No record of intel briefings for obama week before embassy attacks

Is all they have.. This President propped up and created an Islamist Egypt.. NO ONE ELSE.. HIM. They have to run.. lie.. propagandize-- point fingers, attack.. liberalism by definition of the Psychological community is INSANITY.. The liberal posters on this board are PROOF POSITIVE it's true. Pathelogical liars are in need of serious mental help.

yeah, you have zero proof of this, and since you are the second person to state such a thing, im going to assume someone is feeding you people this idea, and speculation. A Rush or Perhaps hannitard.

I don't particularly care for Sean Hannity and I don't listen to talk radio.. I don't need anyone to tell me liberals are fucking cuckoo.. It's glaringly obvious by their rabid need to lie their asses off, worship the slaughter of babies, kick God out of their party, along with Israel... Spend money we don't have looking to create an "EQUAL" playing field, code word for SOCIALISTIC UTOPIA all the while seeing that throughout history that has NEVER WORKED.. Definition of insanity = Continuing to repeat the same actions over and over knowing the failed results.. We won't even get in to Sandra Fluke's amazing uterus worship.. (women's most important issue!) or that every single thing, person, is a racist if it disagrees with Obama.. I don't have the time to list all of the FUCKED UP shit you liberals spew..
I believe that I said that perhaps in a different way, before jillian diverted the thread for the 10,000th time.


I read the article and responded accordingly to the sensationalism.

I actually think he's handling well so far but...just making a statement is not enough. I would hope he is making contingency plans if this situation escalates and not worrying more about his campaigning.

Their flag must come down as well. What was done is an act of war but granted who do we hold responsible. But a statement has to made by removing their shit flag.

I agree, the reply that Hillary issued was exactly what was supposed to happen. It is standard procedure for the Secretary of State to respond to these issues first... Seeing that she is in charge of foreign relations. Much can be made of the delay regarding Obama's personal response, but ultimately the issue is being handled in a fashion that follows what almost every other administration has done.

BTW, calm Beretta is the best Beretta.. I know we may not always agree, but it's nice to see some rational behavior.. Even with opposing opinions.

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