NO - obama will NOT be reelected. He will be DEFEATED in a LANDSLIDE!

Obama is a dipshit. Why would anyone vote for this dipshit again?

Just the die hard obamabots and idiots that are willing to lie to themselves and others will vote for him again. A tiny minority of morons, as witnessed here on this board. We have a few obamabots here. They deny, deny, deny all the SHIT their MESSIAH has caused already, or they're DIE HARD SOCIALIST, and they want MORE. Either way they're unAmerican trash.

Another example of the kind of person who uses the term.
ever notice that it's only the rightwingnuttiest of rightwingnuts who uses the term "messiah" or "ossiah" or whatever other lunatic terms they're tossing around now.

They do it to insult all the Americans who believed this country could change.

Cons dont like change which is why they are called conservatives.

They prefer to keep using the same ideas that have failed this country repetely in history
None of these idiots like Pole Rider will take me up on my offer to leave the site forever. They can have the entire GOP field, all I get is Obama. Loser leaves forever. But even though they are so sure and can create threads about it, they can't back it up. Sad.
ever notice that it's only the rightwingnuttiest of rightwingnuts who uses the term "messiah" or "ossiah" or whatever other lunatic terms they're tossing around now.


I use the term "messiah" from time to time with the leftwingnuttiest of posters, but do refrain when just debating with the other side. I think I like to push their buttons.
None of these idiots like Pole Rider will take me up on my offer to leave the site forever. They can have the entire GOP field, all I get is Obama. Loser leaves forever. But even though they are so sure and can create threads about it, they can't back it up. Sad.

It's a messageboard, RD, not a casino. Truth be told....yes, Obama can be beat, but it is his to lose. No one knows who is going to come out on top with the republicans, we all are going to wait and see when the dust settles.

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