben carson or carli fiorina. It's not going to be a tea partier so Cruz is out. Christie was too corrupt in jersey plus Republicans won't nominate him. He's too moderate. Jeb has the last name bush. Kasich is too blah. Its not gonna be Rand Paul.

So lets here Republicans now profess their love for rubio. You didn't even know he was going to be your nominee because the GOP hasn't told you yet. You heard it here first.

No thanks, he doesn't need another chance to sell out the country to his large pro illegal donors. He tried that once and it sealed his fate as far as I'm concerned. Of course we all know that Rubio would be the establishment choice behind Bush which is another strike.
It's not going to be a tea partier
I guess you forgot Rubio was elected as part of the 2010 Tea Party wave.
They know Rubio cannot win. All of Hillary's supporters are hoping the Republicans will vote for him. It isn't going to happen. He should have already dropped out. It's Trump, Carson or Cruz Three are known for NOT being establishment Republicans. Rubio is the very last candidate I would vote for. LAST as in LAST. He cannot be trusted.
The next President will be one of the following people in no particular order.


Other than trump, I can live with that.

Notice only one is white.
The next President will be one of the following people in no particular order.


Other than trump, I can live with that.

Notice only one is white.
I like Trump, Cruz and Carson in that order. But I still believe Obama is staying in office. I believe something will happen with Hillary and he'll step up for a 3rd term, or martial law will be enacted or we'll be at war - something will happen to cause him to stay in.
The next President will be one of the following people in no particular order.


Other than trump, I can live with that.

Notice only one is white.
I like Trump, Cruz and Carson in that order. But I still believe Obama is staying in office. I believe something will happen with Hillary and he'll step up for a 3rd term, or martial law will be enacted or we'll be at war - something will happen to cause him to stay in.
Ha-ha. We worried bush would try and pull something like that in 2004. So funny.

Rubio is your nominee. Please remember I told you so. And hillary will be the next potus.
The next President will be one of the following people in no particular order.


Other than trump, I can live with that.

Notice only one is white.
I like Trump, Cruz and Carson in that order. But I still believe Obama is staying in office. I believe something will happen with Hillary and he'll step up for a 3rd term, or martial law will be enacted or we'll be at war - something will happen to cause him to stay in.
Ha-ha. We worried bush would try and pull something like that in 2004. So funny.

Rubio is your nominee. Please remember I told you so. And hillary will be the next potus.

How much crow are these guys going to eat when they a supporting Rubio.

We are going to get how he is the lord and saviour and ye are are all racists.
I wish Republicans would just stop the song and dance about Ben carson or carli fiorina. It's not going to be a tea partier so Cruz is out. Christie was too corrupt in jersey plus Republicans won't nominate him. He's too moderate. Jeb has the last name bush. Kasich is too blah. Its not gonna be Rand Paul.

So lets here Republicans now profess their love for rubio. You didn't even know he was going to be your nominee because the GOP hasn't told you yet. You heard it here first.

The only way Rubio will get my primary vote is if Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, and Donald Trump are gone.
The only GOP that won't get my vote in the general is Jeb Bush.
The next President will be one of the following people in no particular order.


Other than trump, I can live with that.

Notice only one is white.
I like Trump, Cruz and Carson in that order. But I still believe Obama is staying in office. I believe something will happen with Hillary and he'll step up for a 3rd term, or martial law will be enacted or we'll be at war - something will happen to cause him to stay in.
Ha-ha. We worried bush would try and pull something like that in 2004. So funny.

Rubio is your nominee. Please remember I told you so. And hillary will be the next potus.

Why would you want a criminal for POTUS?
Ok, if we ignore her criminal activities, why would you want some one who is a failure at everything to be POTUS?
The ticket will be Rubio Kasich, and it will be HRC.

You read it here first.
The next President will be one of the following people in no particular order.


Other than trump, I can live with that.

Notice only one is white.
I like Trump, Cruz and Carson in that order. But I still believe Obama is staying in office. I believe something will happen with Hillary and he'll step up for a 3rd term, or martial law will be enacted or we'll be at war - something will happen to cause him to stay in.
Ha-ha. We worried bush would try and pull something like that in 2004. So funny.

Rubio is your nominee. Please remember I told you so. And hillary will be the next potus.

How much crow are these guys going to eat when they a supporting Rubio.

We are going to get how he is the lord and saviour and ye are are all racists.

And they are going to play the "he's not white" card. They are going to win back all the hispanic votes Trump is losing them now by nominating one. Never mind he's an anti hispanic hispanic, much like Ben Carson isn't popular with blacks, lets see if Mexicans are stupid enough to vote for the guy just because he's a **** himself.

Although I am hoping a lot of women who normally don't vote will show up to elect the first woman ever. Even a lot of women who normally vote for who their husbands vote for will secretly vote for Hillary. Got to say I want it both ways on this one. But that's ok. Republicans want us to only play checkers while they play chess.
From the polls I've seen over the last couple of days, it looks like Cruz is the one with the momentum, no?
Trust me, that's fleeting. Christy, Kasich, Jeb will all have one last "surge" in the polls but most Washington insiders know Rubio is the most likely nominee. So lets stop talking about Carson.

But I do want to see how they are going to get Trump out of the race without pissing him off and having him run 3rd party. That would be interesting.

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