Nobody ever complains about Notre Dame’s mascot because Irish people aren’t pussies


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
those are the facts. deal with it. JUST DEAL WITH LIBERALS!

Irish conservatives like Steve Bannon and Shaq O'Neal are anti-PC warriors!
those are the facts. deal with it. JUST DEAL WITH LIBERALS!

Irish conservatives like Steve Bannon and Shaq O'Neal are anti-PC warriors!

Shaq is as Irish as I am sane!

Also Irish do not get offended unleas you steal their beer or whisky!

You can do anything else except rhat!
When can't win with libtards, unless you're willing to shoot them.

If you don't have minority mascots, you're discriminating. If you do, you're exploiting. No matter which way you go with monkeys, on any issue, they'll yell racism.

Don't give them home loans, that's discrimination. Do give them home loans, that's predatory lending.


The explanation for this isn't that monkeys are being discriminated against, they're not, it's that they're trying to instill guilt for free stuff.
Nobody complains because whites are not considered an oppressed class and thus are not permitted to complain.
Food for thought....



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