Noisy democracy, or rude people behaving like children?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Noisy democracy, or rude people behaving like children?

Noisy democracy, or rude people behaving like children?
They’re certainly noisy, and there’s certainly a link to leaders of the Democratic Party such as Rep. Maxine Waters. In June, at a rally, and then again in a TV interview, the California congresswoman urged participants, “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gas station, you get out and you create a crowd,” adding, “And you tell them they’re not welcome any more.”
CNN anchors have dubbed what happens when a “crowd” gets together as “the M word,” and have told contributors to “shut up” when they insisted that the Cruzes had been “mobbed.” … It’s amusing to turn the clock back to 2009 and 2010 to see how the media characterized the Tea Party. The favorite words were nut bags, radicals, extremists, hysterical, furious and dangerous. Quickly, these words were accompanied by the charge that Tea Party members were all racists who were, according to the New York Times, lighting a “powder keg” of nativists, separatists and militia. One columnist wrote about a “tsunami of anger” and compared them to Nazis. Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson accused them of “paranoid ravings.”…. Eight years ago exemplified by a picture accompanying a Vox article, “How Southern racism found a home in the Tea Party,” of a mustached, middle-aged, overweight, T-shirted man with a sign, “We don’t want socialism you arrogant Kenyan.” The existence of any single sign became a proxy for the entire group. Even the video was mostly people just holding signs. And there were plenty of obnoxious signs, just as there were comparing President George W. Bush to Hitler, but the anti-Bush signs and “noisy democracy” protestors — such as the group that tried to carry out a citizen’s arrest of Bush adviser Karl Rove
Maybe, we in the ancillary media should create something like it. The Cruz and Rand Paul scenes get an M; other scenes might rate as ND, or “noisy democracy.” The Berenstain cubs first mocked the politeness plan, but eventually it had an impact. It may be just children’s fiction but when people are behaving like children, it’s worth trying.

It was just fine to call the Tea Party a mob we they went to D.C., but now it's different?
The hate-filled maggots of the left-wing fringe simply cannot defend the thugs in their #OWS, #BLM, or #Antifa because they are indefensible. Instead, they try to pretend that Tea Partiers is just as bad regarding rioting, looting stores and pharmacies for opioids, burning them down afterward, leaving piles of human excrement, syringes, garbage, and sexual assaults against their female members, scabies and at least one case murder. [More Rapes, Deaths Occurring at Occupy Wall Street Protests | Habledash ]
Tea party people did not break things, they didn't hit people with bicycle locks or burn cars and the flag, they in fact cleaned up afterwards. Something neither #OWS, #BLM or #AntiFa have yet to do. They crap and urinate in the streets, assault people, flip cop cars, trash businesses , start fires and leave the cities with a million dollar clean up bill. Little bit different...
It wasn’t the Tea Party or Conservatives that disrupted hearings, screaming at Senators, beating on the doors of the Supreme Court, and acting like a "MOB"..
It wasn’t members of the Tea Party or a Conservative shooting up a Congressional softball game, mailing white powders to elected officials and their families, making death threats, holding up severed heads, inciting violence, committing assaults, vandalism or doxing GOP elected officials.
Reject divisive identity politics, intolerance, incivility, sedition and mob rule. The various Tea Party organizations were actively and relentlessly throwing out anybody who showed the slightest sign of racism.
The truth of the matter is that the Democratic Party is the only major party that behaves like the Nazi Party, with a massive propaganda network that includes CNN, MSNBC and most of the major media; a Brown shirt Sturmabteilung consisting of Antifa and Black Lives Matter; and precisely the same attitude toward Christians that the Nazis had toward Jews in 1932. We are currently living through the Democrats' slow motion version of Kristallnacht.
Noisy democracy, or rude people behaving like children?

Noisy democracy, or rude people behaving like children?
They’re certainly noisy, and there’s certainly a link to leaders of the Democratic Party such as Rep. Maxine Waters. In June, at a rally, and then again in a TV interview, the California congresswoman urged participants, “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gas station, you get out and you create a crowd,” adding, “And you tell them they’re not welcome any more.”
CNN anchors have dubbed what happens when a “crowd” gets together as “the M word,” and have told contributors to “shut up” when they insisted that the Cruzes had been “mobbed.” … It’s amusing to turn the clock back to 2009 and 2010 to see how the media characterized the Tea Party. The favorite words were nut bags, radicals, extremists, hysterical, furious and dangerous. Quickly, these words were accompanied by the charge that Tea Party members were all racists who were, according to the New York Times, lighting a “powder keg” of nativists, separatists and militia. One columnist wrote about a “tsunami of anger” and compared them to Nazis. Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson accused them of “paranoid ravings.”…. Eight years ago exemplified by a picture accompanying a Vox article, “How Southern racism found a home in the Tea Party,” of a mustached, middle-aged, overweight, T-shirted man with a sign, “We don’t want socialism you arrogant Kenyan.” The existence of any single sign became a proxy for the entire group. Even the video was mostly people just holding signs. And there were plenty of obnoxious signs, just as there were comparing President George W. Bush to Hitler, but the anti-Bush signs and “noisy democracy” protestors — such as the group that tried to carry out a citizen’s arrest of Bush adviser Karl Rove
Maybe, we in the ancillary media should create something like it. The Cruz and Rand Paul scenes get an M; other scenes might rate as ND, or “noisy democracy.” The Berenstain cubs first mocked the politeness plan, but eventually it had an impact. It may be just children’s fiction but when people are behaving like children, it’s worth trying.

It was just fine to call the Tea Party a mob we they went to D.C., but now it's different?
The hate-filled maggots of the left-wing fringe simply cannot defend the thugs in their #OWS, #BLM, or #Antifa because they are indefensible. Instead, they try to pretend that Tea Partiers is just as bad regarding rioting, looting stores and pharmacies for opioids, burning them down afterward, leaving piles of human excrement, syringes, garbage, and sexual assaults against their female members, scabies and at least one case murder. [More Rapes, Deaths Occurring at Occupy Wall Street Protests | Habledash ]
Tea party people did not break things, they didn't hit people with bicycle locks or burn cars and the flag, they in fact cleaned up afterwards. Something neither #OWS, #BLM or #AntiFa have yet to do. They crap and urinate in the streets, assault people, flip cop cars, trash businesses , start fires and leave the cities with a million dollar clean up bill. Little bit different...
It wasn’t the Tea Party or Conservatives that disrupted hearings, screaming at Senators, beating on the doors of the Supreme Court, and acting like a "MOB"..
It wasn’t members of the Tea Party or a Conservative shooting up a Congressional softball game, mailing white powders to elected officials and their families, making death threats, holding up severed heads, inciting violence, committing assaults, vandalism or doxing GOP elected officials.
Reject divisive identity politics, intolerance, incivility, sedition and mob rule. The various Tea Party organizations were actively and relentlessly throwing out anybody who showed the slightest sign of racism.
The truth of the matter is that the Democratic Party is the only major party that behaves like the Nazi Party, with a massive propaganda network that includes CNN, MSNBC and most of the major media; a Brown shirt Sturmabteilung consisting of Antifa and Black Lives Matter; and precisely the same attitude toward Christians that the Nazis had toward Jews in 1932. We are currently living through the Democrats' slow motion version of Kristallnacht.

Democrats are NOT bad, FAR LEFTISTS are!

Problem is, if you give them power, the FAR LEFT is in control of that party, and America is screwed!

Americans have a chance to REMOVE power from FAR LEFTISTS, and give it back to REAL DEMOCRATS! The choice is America's, and I think REAL DEMOCRATS are going to be able to regain control of this once great party, if we hose them this time!

America NEEDS Democrats; not FAR LEFTISTS!

If you REAL DEMOCRATS do not impose your will on your party if we take them down this time, then you have lost a golden opportunity. The LOYAL OPPOSITION, does not mean socialist, Marxist, or antifah tactics. If you pay attention to the tactics, then even YOU; REAL DEMOCRATS, must be aware of what kind of people are running your party.

If that doesn't scare the hell out of you, then America is D-E-A-D!
Definitely not just a “noisy democracy”. Leftist politicians have stepped up their violent rhetoric- not only are they calling for civil disobedience but they call for kicking and knifing. A few days ago Hillary Clinton said it is not possible to be civil to republicans. The left is organizing unfounded smear campaigns- the case of Justice Kavanaugh was planned before they knew who Trump’s nominee was. I’m not saying the right is perfect but the left is literally calling for mobs to violently take over, starting with rhetoric but then as the weekends events in Portland show, their enforcement of the law not being equally applied and resulting in favoring the side that did not have the necessary permits for their demonstration. They are calling for illegal immigrants to initiate a blue wave- obviously the only way for this to happen is illegal voting. The masks are off and one side wants democracy while the other side wants an emotionally-based judicial system that ignores proof and rushes to a violent and bloody judgement. Prove me wrong.

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Noisy democracy, or rude people behaving like children?

Noisy democracy, or rude people behaving like children?
They’re certainly noisy, and there’s certainly a link to leaders of the Democratic Party such as Rep. Maxine Waters. In June, at a rally, and then again in a TV interview, the California congresswoman urged participants, “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gas station, you get out and you create a crowd,” adding, “And you tell them they’re not welcome any more.”
CNN anchors have dubbed what happens when a “crowd” gets together as “the M word,” and have told contributors to “shut up” when they insisted that the Cruzes had been “mobbed.” … It’s amusing to turn the clock back to 2009 and 2010 to see how the media characterized the Tea Party. The favorite words were nut bags, radicals, extremists, hysterical, furious and dangerous. Quickly, these words were accompanied by the charge that Tea Party members were all racists who were, according to the New York Times, lighting a “powder keg” of nativists, separatists and militia. One columnist wrote about a “tsunami of anger” and compared them to Nazis. Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson accused them of “paranoid ravings.”…. Eight years ago exemplified by a picture accompanying a Vox article, “How Southern racism found a home in the Tea Party,” of a mustached, middle-aged, overweight, T-shirted man with a sign, “We don’t want socialism you arrogant Kenyan.” The existence of any single sign became a proxy for the entire group. Even the video was mostly people just holding signs. And there were plenty of obnoxious signs, just as there were comparing President George W. Bush to Hitler, but the anti-Bush signs and “noisy democracy” protestors — such as the group that tried to carry out a citizen’s arrest of Bush adviser Karl Rove
Maybe, we in the ancillary media should create something like it. The Cruz and Rand Paul scenes get an M; other scenes might rate as ND, or “noisy democracy.” The Berenstain cubs first mocked the politeness plan, but eventually it had an impact. It may be just children’s fiction but when people are behaving like children, it’s worth trying.

It was just fine to call the Tea Party a mob we they went to D.C., but now it's different?
The hate-filled maggots of the left-wing fringe simply cannot defend the thugs in their #OWS, #BLM, or #Antifa because they are indefensible. Instead, they try to pretend that Tea Partiers is just as bad regarding rioting, looting stores and pharmacies for opioids, burning them down afterward, leaving piles of human excrement, syringes, garbage, and sexual assaults against their female members, scabies and at least one case murder. [More Rapes, Deaths Occurring at Occupy Wall Street Protests | Habledash ]
Tea party people did not break things, they didn't hit people with bicycle locks or burn cars and the flag, they in fact cleaned up afterwards. Something neither #OWS, #BLM or #AntiFa have yet to do. They crap and urinate in the streets, assault people, flip cop cars, trash businesses , start fires and leave the cities with a million dollar clean up bill. Little bit different...
It wasn’t the Tea Party or Conservatives that disrupted hearings, screaming at Senators, beating on the doors of the Supreme Court, and acting like a "MOB"..
It wasn’t members of the Tea Party or a Conservative shooting up a Congressional softball game, mailing white powders to elected officials and their families, making death threats, holding up severed heads, inciting violence, committing assaults, vandalism or doxing GOP elected officials.
Reject divisive identity politics, intolerance, incivility, sedition and mob rule. The various Tea Party organizations were actively and relentlessly throwing out anybody who showed the slightest sign of racism.
The truth of the matter is that the Democratic Party is the only major party that behaves like the Nazi Party, with a massive propaganda network that includes CNN, MSNBC and most of the major media; a Brown shirt Sturmabteilung consisting of Antifa and Black Lives Matter; and precisely the same attitude toward Christians that the Nazis had toward Jews in 1932. We are currently living through the Democrats' slow motion version of Kristallnacht.

Democrats are NOT bad, FAR LEFTISTS are!

Problem is, if you give them power, the FAR LEFT is in control of that party, and America is screwed!

Americans have a chance to REMOVE power from FAR LEFTISTS, and give it back to REAL DEMOCRATS! The choice is America's, and I think REAL DEMOCRATS are going to be able to regain control of this once great party, if we hose them this time!

America NEEDS Democrats; not FAR LEFTISTS!

If you REAL DEMOCRATS do not impose your will on your party if we take them down this time, then you have lost a golden opportunity. The LOYAL OPPOSITION, does not mean socialist, Marxist, or antifah tactics. If you pay attention to the tactics, then even YOU; REAL DEMOCRATS, must be aware of what kind of people are running your party.

If that doesn't scare the hell out of you, then America is D-E-A-D!

They are all the real Democrats now, and they will have to be faced down. The Democratic Party is of no use to America, and is in fact an enemy of it.
Noisy democracy, or rude people behaving like children?

Noisy democracy, or rude people behaving like children?
They’re certainly noisy, and there’s certainly a link to leaders of the Democratic Party such as Rep. Maxine Waters. In June, at a rally, and then again in a TV interview, the California congresswoman urged participants, “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gas station, you get out and you create a crowd,” adding, “And you tell them they’re not welcome any more.”
CNN anchors have dubbed what happens when a “crowd” gets together as “the M word,” and have told contributors to “shut up” when they insisted that the Cruzes had been “mobbed.” … It’s amusing to turn the clock back to 2009 and 2010 to see how the media characterized the Tea Party. The favorite words were nut bags, radicals, extremists, hysterical, furious and dangerous. Quickly, these words were accompanied by the charge that Tea Party members were all racists who were, according to the New York Times, lighting a “powder keg” of nativists, separatists and militia. One columnist wrote about a “tsunami of anger” and compared them to Nazis. Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson accused them of “paranoid ravings.”…. Eight years ago exemplified by a picture accompanying a Vox article, “How Southern racism found a home in the Tea Party,” of a mustached, middle-aged, overweight, T-shirted man with a sign, “We don’t want socialism you arrogant Kenyan.” The existence of any single sign became a proxy for the entire group. Even the video was mostly people just holding signs. And there were plenty of obnoxious signs, just as there were comparing President George W. Bush to Hitler, but the anti-Bush signs and “noisy democracy” protestors — such as the group that tried to carry out a citizen’s arrest of Bush adviser Karl Rove
Maybe, we in the ancillary media should create something like it. The Cruz and Rand Paul scenes get an M; other scenes might rate as ND, or “noisy democracy.” The Berenstain cubs first mocked the politeness plan, but eventually it had an impact. It may be just children’s fiction but when people are behaving like children, it’s worth trying.

It was just fine to call the Tea Party a mob we they went to D.C., but now it's different?
The hate-filled maggots of the left-wing fringe simply cannot defend the thugs in their #OWS, #BLM, or #Antifa because they are indefensible. Instead, they try to pretend that Tea Partiers is just as bad regarding rioting, looting stores and pharmacies for opioids, burning them down afterward, leaving piles of human excrement, syringes, garbage, and sexual assaults against their female members, scabies and at least one case murder. [More Rapes, Deaths Occurring at Occupy Wall Street Protests | Habledash ]
Tea party people did not break things, they didn't hit people with bicycle locks or burn cars and the flag, they in fact cleaned up afterwards. Something neither #OWS, #BLM or #AntiFa have yet to do. They crap and urinate in the streets, assault people, flip cop cars, trash businesses , start fires and leave the cities with a million dollar clean up bill. Little bit different...
It wasn’t the Tea Party or Conservatives that disrupted hearings, screaming at Senators, beating on the doors of the Supreme Court, and acting like a "MOB"..
It wasn’t members of the Tea Party or a Conservative shooting up a Congressional softball game, mailing white powders to elected officials and their families, making death threats, holding up severed heads, inciting violence, committing assaults, vandalism or doxing GOP elected officials.
Reject divisive identity politics, intolerance, incivility, sedition and mob rule. The various Tea Party organizations were actively and relentlessly throwing out anybody who showed the slightest sign of racism.
The truth of the matter is that the Democratic Party is the only major party that behaves like the Nazi Party, with a massive propaganda network that includes CNN, MSNBC and most of the major media; a Brown shirt Sturmabteilung consisting of Antifa and Black Lives Matter; and precisely the same attitude toward Christians that the Nazis had toward Jews in 1932. We are currently living through the Democrats' slow motion version of Kristallnacht.

Democrats are NOT bad, FAR LEFTISTS are!

Problem is, if you give them power, the FAR LEFT is in control of that party, and America is screwed!

Americans have a chance to REMOVE power from FAR LEFTISTS, and give it back to REAL DEMOCRATS! The choice is America's, and I think REAL DEMOCRATS are going to be able to regain control of this once great party, if we hose them this time!

America NEEDS Democrats; not FAR LEFTISTS!

If you REAL DEMOCRATS do not impose your will on your party if we take them down this time, then you have lost a golden opportunity. The LOYAL OPPOSITION, does not mean socialist, Marxist, or antifah tactics. If you pay attention to the tactics, then even YOU; REAL DEMOCRATS, must be aware of what kind of people are running your party.

If that doesn't scare the hell out of you, then America is D-E-A-D!

They are all the real Democrats now, and they will have to be faced down. The Democratic Party is of no use to America, and is in fact an enemy of it.

The Dems actually care about America . Cons only care about their big biz overlords .
It depends on how big of a wake up call the Ds get in the mid-terms. They've thrown away their chance at the Senate and appear to be throwing away their chance at the house.
Noisy democracy, or rude people behaving like children?

Noisy democracy, or rude people behaving like children?
They’re certainly noisy, and there’s certainly a link to leaders of the Democratic Party such as Rep. Maxine Waters. In June, at a rally, and then again in a TV interview, the California congresswoman urged participants, “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gas station, you get out and you create a crowd,” adding, “And you tell them they’re not welcome any more.”
CNN anchors have dubbed what happens when a “crowd” gets together as “the M word,” and have told contributors to “shut up” when they insisted that the Cruzes had been “mobbed.” … It’s amusing to turn the clock back to 2009 and 2010 to see how the media characterized the Tea Party. The favorite words were nut bags, radicals, extremists, hysterical, furious and dangerous. Quickly, these words were accompanied by the charge that Tea Party members were all racists who were, according to the New York Times, lighting a “powder keg” of nativists, separatists and militia. One columnist wrote about a “tsunami of anger” and compared them to Nazis. Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson accused them of “paranoid ravings.”…. Eight years ago exemplified by a picture accompanying a Vox article, “How Southern racism found a home in the Tea Party,” of a mustached, middle-aged, overweight, T-shirted man with a sign, “We don’t want socialism you arrogant Kenyan.” The existence of any single sign became a proxy for the entire group. Even the video was mostly people just holding signs. And there were plenty of obnoxious signs, just as there were comparing President George W. Bush to Hitler, but the anti-Bush signs and “noisy democracy” protestors — such as the group that tried to carry out a citizen’s arrest of Bush adviser Karl Rove
Maybe, we in the ancillary media should create something like it. The Cruz and Rand Paul scenes get an M; other scenes might rate as ND, or “noisy democracy.” The Berenstain cubs first mocked the politeness plan, but eventually it had an impact. It may be just children’s fiction but when people are behaving like children, it’s worth trying.

It was just fine to call the Tea Party a mob we they went to D.C., but now it's different?
The hate-filled maggots of the left-wing fringe simply cannot defend the thugs in their #OWS, #BLM, or #Antifa because they are indefensible. Instead, they try to pretend that Tea Partiers is just as bad regarding rioting, looting stores and pharmacies for opioids, burning them down afterward, leaving piles of human excrement, syringes, garbage, and sexual assaults against their female members, scabies and at least one case murder. [More Rapes, Deaths Occurring at Occupy Wall Street Protests | Habledash ]
Tea party people did not break things, they didn't hit people with bicycle locks or burn cars and the flag, they in fact cleaned up afterwards. Something neither #OWS, #BLM or #AntiFa have yet to do. They crap and urinate in the streets, assault people, flip cop cars, trash businesses , start fires and leave the cities with a million dollar clean up bill. Little bit different...
It wasn’t the Tea Party or Conservatives that disrupted hearings, screaming at Senators, beating on the doors of the Supreme Court, and acting like a "MOB"..
It wasn’t members of the Tea Party or a Conservative shooting up a Congressional softball game, mailing white powders to elected officials and their families, making death threats, holding up severed heads, inciting violence, committing assaults, vandalism or doxing GOP elected officials.
Reject divisive identity politics, intolerance, incivility, sedition and mob rule. The various Tea Party organizations were actively and relentlessly throwing out anybody who showed the slightest sign of racism.
The truth of the matter is that the Democratic Party is the only major party that behaves like the Nazi Party, with a massive propaganda network that includes CNN, MSNBC and most of the major media; a Brown shirt Sturmabteilung consisting of Antifa and Black Lives Matter; and precisely the same attitude toward Christians that the Nazis had toward Jews in 1932. We are currently living through the Democrats' slow motion version of Kristallnacht.

Democrats are NOT bad, FAR LEFTISTS are!

Problem is, if you give them power, the FAR LEFT is in control of that party, and America is screwed!

Americans have a chance to REMOVE power from FAR LEFTISTS, and give it back to REAL DEMOCRATS! The choice is America's, and I think REAL DEMOCRATS are going to be able to regain control of this once great party, if we hose them this time!

America NEEDS Democrats; not FAR LEFTISTS!

If you REAL DEMOCRATS do not impose your will on your party if we take them down this time, then you have lost a golden opportunity. The LOYAL OPPOSITION, does not mean socialist, Marxist, or antifah tactics. If you pay attention to the tactics, then even YOU; REAL DEMOCRATS, must be aware of what kind of people are running your party.

If that doesn't scare the hell out of you, then America is D-E-A-D!

They are all the real Democrats now, and they will have to be faced down. The Democratic Party is of no use to America, and is in fact an enemy of it.

The Dems actually care about America .

No, they don't. They seek to fundamentally change it into something alien to its foundational model.
Rude people behaving like children?

Sorry bout that,

  1. I think the next time a Republican gets accosted at a *PUBLIC PLACE*, that that Republican call 911 and get the police involved.
  2. Make sure that there sign that states WE HAVE TO RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE TO ANYONE, is in plain site.
  3. If there is no sign then they have no right to ask them to leave.
  4. If there is a sign make them stand on the reason that the person or persons are being refused service in a public place.
  5. Then watch the butts pucker, and they say , "Please my apologies please return to your tables."
  6. I will love hearing about this when it happens.

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