No, Really....It's Not Guns:


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
In watching the knee-jerk response to the tragedy, two notes come to mind:

1. There is always a well-known solution to every human problem--neat, plausible, and wrong. H. L. Mencken


2. Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact. Politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear.

Let’s take a timely example: “Gun-Free Zones”

3. “With 12 dead and 58 wounded, the July 20th shooting at the Cinemark Century 16 Theater in Aurora, Colorado….So why did the killer pick the Cinemark theater? You might think that it was the one closest to the killer’s apartment. Or, that it was the one with the largest audience.

a. Yet, neither explanation is right. Instead, out of all the movie theaters within 20 minutes of his apartment showing the new Batman movie that night, it was the only one where guns were banned.

B. In Colorado, individuals with permits can carry concealed handgun in most malls, stores, movie theaters, and restaurants. But private businesses can determine whether permit holders can carry guns on their private property.

c. Most movie theaters allow permit holders carrying guns. But the Cinemark movie theater was the only one with a sign posted at the theater’s entrance.

d. A simple web search and some telephone calls reveal how easily one can find out how Cinemark compared to other movie theaters. According to and, there were seven movie theaters showing "The Dark Knight Rises" on July 20th within 20 minutes of the killer’s apartment at 1690 Paris St, Aurora, Colorado. At 4 miles and an 8-minute car ride, the Cinemark’s Century Theater wasn't the closest. Another theater was only 1.2 miles (3 minutes) away.

e. There was also a theater just slightly further away, 10 minutes. It is the "home of Colorado's largest auditorium," according to their movie hotline greeting message. The potentially huge audience ought to have been attractive to someone trying to kill as many people as possible. Four other theaters were 18 minutes, two at 19 minutes, and 20 minutes away.

f. But all of those theaters allowed permitted concealed handguns.
So why would a mass shooter pick a place that bans guns? The answer should be obvious, though it apparently is not clear to the media – disarming law-abiding citizens leaves them as sitting ducks.”
Did Colorado shooter single out Cinemark theater because it banned guns? | Fox News

4. But….we’re still focusing the discussion on guns…Guns, and dead people....violent death. What if no guns were allowed, a la Japan? Fewer dead people…of course?

a. United States…. Violent Deaths per 100,000: Homicides, 5.70; Firearm Homicides, 3.72; Suicides, 12.06; Households with Guns, 39.0….Violent Death Rate: 18.57

b. Japan…..Again, Violent Deaths per 100,000: Homicides, 0.62; Firearm Homicides, 0.02; Suicides, 16.72; Households with Guns, 0.04….Violent Death Rate: 17.34
GunCite-Gun Control-International Homicide and Suicide Rates

Care to make the argument about guns?

5. Data should inform policy. Not the Liberal modus operendi…”Feeling passes for knowing.”

a. More? OK…I challenge any anti-gun advocate to answer this: if a stalker was threatening you or your family, would you put a “Gun-Free Zone” notice on your front door?

b. Will our politicians guarantee no gun killings if their absolutist laws are passed?
Why not?

I do have one explanation....
One side clings to their interpretation of the second amendment.

The other side cannot tolerate that a lone ego gone awry can fell so many in such a short time so easily.

Side one will not accept controls on firearms.

Side two demands them.

What are the alternatives?
there are many solutions.

ban semis.

reguire proper storage of of guns.

reguire mental healthcare for all people.

The head is attached to the body so require healthcare for all.

reinstate the money to schools to have counselors and mental heathcare professionals.

stop allowing the minority to rule the majority
there are many solutions.

ban semis.

reguire proper storage of of guns.

reguire mental healthcare for all people.

The head is attached to the body so require healthcare for all.

reinstate the money to schools to have counselors and mental heathcare professionals.

stop allowing the minority to rule the majority

One side clings to their interpretation of the second amendment.

The other side cannot tolerate that a lone ego gone awry can fell so many in such a short time so easily.

Side one will not accept controls on firearms.

Side two demands them.

What are the alternatives?

1. Ban quacks from infusing the population with psychotropic drugs

2. Note that nations with stricter gun laws don't have fewer violent death stats.

3. If you don't want a gun, don't purchase a home in Kennesaw, Georgia.

"Gun Ownership Mandatory In Kennesaw, Georgia
Crime Rate Plummets

by Chuck Baldwin

The New American magazine reminds us that March 25th marked the 16th anniversary of Kennesaw, Georgia's ordinance requiring heads of households (with certain exceptions) to keep at least one firearm in their homes."
Gun Ownership Mandatory In Kennesaw, Georgia --- Crime Rate Plummets

a. Minding one's own business seems efficacious.
are you people starting to see these nutters for what they are?

They dont want to solve anything they just want to make us all as insane as they are
there are many solutions.

ban semis.

reguire proper storage of of guns.

reguire mental healthcare for all people.
The head is attached to the body so require healthcare for all.

reinstate the money to schools to have counselors and mental heathcare professionals.

stop allowing the minority to rule the majority

Thank you Dr. Mengele.

this is all these gun nuts can offer this country........oh and random death too
there are many solutions.

ban semis.

reguire proper storage of of guns.

reguire mental healthcare for all people.
The head is attached to the body so require healthcare for all.

reinstate the money to schools to have counselors and mental heathcare professionals.

stop allowing the minority to rule the majority

Thank you Dr. Mengele.


First I've heard about that particular theater not allowing guns.

I found this, from July....

"In the wake of over a dozen murders at a movie theater in Colorado, film critic Roger Ebert rushed to decry America's "insane" gun laws in a New York Times op-ed. Within the piece, he pooh-poohed concealed carry laws by noting that no one in the theater shot back at the gunman. But Ebert misses an important point. The Cinemark theater chain has a "gun-free zone" policy.

Of course, if Ebert had bothered to check before trying to use this murderous crime for his own anti-Second Amendment purposes, he may have found that no one could have shot back, because the theater chain does not allow its customers to carry guns in its theaters.

As it happens, the Century 16 theaters at 14300 E. Alameda Ave in Aurora, Colorado are owned by Cinemark Century Theaters, headquartered in Plano, Texas, and for several years this chain movie theater has told customers they are not welcome to bring their firearms into theaters."
Ebert: Gun-Free Theater Proves Concealed Carry Doesn't Work

Lawsuits are in the works.....

....It will be interesting to see what a jury decides.

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