Nolte: The China Trade Deal and 22 Other Times Trump Made Fools of the ‘Experts’

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Way back in 2015, when the rumors began to circulate about Donald Trump running for president, rumors we had heard for decades, I was shocked at how many “smart people” — those snobs I enjoy heckling as “#GOPSmartSet” — underestimated The Donald.

Shrugging off the idea Trump would actually run was fair enough. Like I said, he’d been flirting with the idea for decades. Even I would have bet it was a publicity stunt.

No, what surprised me was how #GOPSmartSet and the elite media laughed off Trump as a clown, a huckster, a carnival barker, and bankrupt loser. That, to me, was wholly ridiculous.

To begin with, Trump was in his fourth decade of pop culture relevance. Other than Oprah, how many Americans have remained relevant since the eighties, are more than a nostalgia act today?

On top of that, Trump was not only a potent brand, but with his skyscrapers, he had single-handedly altered the landscapes of some of the biggest cities in the world, he had come back from the brink of bankruptcy (no small thing), he had conquered the Manhattan real estate market (the most competitive and cutthroat in the world), he was in his 14th year — fourteen! — of The Apprentice, a primetime hit on a major broadcast network, and he was a bestselling author.

Unless you’re a fool, and let’s face it, most of America’s political and media “experts” are fools, you don’t write off a man like that.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

MLK wasn’t wrong so much as the Left has decided that the bigots of old were right and the same race ideology they believed (the color of skin is of ineffable significance to determine who some one is, who they should be and who they can be) is the race ideology the Left now lives by ... only now they use it to keep people contained rather than keep them out.

But when I speak of keeping people contained don’t think I merely mean some reservation for blacks. No, to the Left everyone has a concentration camp they should stay in and so long as they be who the Left thinks they should be, think what people of their description ought to think, they are absolved ... the good people.

And those of us who won’t go into our assigned camps, we bitter Bible clingers, we are guilty, Deplorables ... the bad people.

I’m proud to be a Deplorable.
Way back in 2015, when the rumors began to circulate about Donald Trump running for president, rumors we had heard for decades, I was shocked at how many “smart people” — those snobs I enjoy heckling as “#GOPSmartSet” — underestimated The Donald.

Shrugging off the idea Trump would actually run was fair enough. Like I said, he’d been flirting with the idea for decades. Even I would have bet it was a publicity stunt.

No, what surprised me was how #GOPSmartSet and the elite media laughed off Trump as a clown, a huckster, a carnival barker, and bankrupt loser. That, to me, was wholly ridiculous.

To begin with, Trump was in his fourth decade of pop culture relevance. Other than Oprah, how many Americans have remained relevant since the eighties, are more than a nostalgia act today?

On top of that, Trump was not only a potent brand, but with his skyscrapers, he had single-handedly altered the landscapes of some of the biggest cities in the world, he had come back from the brink of bankruptcy (no small thing), he had conquered the Manhattan real estate market (the most competitive and cutthroat in the world), he was in his 14th year — fourteen! — of The Apprentice, a primetime hit on a major broadcast network, and he was a bestselling author.

Unless you’re a fool, and let’s face it, most of America’s political and media “experts” are fools, you don’t write off a man like that.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

MLK wasn’t wrong so much as the Left has decided that the bigots of old were right and the same race ideology they believed (the color of skin is of ineffable significance to determine who some one is, who they should be and who they can be) is the race ideology the Left now lives by ... only now they use it to keep people contained rather than keep them out.

But when I speak of keeping people contained don’t think I merely mean some reservation for blacks. No, to the Left everyone has a concentration camp they should stay in and so long as they be who the Left thinks they should be, think what people of their description ought to think, they are absolved ... the good people.

And those of us who won’t go into our assigned camps, we bitter Bible clingers, we are guilty, Deplorables ... the bad people.

I’m proud to be a Deplorable.

John Nolte is great and I read everything he writes......and this column is right on target. It was always funny when left wing asshats, democrat party members pretending to be reporters and Never Trump wimp republicans would call Trump a reality t.v. star as if that was his only accomplishment...I don't know if they were simply doing that to dismiss him or because they are really, really.....really stupid.......

Nolte lists everything a rational, informed individual understood about Trump when he ran for President.....

If I’m missing any, feel free to complete the list in the comments…

  1. Trump Won’t Run for President
  1. Trump Won’t File His Personal Financial Disclosure Forms
  1. Trump Can’t Win the Republican Nomination

  1. Trump Can’t Win the Presidency

  1. Trump Can’t Win Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, or Michigan
  1. Trump’s Victory Will Crash the Stock Market

  1. Trump Won’t Build a Border Wall

  1. Trump Will Never Get Mexico to Pay for the Wall
The “experts” told us Trump was lying about Mexico paying for the wall.

Well, to be perfectly fair, so far the experts are half right, but Mexico is indeed paying to protect our southern border with a human wall of 27,000 Mexican National Guard troops. If Trump had made a campaign promise Mexico would agree to that, the “experts” would have laughed just as hard.

  1. Trump Can’t Bring Manufacturing Jobs Back to America

  1. Trump Will Never Get Mexico and Canada to Replace NAFTA

  1. Trump’s Tariffs Will Destroy the Economy

  1. Trump Can’t Win a Trade War with China

  1. Trump Can’t Remove Troops from Syria
  1. Trump Will Never Move the American Embassy to Jerusalem
Trump moved the American embassy to Jerusalem.

  1. Trump’s Move of the American Embassy to Jerusalem Will Be an International Catastrophe

  1. Trump Will Never Make America Energy Independent

  1. Trump Can’t Tame North Korea

  1. Trump Can’t Lower the Unemployment Rate

  1. Trump Can’t Boost the GDP

  1. Trump Can’t Increase Working Class Wages

  1. Trump Will Never Get NATO to Pay Its Fair Share

23. Trump Will Never Pull Out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Deal

  1. Trump’s Droning of Iran Terror Master Soleimani Will Result in Disaster

And finally, my favorite…

  1. Trump Will Resign and Not Run for Reelection
Good grief, “Experts” — have a little dignity, and you might start with a healthy serving of STFU.

Nolte explains each point in the article...
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