Nobody Turns Up To Joe Biden's Las Vegas Rally The Cameras From ALL Angles Show ZERO Supporters But Show About 10 Campaign Staffers Clapping Him

Okay so here we have a Joe Biden Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, what the cameras show from ALL angles is that there are zero Joe Biden Supporters except what looks like about 10 Biden Campaign Staffers and random MSM aka human slugs.

Joe Biden also is in his usual mode of looking Dazed and Confused and looking like "Where the fuck am I?"

The situation is NOBODY shows up for ANY Joe Biden Campaign Rally, we have a lot of actual footage of this, Biden speaking to empty parking lots, Biden speaking to under 10 peoples in random fields and YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

So if I can go back to the night before the Election in 2016, Hillary had a Rally where hardly anyone turned up and I remember hearing some journalist on the BBC World Service saying they felt that Trump was going to win EVEN though ALL the Opinion Polls were saying that Hillary was going to win and he was asked WHY he felt Trump was going to win and he said that he saw Trump's Election Eve Campaign Rally in Michigan and it was AFTER Midnight and Trump was speaking to THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS in the freezing cold AFTER Midnight and he had seen a few hours earlier Hillary speaking to about a HUNDRED peoples, now I add that I do not think Trump will win Michigan this time, but I am using the Michigan thing to illustrate the indicator for 2016.

Forget the Polls, what you should be looking at is who is getting the CROWDS and from all the footage we are seeing it is not Joe Biden.

Here is the video the duration is 5 minutes and 36 seconds:

Jesus that is so cringeworthy, an old white guy from Delaware trying to pander to Mexicans by playing Mariachi music.

He even told the little Mexican boy with a lasso to come to Washington with him.....

Check out 2:50....

By the way, isn’t a lasso racist? Isn’t it just a big noose that Dems used to lynch black people with?
Okay so here we have a Joe Biden Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, what the cameras show from ALL angles is that there are zero Joe Biden Supporters except what looks like about 10 Biden Campaign Staffers and random MSM aka human slugs.

Joe Biden also is in his usual mode of looking Dazed and Confused and looking like "Where the fuck am I?"

The situation is NOBODY shows up for ANY Joe Biden Campaign Rally, we have a lot of actual footage of this, Biden speaking to empty parking lots, Biden speaking to under 10 peoples in random fields and YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

So if I can go back to the night before the Election in 2016, Hillary had a Rally where hardly anyone turned up and I remember hearing some journalist on the BBC World Service saying they felt that Trump was going to win EVEN though ALL the Opinion Polls were saying that Hillary was going to win and he was asked WHY he felt Trump was going to win and he said that he saw Trump's Election Eve Campaign Rally in Michigan and it was AFTER Midnight and Trump was speaking to THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS in the freezing cold AFTER Midnight and he had seen a few hours earlier Hillary speaking to about a HUNDRED peoples, now I add that I do not think Trump will win Michigan this time, but I am using the Michigan thing to illustrate the indicator for 2016.

Forget the Polls, what you should be looking at is who is getting the CROWDS and from all the footage we are seeing it is not Joe Biden.

Here is the video the duration is 5 minutes and 36 seconds:

Jesus that is so cringeworthy, an old white guy from Delaware trying to pander to Mexicans by playing Mariachi music.

He even told the little Mexican boy with a lasso to come to Washington with him.....

Check out 2:50....

By the way, isn’t a lasso racist? Isn’t it just a big noose that Dems used to lynch black people with?

Was Biden faking a Latino accent and eating a burrito?
Okay so here we have a Joe Biden Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, what the cameras show from ALL angles is that there are zero Joe Biden Supporters except what looks like about 10 Biden Campaign Staffers and random MSM aka human slugs.

Joe Biden also is in his usual mode of looking Dazed and Confused and looking like "Where the fuck am I?"

The situation is NOBODY shows up for ANY Joe Biden Campaign Rally, we have a lot of actual footage of this, Biden speaking to empty parking lots, Biden speaking to under 10 peoples in random fields and YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

So if I can go back to the night before the Election in 2016, Hillary had a Rally where hardly anyone turned up and I remember hearing some journalist on the BBC World Service saying they felt that Trump was going to win EVEN though ALL the Opinion Polls were saying that Hillary was going to win and he was asked WHY he felt Trump was going to win and he said that he saw Trump's Election Eve Campaign Rally in Michigan and it was AFTER Midnight and Trump was speaking to THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS in the freezing cold AFTER Midnight and he had seen a few hours earlier Hillary speaking to about a HUNDRED peoples, now I add that I do not think Trump will win Michigan this time, but I am using the Michigan thing to illustrate the indicator for 2016.

Forget the Polls, what you should be looking at is who is getting the CROWDS and from all the footage we are seeing it is not Joe Biden.

Here is the video the duration is 5 minutes and 36 seconds:

Hey Lucy have you seen this video before of Biden where he exposes his hypocrisy proving he knows the virus is a hoax taking off his mask at the end of a speech thinking the camera stopped rolling? priceless check it out if you have not seen it.comedy gold.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Fauci was on CNN today saying that if we dont lock down that another 200,000 will die.. Its amazing how they are ignoring the therapies that are working to push the crap...

I have come to believe he (Fauci) is part of the Left Wing Socialist conspiracy to shut down and ruin the greatest economic engine this country has ever seen, so that the masses will have no other choice but to look to Government for survival, and the Democrats with their lies and empty promises will seem like the only choice. The rude awakening will come when they (the masses) find out the promises where empty and false, and the greatest income/asset rift in all of our history emerges wiping out the middle class and manifests as the most divergent 2 class society of haves and have nots.

Okay so here we have a Joe Biden Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, what the cameras show from ALL angles is that there are zero Joe Biden Supporters except what looks like about 10 Biden Campaign Staffers and random MSM aka human slugs.

Joe Biden also is in his usual mode of looking Dazed and Confused and looking like "Where the fuck am I?"

The situation is NOBODY shows up for ANY Joe Biden Campaign Rally, we have a lot of actual footage of this, Biden speaking to empty parking lots, Biden speaking to under 10 peoples in random fields and YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

So if I can go back to the night before the Election in 2016, Hillary had a Rally where hardly anyone turned up and I remember hearing some journalist on the BBC World Service saying they felt that Trump was going to win EVEN though ALL the Opinion Polls were saying that Hillary was going to win and he was asked WHY he felt Trump was going to win and he said that he saw Trump's Election Eve Campaign Rally in Michigan and it was AFTER Midnight and Trump was speaking to THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS in the freezing cold AFTER Midnight and he had seen a few hours earlier Hillary speaking to about a HUNDRED peoples, now I add that I do not think Trump will win Michigan this time, but I am using the Michigan thing to illustrate the indicator for 2016.

Forget the Polls, what you should be looking at is who is getting the CROWDS and from all the footage we are seeing it is not Joe Biden.

Here is the video the duration is 5 minutes and 36 seconds:

Hey Lucy have you seen this video before of Biden where he exposes his hypocrisy proving he knows the virus is a hoax taking off his mask at the end of a speech thinking the camera stopped rolling? priceless check it out if you have not seen it.comedy gold.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Fauci was on CNN today saying that if we dont lock down that another 200,000 will die.. Its amazing how they are ignoring the therapies that are working to push the crap...

I have come to believe he (Fauci) is part of the Left Wing Socialist conspiracy to shut down and ruin the greatest economic engine this country has ever seen, so that the masses will have no other choice but to look to Government for survival, and the Democrats with their lies and empty promises will seem like the only choice. The rude awakening will come when they (the masses) find out the promises where empty and false, and the greatest income/asset rift in all of our history emerges wiping out the middle class and manifests as the most divergent 2 class society of haves and have nots.

View attachment 400275

Well Fauci has been seen with Mass murderer of children in India and Africa gates having a jolly old good time with him so it’s obvious what his game is. I love it when trolls on here tell me I am a tin foil hatter when I tell them that they have a vaccine planned for us to take in their nwo agenda to depopulate the world,that it’s been planned for decades against us,I then tell them that gates gave vaccines to children in those two countries assuring doctors that the best minds said it was a cure and without the consent of the parents or their knowledge,gates urged the doctors there to administer it to them quickly as possible and sense the doctors thought he was looking out for their best interests they did so and most the children died,when I bring up that he was wanted in those counties for mass murder,that shuts them
Okay so here we have a Joe Biden Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, what the cameras show from ALL angles is that there are zero Joe Biden Supporters except what looks like about 10 Biden Campaign Staffers and random MSM aka human slugs.

Joe Biden also is in his usual mode of looking Dazed and Confused and looking like "Where the fuck am I?"

The situation is NOBODY shows up for ANY Joe Biden Campaign Rally, we have a lot of actual footage of this, Biden speaking to empty parking lots, Biden speaking to under 10 peoples in random fields and YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

So if I can go back to the night before the Election in 2016, Hillary had a Rally where hardly anyone turned up and I remember hearing some journalist on the BBC World Service saying they felt that Trump was going to win EVEN though ALL the Opinion Polls were saying that Hillary was going to win and he was asked WHY he felt Trump was going to win and he said that he saw Trump's Election Eve Campaign Rally in Michigan and it was AFTER Midnight and Trump was speaking to THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS in the freezing cold AFTER Midnight and he had seen a few hours earlier Hillary speaking to about a HUNDRED peoples, now I add that I do not think Trump will win Michigan this time, but I am using the Michigan thing to illustrate the indicator for 2016.

Forget the Polls, what you should be looking at is who is getting the CROWDS and from all the footage we are seeing it is not Joe Biden.

Here is the video the duration is 5 minutes and 36 seconds:

Hey Lucy have you seen this video before of Biden where he exposes his hypocrisy proving he knows the virus is a hoax taking off his mask at the end of a speech thinking the camera stopped rolling? priceless check it out if you have not seen it.comedy gold.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Fauci was on CNN today saying that if we dont lock down that another 200,000 will die.. Its amazing how they are ignoring the therapies that are working to push the crap...

Going back to the propaganda again that there has been 200;000 plus deaths in the us again,
Okay so here we have a Joe Biden Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, what the cameras show from ALL angles is that there are zero Joe Biden Supporters except what looks like about 10 Biden Campaign Staffers and random MSM aka human slugs.

Joe Biden also is in his usual mode of looking Dazed and Confused and looking like "Where the fuck am I?"

The situation is NOBODY shows up for ANY Joe Biden Campaign Rally, we have a lot of actual footage of this, Biden speaking to empty parking lots, Biden speaking to under 10 peoples in random fields and YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

So if I can go back to the night before the Election in 2016, Hillary had a Rally where hardly anyone turned up and I remember hearing some journalist on the BBC World Service saying they felt that Trump was going to win EVEN though ALL the Opinion Polls were saying that Hillary was going to win and he was asked WHY he felt Trump was going to win and he said that he saw Trump's Election Eve Campaign Rally in Michigan and it was AFTER Midnight and Trump was speaking to THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS in the freezing cold AFTER Midnight and he had seen a few hours earlier Hillary speaking to about a HUNDRED peoples, now I add that I do not think Trump will win Michigan this time, but I am using the Michigan thing to illustrate the indicator for 2016.

Forget the Polls, what you should be looking at is who is getting the CROWDS and from all the footage we are seeing it is not Joe Biden.

Here is the video the duration is 5 minutes and 36 seconds:

Biden is using John McCain's wife in his commercials.....and that to me is tantamount to treason.
Nobody wants to listen to a traitor to the party.
Okay so here we have a Joe Biden Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, what the cameras show from ALL angles is that there are zero Joe Biden Supporters except what looks like about 10 Biden Campaign Staffers and random MSM aka human slugs.

Joe Biden also is in his usual mode of looking Dazed and Confused and looking like "Where the fuck am I?"

The situation is NOBODY shows up for ANY Joe Biden Campaign Rally, we have a lot of actual footage of this, Biden speaking to empty parking lots, Biden speaking to under 10 peoples in random fields and YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

So if I can go back to the night before the Election in 2016, Hillary had a Rally where hardly anyone turned up and I remember hearing some journalist on the BBC World Service saying they felt that Trump was going to win EVEN though ALL the Opinion Polls were saying that Hillary was going to win and he was asked WHY he felt Trump was going to win and he said that he saw Trump's Election Eve Campaign Rally in Michigan and it was AFTER Midnight and Trump was speaking to THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS in the freezing cold AFTER Midnight and he had seen a few hours earlier Hillary speaking to about a HUNDRED peoples, now I add that I do not think Trump will win Michigan this time, but I am using the Michigan thing to illustrate the indicator for 2016.

Forget the Polls, what you should be looking at is who is getting the CROWDS and from all the footage we are seeing it is not Joe Biden.

Here is the video the duration is 5 minutes and 36 seconds:

Biden is using John McCain's wife in his commercials.....and that to me is tantamount to treason.
Nobody wants to listen to a traitor to the party.

I imagine that for most blobbers...honesty does equal treason.
Okay so here we have a Joe Biden Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, what the cameras show from ALL angles is that there are zero Joe Biden Supporters except what looks like about 10 Biden Campaign Staffers and random MSM aka human slugs.

Joe Biden also is in his usual mode of looking Dazed and Confused and looking like "Where the fuck am I?"

The situation is NOBODY shows up for ANY Joe Biden Campaign Rally, we have a lot of actual footage of this, Biden speaking to empty parking lots, Biden speaking to under 10 peoples in random fields and YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

So if I can go back to the night before the Election in 2016, Hillary had a Rally where hardly anyone turned up and I remember hearing some journalist on the BBC World Service saying they felt that Trump was going to win EVEN though ALL the Opinion Polls were saying that Hillary was going to win and he was asked WHY he felt Trump was going to win and he said that he saw Trump's Election Eve Campaign Rally in Michigan and it was AFTER Midnight and Trump was speaking to THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS in the freezing cold AFTER Midnight and he had seen a few hours earlier Hillary speaking to about a HUNDRED peoples, now I add that I do not think Trump will win Michigan this time, but I am using the Michigan thing to illustrate the indicator for 2016.

Forget the Polls, what you should be looking at is who is getting the CROWDS and from all the footage we are seeing it is not Joe Biden.

Here is the video the duration is 5 minutes and 36 seconds:

Drive in rally you idiot.

Good job falling for the fake news, though.
Okay so here we have a Joe Biden Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, what the cameras show from ALL angles is that there are zero Joe Biden Supporters except what looks like about 10 Biden Campaign Staffers and random MSM aka human slugs.

Joe Biden also is in his usual mode of looking Dazed and Confused and looking like "Where the fuck am I?"

The situation is NOBODY shows up for ANY Joe Biden Campaign Rally, we have a lot of actual footage of this, Biden speaking to empty parking lots, Biden speaking to under 10 peoples in random fields and YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

So if I can go back to the night before the Election in 2016, Hillary had a Rally where hardly anyone turned up and I remember hearing some journalist on the BBC World Service saying they felt that Trump was going to win EVEN though ALL the Opinion Polls were saying that Hillary was going to win and he was asked WHY he felt Trump was going to win and he said that he saw Trump's Election Eve Campaign Rally in Michigan and it was AFTER Midnight and Trump was speaking to THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS in the freezing cold AFTER Midnight and he had seen a few hours earlier Hillary speaking to about a HUNDRED peoples, now I add that I do not think Trump will win Michigan this time, but I am using the Michigan thing to illustrate the indicator for 2016.

Forget the Polls, what you should be looking at is who is getting the CROWDS and from all the footage we are seeing it is not Joe Biden.

Here is the video the duration is 5 minutes and 36 seconds:

Hey Lucy have you seen this video before of Biden where he exposes his hypocrisy proving he knows the virus is a hoax taking off his mask at the end of a speech thinking the camera stopped rolling? priceless check it out if you have not seen it.comedy gold.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Yes I saw that, pretty pathetic and hypocritical and of course the MSM aka human slugs IGNORED it, if The Donald would have done this they would be SCREAMING 24/7 about it.

Excellent point and spot on,yeah that is so true that had the donald done that,they so much would have been all over that in droves 24/7 ,they sure would not have ignored it and pretended it did not happen as they did with Biden that’s for sure.

that total screwup and blunder is the funniest screwup blunder I can ever remember seeing sense the mid 1990s which involved another stupid ass idiot dem by the name of bill clinton.

as soon as I saw that blunder screwup of Biden’s I thought to myself man this reminds me of thst other hypocrite politician Clinton when he was president when he was at Ron Funeral and he is seen being filmed leaving the funeral laughing having a jolly old good time with a couple of people walking with him and then all of a sudden,he spots the camera filming him and he then goes immediately in seconds from laughing his head off,to quickly in a split second,starts crying,he obviously took acting classes and learned how to be an actor.Lol

when I saw that back then I was laughing my head off,this is just as bad and as much hypocritical as slick willie clintons a ting job was back
Okay so here we have a Joe Biden Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, what the cameras show from ALL angles is that there are zero Joe Biden Supporters except what looks like about 10 Biden Campaign Staffers and random MSM aka human slugs.

Joe Biden also is in his usual mode of looking Dazed and Confused and looking like "Where the fuck am I?"

The situation is NOBODY shows up for ANY Joe Biden Campaign Rally, we have a lot of actual footage of this, Biden speaking to empty parking lots, Biden speaking to under 10 peoples in random fields and YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

So if I can go back to the night before the Election in 2016, Hillary had a Rally where hardly anyone turned up and I remember hearing some journalist on the BBC World Service saying they felt that Trump was going to win EVEN though ALL the Opinion Polls were saying that Hillary was going to win and he was asked WHY he felt Trump was going to win and he said that he saw Trump's Election Eve Campaign Rally in Michigan and it was AFTER Midnight and Trump was speaking to THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS in the freezing cold AFTER Midnight and he had seen a few hours earlier Hillary speaking to about a HUNDRED peoples, now I add that I do not think Trump will win Michigan this time, but I am using the Michigan thing to illustrate the indicator for 2016.

Forget the Polls, what you should be looking at is who is getting the CROWDS and from all the footage we are seeing it is not Joe Biden.

Here is the video the duration is 5 minutes and 36 seconds:

Biden is using John McCain's wife in his commercials.....and that to me is tantamount to treason.
Nobody wants to listen to a traitor to the party.

You do realise you just proved In your own post there with your own words what I been saying and taking you to school on for over ten years now to be true that the dems and gop party are both corrupt and one in the same dont you the fact she AGREED to do it for biden don’t you? Lol

I have owned the ass of this sorry ass troll for over ten years now because he has always evaded my facts for over ten years now that both parties are indeed corrupt and one in the same which the last several decades that has been proven to be true until this past year where it was the democrat party that pulled away from the Gop as the more corrupt of the two with their plotting and destruction of America.

that seems to have happened recently in the last year because thankfully the Gop party seems to be getting cleaned up With only a handful of globalist mass murderers as bad as Obama like Bush and Romney and McCain before he went to hell recently alongside with George Herbert walker Bush of course.

Now the Gop seems to have been cleaned up with only a few bad apples like them who have high power still around,most of them seem to be nothing like criminals Romney and Bush Thankfully.
Okay so here we have a Joe Biden Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, what the cameras show from ALL angles is that there are zero Joe Biden Supporters except what looks like about 10 Biden Campaign Staffers and random MSM aka human slugs.

Joe Biden also is in his usual mode of looking Dazed and Confused and looking like "Where the fuck am I?"

The situation is NOBODY shows up for ANY Joe Biden Campaign Rally, we have a lot of actual footage of this, Biden speaking to empty parking lots, Biden speaking to under 10 peoples in random fields and YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

So if I can go back to the night before the Election in 2016, Hillary had a Rally where hardly anyone turned up and I remember hearing some journalist on the BBC World Service saying they felt that Trump was going to win EVEN though ALL the Opinion Polls were saying that Hillary was going to win and he was asked WHY he felt Trump was going to win and he said that he saw Trump's Election Eve Campaign Rally in Michigan and it was AFTER Midnight and Trump was speaking to THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS in the freezing cold AFTER Midnight and he had seen a few hours earlier Hillary speaking to about a HUNDRED peoples, now I add that I do not think Trump will win Michigan this time, but I am using the Michigan thing to illustrate the indicator for 2016.

Forget the Polls, what you should be looking at is who is getting the CROWDS and from all the footage we are seeing it is not Joe Biden.

Here is the video the duration is 5 minutes and 36 seconds:

Biden is using John McCain's wife in his commercials.....and that to me is tantamount to treason.
Nobody wants to listen to a traitor to the party.

You dolt McCains wife knows Trump is an AH, a coward, a russian traitor
The LWNJ's are in for a massive shock when Trump wins again.

The Democrats are idiots who believe that "Twitter" is the real world. They are about to realize how wrong they are.....
Oh holy shit, talk about projection....
Okay so here we have a Joe Biden Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, what the cameras show from ALL angles is that there are zero Joe Biden Supporters except what looks like about 10 Biden Campaign Staffers and random MSM aka human slugs.

Joe Biden also is in his usual mode of looking Dazed and Confused and looking like "Where the fuck am I?"

The situation is NOBODY shows up for ANY Joe Biden Campaign Rally, we have a lot of actual footage of this, Biden speaking to empty parking lots, Biden speaking to under 10 peoples in random fields and YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

So if I can go back to the night before the Election in 2016, Hillary had a Rally where hardly anyone turned up and I remember hearing some journalist on the BBC World Service saying they felt that Trump was going to win EVEN though ALL the Opinion Polls were saying that Hillary was going to win and he was asked WHY he felt Trump was going to win and he said that he saw Trump's Election Eve Campaign Rally in Michigan and it was AFTER Midnight and Trump was speaking to THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS in the freezing cold AFTER Midnight and he had seen a few hours earlier Hillary speaking to about a HUNDRED peoples, now I add that I do not think Trump will win Michigan this time, but I am using the Michigan thing to illustrate the indicator for 2016.

Forget the Polls, what you should be looking at is who is getting the CROWDS and from all the footage we are seeing it is not Joe Biden.

Here is the video the duration is 5 minutes and 36 seconds:

Poor ol' Joe, let me help him out! :clap::clap: :eusa_clap: :clap2: :eusa_clap: :clap:

I just wonder, do they paint those circles or are they removable press on decals?

Looks like Joe ran out of room for more circles-- -- makes you wonder what the point was of even bothering with the home made signs and trip there? Maybe there was a good restaurant in the area.
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