CDZ No Party for old white men


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
The defeat of Joe Crowley by a socialist whilst shaking the core of the democratic party also should make Donald Trump take a sharper look at his base...aka...the White Working Class...The Donald has done some great things but he needs to do much,much more for his base. His base whilst conservative are not the old school conservatives.....they need the Donald's help and they want it ....i.e. make college more accessible to their kids, return control of the the public schools to the local communities, stop jobs from going overseas and have government training schools to teach those who need new skills.
Also....for the younger members of his base make it possible or at least easier to be able to purchase a decent house. But.....above all..... The white working class wants jobs. They don't want to be stuck trying to make ends meet with part-time work and government assistance. They want a good paying job that they can take pride in. The type of job that has fled America thanks to the Left.

The immediate threat though is for the democratic party's leadership...."ForNancy Pelosi 78, Steny Hoyer, 79, and Joe Biden, 75 the primary results from New York's 14th congressional district are a fire bell in the night.

All may be swept away in the coming revolution. That is the message of the crushing defeat of 10-term incumbent Joe Crowley, who had aspired to succeed Pelosi and become speaker of the House.

The No. 4 House Democrat, Crowley, 56, had not faced primary opposition since 2004. He outspent his opponent, 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was tending bar a year ago, by 10 to one.

The son of an Irish immigrant, Crowley was leader of the Queens Democratic Club, He had the unions' support. So confident was he that he skipped a debate and sent a Latina politician to stand in for him.

Tossing Crowley's credentials back in his face, Ocasio-Cortez ran as a Latina, a person of color, a millennial and militant socialist who lived in her district, and painted Crowley as a white male with lots of PAC money who had moved to D.C. and sent his kids to school in Virginia..

"The Democratic Party takes working-class communities for granted; they take people of color for granted," railed Ocasio-Cortez. The party assumes "that we're going to turn out no matter how bland or half-stepping (their) proposals are."..............Patt Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: No Party for Old White Men | Articles
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Democratic Partty members are wanting a generational change in politics, the old farts are stale and obtuse.
Alexandria Ocasio-Dortez may be a bellwether for the Democrats, and she may not be. Crowley failed to work hard enough in his district, that's true. Ocasio-Cortez worked her butt off.

But look at the vote totals. Barely 21,000 votes were cast. New York has a strange split primary system. There were only two names on this month's ballot. In September New Yorkers will have to turn out in yet another primary vote.

So shoeleather politics and looming voter fatigue and certain confusion all played a part in Crowley's defeat.

It might not be prescient to say Ocasio-Cortez' win portends the future of the Democrat party.
"The Democratic Party takes working-class communities for granted; they take people of color for granted," railed Ocasio-Cortez. The party assumes "that we're going to turn out no matter how bland or half-stepping (their) proposals are."

She's absolutely correct.
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Alexandria Ocasio-Dortez may be a bellwether for the Democrats, and she may not be. Crowley failed to work hard enough in his district, that's true. Ocasio-Cortez worked her butt off.

But look at the vote totals. Barely 21,000 votes were cast. New York has a strange split primary system. There were only two names on this month's ballot. In September New Yorkers will have to turn out in yet another primary vote.

So shoeleather politics and looming voter fatigue and certain confusion all played a part in Crowley's defeat.

It might not be prescient to say Ocasio-Cortez' win portends the future of the Democrat party.

It may be too soon to claim that but it cannot be denied she has struck a chord. The democratic party leadership is definitely out of touch with the common people. The only thing that really keeps the democratic party going is the media and its fake news. In a nutshell the socialist party has gotten a huge,huge boost by this election victory in N.Y. If they follow that up with a lot of work organizing the grass roots....they will either be able to take over the democratic party or establish a viable 3rd party....the key being the people are tired of promises....they want to see action and they want action that actually helps their families.
She is certain that the public is ready to embrace socialism and open borders.

See How well that plays out in the general election.
She is certain that the public is ready to embrace socialism and open borders.

See How well that plays out in the general election.
Democratic Socialism, and given that she's in a D+27 or so district, I think it'll probably play pretty well for her.
The defeat of Joe Crowley by a socialist whilst shaking the core of the democratic party also should make Donald Trump take a sharper look at his base...aka...the White Working Class...The Donald has done some great things but he needs to do much,much more for his base. His base whilst conservative are not the old school conservatives.....they need the Donald's help and they want it ....i.e. make college more accessible to their kids, return control of the the public schools to the local communities, stop jobs from going overseas and have government training schools to teach those who need new skills.
Also....for the younger members of his base make it possible or at least easier to be able to purchase a decent house. But.....above all..... The white working class wants jobs. They don't want to be stuck trying to make ends meet with part-time work and government assistance. They want a good paying job that they can take pride in. The type of job that has fled America thanks to the Left.

The immediate threat though is for the democratic party's leadership...."ForNancy Pelosi 78, Steny Hoyer, 79, and Joe Biden, 75 the primary results from New York's 14th congressional district are a fire bell in the night.

All may be swept away in the coming revolution. That is the message of the crushing defeat of 10-term incumbent Joe Crowley, who had aspired to succeed Pelosi and become speaker of the House.

The No. 4 House Democrat, Crowley, 56, had not faced primary opposition since 2004. He outspent his opponent, 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was tending bar a year ago, by 10 to one.

The son of an Irish immigrant, Crowley was leader of the Queens Democratic Club, He had the unions' support. So confident was he that he skipped a debate and sent a Latina politician to stand in for him.

Tossing Crowley's credentials back in his face, Ocasio-Cortez ran as a Latina, a person of color, a millennial and militant socialist who lived in her district, and painted Crowley as a white male with lots of PAC money who had moved to D.C. and sent his kids to school in Virginia..

"The Democratic Party takes working-class communities for granted; they take people of color for granted," railed Ocasio-Cortez. The party assumes "that we're going to turn out no matter how bland or half-stepping (their) proposals are."..............Patt Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: No Party for Old White Men | Articles

I'm curious where the parties lie after the next election. After the last I find myself reading more and more about the 68 then 72 election and digging all the way back to FDR to see how the parties flipped.

I figure Trump has to do SOMETHING pro labor to keep the labor vote or else we're going to have another close election where the winner may get fewer votes. So far I think he'll lose labor votes he had in the last election but gain votes from folks who just thought he was crazy enough to end the world as on the international level he hasn't done that bad.

What have you seen so far from Trump that will keep the "labor" vote Republican?
The defeat of Joe Crowley by a socialist whilst shaking the core of the democratic party also should make Donald Trump take a sharper look at his base...aka...the White Working Class...The Donald has done some great things but he needs to do much,much more for his base. His base whilst conservative are not the old school conservatives.....they need the Donald's help and they want it ....i.e. make college more accessible to their kids, return control of the the public schools to the local communities, stop jobs from going overseas and have government training schools to teach those who need new skills.
Also....for the younger members of his base make it possible or at least easier to be able to purchase a decent house. But.....above all..... The white working class wants jobs. They don't want to be stuck trying to make ends meet with part-time work and government assistance. They want a good paying job that they can take pride in. The type of job that has fled America thanks to the Left.

The immediate threat though is for the democratic party's leadership...."ForNancy Pelosi 78, Steny Hoyer, 79, and Joe Biden, 75 the primary results from New York's 14th congressional district are a fire bell in the night.

All may be swept away in the coming revolution. That is the message of the crushing defeat of 10-term incumbent Joe Crowley, who had aspired to succeed Pelosi and become speaker of the House.

The No. 4 House Democrat, Crowley, 56, had not faced primary opposition since 2004. He outspent his opponent, 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was tending bar a year ago, by 10 to one.

The son of an Irish immigrant, Crowley was leader of the Queens Democratic Club, He had the unions' support. So confident was he that he skipped a debate and sent a Latina politician to stand in for him.

Tossing Crowley's credentials back in his face, Ocasio-Cortez ran as a Latina, a person of color, a millennial and militant socialist who lived in her district, and painted Crowley as a white male with lots of PAC money who had moved to D.C. and sent his kids to school in Virginia..

"The Democratic Party takes working-class communities for granted; they take people of color for granted," railed Ocasio-Cortez. The party assumes "that we're going to turn out no matter how bland or half-stepping (their) proposals are."..............Patt Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: No Party for Old White Men | Articles

I'm curious where the parties lie after the next election. After the last I find myself reading more and more about the 68 then 72 election and digging all the way back to FDR to see how the parties flipped.

I figure Trump has to do SOMETHING pro labor to keep the labor vote or else we're going to have another close election where the winner may get fewer votes. So far I think he'll lose labor votes he had in the last election but gain votes from folks who just thought he was crazy enough to end the world as on the international level he hasn't done that bad.

What have you seen so far from Trump that will keep the "labor" vote Republican?

First of all the working classes have nowhere else to go....remember how a large number of them that had been democrats forever suddenly fled to the republican party when Reagan came along?

The democratic party abandoned them so they became Reagan democrats....after sadly realizing the traditional democratic party that truly represented the working classes no longer had transformed into an extreme leftwing party whose leadership was not in touch with the had become a party of radicals and elitists promoting just about anything that was un-American.
The defeat of Joe Crowley by a socialist whilst shaking the core of the democratic party also should make Donald Trump take a sharper look at his base...aka...the White Working Class...The Donald has done some great things but he needs to do much,much more for his base. His base whilst conservative are not the old school conservatives.....they need the Donald's help and they want it ....i.e. make college more accessible to their kids, return control of the the public schools to the local communities, stop jobs from going overseas and have government training schools to teach those who need new skills.
Also....for the younger members of his base make it possible or at least easier to be able to purchase a decent house. But.....above all..... The white working class wants jobs. They don't want to be stuck trying to make ends meet with part-time work and government assistance. They want a good paying job that they can take pride in. The type of job that has fled America thanks to the Left.

The immediate threat though is for the democratic party's leadership...."ForNancy Pelosi 78, Steny Hoyer, 79, and Joe Biden, 75 the primary results from New York's 14th congressional district are a fire bell in the night.

All may be swept away in the coming revolution. That is the message of the crushing defeat of 10-term incumbent Joe Crowley, who had aspired to succeed Pelosi and become speaker of the House.

The No. 4 House Democrat, Crowley, 56, had not faced primary opposition since 2004. He outspent his opponent, 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was tending bar a year ago, by 10 to one.

The son of an Irish immigrant, Crowley was leader of the Queens Democratic Club, He had the unions' support. So confident was he that he skipped a debate and sent a Latina politician to stand in for him.

Tossing Crowley's credentials back in his face, Ocasio-Cortez ran as a Latina, a person of color, a millennial and militant socialist who lived in her district, and painted Crowley as a white male with lots of PAC money who had moved to D.C. and sent his kids to school in Virginia..

"The Democratic Party takes working-class communities for granted; they take people of color for granted," railed Ocasio-Cortez. The party assumes "that we're going to turn out no matter how bland or half-stepping (their) proposals are."..............Patt Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: No Party for Old White Men | Articles

I'm curious where the parties lie after the next election. After the last I find myself reading more and more about the 68 then 72 election and digging all the way back to FDR to see how the parties flipped.

I figure Trump has to do SOMETHING pro labor to keep the labor vote or else we're going to have another close election where the winner may get fewer votes. So far I think he'll lose labor votes he had in the last election but gain votes from folks who just thought he was crazy enough to end the world as on the international level he hasn't done that bad.

What have you seen so far from Trump that will keep the "labor" vote Republican?

First of all the working classes have nowhere else to go....remember how a large number of them that had been democrats forever suddenly fled to the republican party when Reagan came along?

The democratic party abandoned them so they became Reagan democrats....after sadly realizing the traditional democratic party that truly represented the working classes no longer had transformed into an extreme leftwing party whose leadership was not in touch with the had become a party of radicals and elitists promoting just about anything that was un-American.


The Democratic party no longer has any ideology, but merely a strategy for getting elected. If they can cobble together enough disgruntled identity groups, they figure they can do so. Heck, just look at Hillary's coronation ceremony, where she trots out blacks in an appeal to blacks, women in an appeal to women, gays in an appeal to gays and Muslims in an appeal to Muslims.

It's no longer "we are all Americans and seek justice for all", It's " The reason you have a bone to pick is because of THAT group" It is inherently divisive and demagogic.
The defeat of Joe Crowley by a socialist whilst shaking the core of the democratic party also should make Donald Trump take a sharper look at his base...aka...the White Working Class...The Donald has done some great things but he needs to do much,much more for his base. His base whilst conservative are not the old school conservatives.....they need the Donald's help and they want it ....i.e. make college more accessible to their kids, return control of the the public schools to the local communities, stop jobs from going overseas and have government training schools to teach those who need new skills.
Also....for the younger members of his base make it possible or at least easier to be able to purchase a decent house. But.....above all..... The white working class wants jobs. They don't want to be stuck trying to make ends meet with part-time work and government assistance. They want a good paying job that they can take pride in. The type of job that has fled America thanks to the Left.

The immediate threat though is for the democratic party's leadership...."ForNancy Pelosi 78, Steny Hoyer, 79, and Joe Biden, 75 the primary results from New York's 14th congressional district are a fire bell in the night.

All may be swept away in the coming revolution. That is the message of the crushing defeat of 10-term incumbent Joe Crowley, who had aspired to succeed Pelosi and become speaker of the House.

The No. 4 House Democrat, Crowley, 56, had not faced primary opposition since 2004. He outspent his opponent, 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was tending bar a year ago, by 10 to one.

The son of an Irish immigrant, Crowley was leader of the Queens Democratic Club, He had the unions' support. So confident was he that he skipped a debate and sent a Latina politician to stand in for him.

Tossing Crowley's credentials back in his face, Ocasio-Cortez ran as a Latina, a person of color, a millennial and militant socialist who lived in her district, and painted Crowley as a white male with lots of PAC money who had moved to D.C. and sent his kids to school in Virginia..

"The Democratic Party takes working-class communities for granted; they take people of color for granted," railed Ocasio-Cortez. The party assumes "that we're going to turn out no matter how bland or half-stepping (their) proposals are."..............Patt Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: No Party for Old White Men | Articles

I'm curious where the parties lie after the next election. After the last I find myself reading more and more about the 68 then 72 election and digging all the way back to FDR to see how the parties flipped.

I figure Trump has to do SOMETHING pro labor to keep the labor vote or else we're going to have another close election where the winner may get fewer votes. So far I think he'll lose labor votes he had in the last election but gain votes from folks who just thought he was crazy enough to end the world as on the international level he hasn't done that bad.

What have you seen so far from Trump that will keep the "labor" vote Republican?

First of all the working classes have nowhere else to go....remember how a large number of them that had been democrats forever suddenly fled to the republican party when Reagan came along?

The democratic party abandoned them so they became Reagan democrats....after sadly realizing the traditional democratic party that truly represented the working classes no longer had transformed into an extreme leftwing party whose leadership was not in touch with the had become a party of radicals and elitists promoting just about anything that was un-American.


The Democratic party no longer has any ideology, but merely a strategy for getting elected. If they can cobble together enough disgruntled identity groups, they figure they can do so. Heck, just look at Hillary's coronation ceremony, where she trots out blacks in an appeal to blacks, women in an appeal to women, gays in an appeal to gays and Muslims in an appeal to Muslims.

It's no longer "we are all Americans and seek justice for all", It's " The reason you have a bone to pick is because of THAT group" It is inherently divisive and demagogic.

The same could be said for the R's. I was lectured on here many times about how big government non capitalistic tariffs were. I talked about the Japanese using corporate welfare to build up their industrial base post WWII and was lectured about how bad Eastern European cars are.

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