No one, including Iran or ICJ, will stop IDF in Gaza - Netanyahu


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
The International Court of Justice can’t stop Israel from defeating Hamas in Gaza, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at a news conference on Saturday night.

“No one will stop us – not The Hague, not the Axis of Evil, and no one else,” Netanyahu said as he referenced the ICJ as well as Iran and its proxies.

He spoke as the ICJ was hearing a request by South Africa to order Israel to halt its war against Hamas in Gaza.

South Africa had appealed to the ICJ to intervene, claiming Israel violated the 1948 Convention on the Prevention of Genocide. Both South Africa and Israel had argued in front of the court at The Hague in the Netherlands on Thursday and Friday.

Israel has said that Hamas is guilty of genocide for its October 7 attack against the Jewish state in which it massacred over 1,200 people and seized another 250 captive

Netanyahu: ICJ hearing a 'moral low in the history of nations'

There is no legal case for a finding of genocide, as many western nations have stated, but the UN has a nearly unblemished record of tossing facts and law aside to go after Israel, so no one can be sure what the ICJ will say, but it is only an advisory opinion, so it will have only propaganda value.
The Hasbara Trolls and those gullible enough to support Ethnic Cleansing are getting hysterical .
They just hate the thought of the Nazi Israeli government's actions being questioned .
No wonder that Israel has made itself into the most hated body of people on the planet .

Let's hope more and more decent Jewish people are able to exert a good influence on the deranged portion of their people who have disgraced themselves and have let Evil enter their hearts and minds .
You should read what its representatives are saying at the Hague. Oy vey!
The question surely is ------ Even if Hamas October7 action is in itself indefensible , how can subsequent Israeli action not be seen as as Evil ?
You should read what its representatives are saying at the Hague. Oy vey!
The case against Israel clearly does not fit the definition of genocide, but Hamas' actions clearly do; worse, according to the polls, the overwhelming majority of Palestinians support Hamas' attempted genocide of the Jews, and even worse, the polls show the majority of the larger Arab world does, too, so while the South African case is frivolous, this is a serious matter. Sadly, no agency of the UN will ever look into this.

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