No Wonder Libs Are Upset - The Surge Is Working

Al-Qaeda faces rebellion from the ranks
Sickened by the group’s barbarity, Iraqi insurgents are giving information to coalition forces

Deborah Haynes in Doura
Fed up with being part of a group that cuts off a person’s face with piano wire to teach others a lesson, dozens of low-level members of al-Qaeda in Iraq are daring to become informants for the US military in a hostile Baghdad neighbourhood.

The ground-breaking move in Doura is part of a wider trend that has started in other al-Qaeda hotspots across the country and in which Sunni insurgent groups and tribal sheikhs have stood together with the coalition against the extremist movement.

“They are turning. We are talking to people who we believe have worked for al-Qaeda in Iraq and want to reconcile and have peace,” said Colonel Ricky Gibbs, commander of the 4th Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, which oversees the area.

The sewage-filled streets of Doura, a Sunni Arab enclave in south Baghdad, provide an ugly setting for what US commanders say is al-Qaeda’s last stronghold in the city. The secretive group, however, appears to be losing its grip as a “surge” of US troops in the neighbourhood – part of the latest effort by President Bush to end the chaos in Iraq – has resulted in scores of fighters being killed, captured or forced to flee.

“Al-Qaeda’s days are numbered and right now he is scrambling,” said Lieutenant-Colonel Stephen Michael, who commands a battalion of 700 troops in Doura.

A key factor is that local people and members of al-Qaeda itself have become sickened by the violence and are starting to rebel, Lieutenant-Colonel Michael said. “The people have got to deny them sanctuary and that is exactly what is happening.”

Al-Qaeda informants comprise largely members of the Doura network who found themselves either working with the group after the US-led invasion in March 2003, or signed up to earn extra cash because there were no other jobs going. Disgusted at the attacks and intimidation techniques used on friends, neighbours and even relatives, they are now increasingly looking for a way out, US officers say.

“It is only after al-Qaeda has become truly barbaric and done things like, to teach lessons to people, cut their face off with piano wire in front of their family and then murdered everybody except one child who told the tale afterwards . . . that people realise how much of a mess they are in,” Lieutenant James Danly, 31, who works on military intelligence in Doura, said.

It is impossible to corroborate the claims, but he said that scores of junior al-Qaeda in Iraq members there had become informants since May, including one low-level cell leader who gave vital information after his arrest.

“He gave us dates, places and names and who did what,” Lieutenant Danly said. When asked why he was being so forthcoming, the man said: “Because I am sick of it and I hate them, and I am done.”

Working with insurgents – even those who claim to have switched sides – is a leap of faith for both sides. Every informant who visits Forward Operating Base Falcon, a vast military camp on the southern outskirts of Baghdad, is blindfolded when brought in and out to avoid gleaning any information about his surroundings.

The risk sometimes pays off. A recent tip-off led to the fatal shooting of Abu Kaldoun, one of three senior al-Qaeda leaders in Doura, during a US raid last week. “He was turned in by one of his own,” Colonel Michael said.

for the complete article
"Despite yesterday's attack, U.S. troops believe they are making headway."

Here is a fact: saying that you "believe" something has always been anathema in the military. When I was a plebe at Annapolis and I, or any other plebe, used the phrase "I believe...." we had to stand up on our chairs in the middle of the messhall and sing "I Believe" at the top of our lungs. What someone "believes" has little bearing to what is happening on the ground. What do you KNOW...what do the facts indicate. period.

And I applaud our efforts at getting sunnis and shiites to go after AQ.... I have never thought that AQ in Iraq would be able to prevail against either of the major blocs of population, and certainly not against both.

Having said that, I still see no reason why sunnis and shiites will want to hold hands and form a democracy upon our departure, whenever that is.
"Despite yesterday's attack, U.S. troops believe they are making headway."

Here is a fact: saying that you "believe" something has always been anathema in the military. When I was a plebe at Annapolis and I, or any other plebe, used the phrase "I believe...." we had to stand up on our chairs in the middle of the messhall and sing "I Believe" at the top of our lungs. What someone "believes" has little bearing to what is happening on the ground. What do you KNOW...what do the facts indicate. period.

And I applaud our efforts at getting sunnis and shiites to go after AQ.... I have never thought that AQ in Iraq would be able to prevail against either of the major blocs of population, and certainly not against both.

Having said that, I still see no reason why sunnis and shiites will want to hold hands and form a democracy upon our departure, whenever that is.

Now if a member of the US military saud all is lost - you would be screaming for the people to pay attention

Any good news from iraq is bad news for the Defeatocrats
Now if a member of the US military saud all is lost - you would be screaming for the people to pay attention

Any good news from iraq is bad news for the Defeatocrats

not so. If a member of the US military expressed his opinion to the press as to how he thought his mission was going, I would think that:

1. expressing such an opinion is inappropriate and unprofessional

2. such an opinion should always be irrelevant to the determination of our country's foreign policy
"Security has improved in parts of Iraq in the past few months _ since the increase in U.S. troops in Baghdad and as some Sunni tribes and armed insurgents have turned against al-Qaida.

But there are fears that these Sunni groups may not remain loyal to the Shiite-led Iraqi government, which has a deep distrust of them. Also, there are concerns that Iraqi police and the army won't be able to maintain security and consolidate areas retaken from insurgents."

carnage is up across Iraq. American casualties are increasing across Iraq. the insurgents are doing exactly what I said they would do: move their attacks to areas outside of the area where surge forces are located.

It isn't rocket science.
5th post
"Security has improved in parts of Iraq in the past few months _ since the increase in U.S. troops in Baghdad and as some Sunni tribes and armed insurgents have turned against al-Qaida.

But there are fears that these Sunni groups may not remain loyal to the Shiite-led Iraqi government, which has a deep distrust of them. Also, there are concerns that Iraqi police and the army won't be able to maintain security and consolidate areas retaken from insurgents."

carnage is up across Iraq. American casualties are increasing across Iraq. the insurgents are doing exactly what I said they would do: move their attacks to areas outside of the area where surge forces are located.

It isn't rocket science.

It is not rocket science to understand libs would rather surrender then fight
It is not rocket science to understand libs would rather surrender then fight

around you go.

taking troops and going after places in Afghanistan/Pakistan, for example, where our actual enemies are training and garrisoning the forces that will attack us in not surrendering to anyone.
around you go.

taking troops and going after places in Afghanistan/Pakistan, for example, where our actual enemies are training and garrisoning the forces that will attack us in not surrendering to anyone.

our enemies are in Iraq as well - but you want to run away from them
As libs call for surrender the terrorists step up the attacks - knowing the libs will get louder and louder

they still are a tiny force when compared to the Iraqi army or the Mahdi army or the sunni insurgency. Why do you think that all those Iraqis will allow a small group of foreigners to take over their government?
they still are a tiny force when compared to the Iraqi army or the Mahdi army or the sunni insurgency. Why do you think that all those Iraqis will allow a small group of foreigners to take over their government?

With more and more terrorists coming from Iran - and being captured - the help is coming in
so... the persian shiites from Iran and not there to help the shiite mahdi army, but to help the foreign sunni arab AQ? is that right?

Libs want to surrender to the terrorists in Iraq and let the country fall into the hands of the terrorists
The truth is...911 gave the support in backbone belief to the American people,to support the thrust into Iraq,to put an end to terror type activity...and WMD's that could be used next..because Bush put Saddam on the high throne to being the most threat to world peace..our safety..the next deathly attack by means similar to 911....Can anybody question otherwise??

In reality Bush knew dam well..and so did our intelligence..This administration when it came to facts...could make pizza taste like French Toast.

That fake alien autopsy film...had better unbelievable proof a reason existed to go into Iraq..Even doctored up photos Iraq was in the process of building a moon base launch launch there imaginary WMDs from...was better reason.(right?)

The WMD's were not there....And all of you have forgot.."Operation Iraqi Freedom"...afterwards...Things were going most horrible back claim such a thing...Not to mention..none of this for Iraqi Freedom to begin with...Am I wrong??

Great headlines from the begining...that all happened to be bullshit...It was all lies from the start.

The American People have listened to the stories come first hand from the young men & women serving over there...RECENT!!..Not to mention the experienced..Vets our speaking up from previous wars as well.....I need not say justify my claim...Never served...but come from a family so big...that we did our part..We say it proud.

How many f-ing years has this been going on now??

Our whole country is against this Iraq crap..because it is/was crap from a group of certain individuals who started this & are responsible for it..from the getco.

Anyone who spoke against an Iraqi Invasion at that particular time at the begining..was considered a traitor,after the 911 attacks especialy,war on terrorism,and possible future attacks that were terror related...

Then Bush was re-elected..and every dam vote for him..had nothing to do with the Iraq War....In other words.."Blunder".

Bush said he talked to God..and also that Putin was his friend the begining of all this...Let's get with it people.....We've been stuffed is a better describe the crap this administration has shoved at the American people for so many years....

We hanged Saddam Hussein...let them hang him..Not to mention in a shit style....Should of been a world court...Because I see no justice,shit being worked out..or solutions from my end, by reading the morning newspaper since our demise of the dictator.

Casualties...fishting on soil that will always mean nothing to us.

At the same time..I do believe in fighting the enemy on there own soil...Such as Afghanistan & Pakistan....

Those that had the most to do with 911...are in those two residing countries.

Now we are told outside influence has a serious impact on Iraq...It was not there before...That happens to be one of the serious factors..after the door way was opened to a civil war soon as our asses pull out.

When all this is over...even Britney Spears knows at this moment..this is bullshit.

I'd bet my left nut..that even Paris Hilton could fix this mess...before the Bush Team.

As far as Libs being pissed..once again in you claiming the surge is working...Is a reminder to all..that you are "crying wolf".

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