NO - obama will NOT be reelected. He will be DEFEATED in a LANDSLIDE!


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Do people like obama... well... maybe... he is a class A bull shitter. Is he a good President? No. He sucks to high heaven, and people will NOT vote his shyster ass back in to continue fucking things up. This is a screen capture from a Newsmax poll, and it's self explanatory...

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Do people like obama... well... maybe... he is a class A bull shitter. Is he a good President? No. He sucks to high heaven, and people will NOT vote his shyster ass back in to continue fucking things up. This is a screen capture from a Newsmax poll, and it's self explanatory...


if any thing he sould be put in jail for all the lies and mistrust he has done to the american people such as putting musliums in all the high places home land secuity for one!!.lied about being a christiam and finnally admites to be a muslium. who wants a muslium running our country?. i sure dont!!!!.:eek:
wow the insanity continues

Oh go ahead TDM... say the poll is fake... I know you want to... ya fucking fruit cake... :cuckoo:

People are NOT going to vote for obama AGAIN. As the old saying goes... "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me."
Intelligent posters will know that it is way too early to be predicting a 'landslide' for either party.

Personally, I am more concerned about the number of Americans who feel disconnected from our political system completely and couldn't care less which of these pathetic bunch of assholes grabs power.
wow the insanity continues

Oh go ahead TDM... say the poll is fake... I know you want to... ya fucking fruit cake... :cuckoo:

People are NOT going to vote for obama AGAIN. As the old saying goes... "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me."

Well Bill Maher did quote once that Americans are stupid.. Hopefully America can prove him wrong this time around.
Obama is a dipshit. Why would anyone vote for this dipshit again?

Just the die hard obamabots and idiots that are willing to lie to themselves and others will vote for him again. A tiny minority of morons, as witnessed here on this board. We have a few obamabots here. They deny, deny, deny all the SHIT their MESSIAH has caused already, or they're DIE HARD SOCIALIST, and they want MORE. Either way they're unAmerican trash.
Its ok if he stays in office the left will lose the senate as well as more house seats so obama can sit in the white house while we do what need to be done to correct his mess. Bit like having the child sit in a corner
Intelligent posters won't think that they're opinion is the end all, be all, word of God, and act like an elitist telling other posters what they should be doing or thinking.
Obama will get his ass handed to him on a silver platter.

That "hope and change" bullshit is gone...

He only won because many actually bought into his "hope in change" bullshit - now those who gave him a chance wont give him another one.

I'll give him 40% of the popular vote and the only state I will give him right now is California.
Its ok if he stays in office the left will lose the senate as well as more house seats so obama can sit in the white house while we do what need to be done to correct his mess. Bit like having the child sit in a corner

The conservatives would need a veto proof majority... could happen.
Intelligent posters will know that it is way too early to be predicting a 'landslide' for either party.
Personally, I am more concerned about the number of Americans who feel disconnected from our political system completely and couldn't care less which of these pathetic bunch of assholes grabs power.

This is something I have been giving a lot of thought to ever since I watch the first GOP debate, because after watching it I was certain of one thing: Obama is utterly beatable.

Honestly, I don’t understand where this idea that Obama is untouchable comes from. That was until a liberal friend of mine came up to me the other day to ask, or rather tell, me that “they say you Republicans are really unsatisfied with the candidates, that none of them really have a chance”. He was dumbfounded by my response.

It is the media that is out there telling the public what Republican voters think!? Isn’t that how we got snookered in 08?

Listen, that same sentiment that led to the Republicans regaining the house is still out there. I believe a candidate could win simply by throwing Obama’s words and actions in his face. The number of Obama Care waivers- and who is getting it- should be a front page scandal. It’s so transparently corrupt. This administration 360 on signing statements, never acknowledging that there’s been a change- no in double speak right out of 1984 we are told ‘Obama never said he was against signing statements.’

As long as we don’t allow the media to dictate to us who are candidate will be, and not let their constant persistence that “candidate X is the only possible chance the Republicans have”, listen people the media doesn’t want us to win, why the hell would we listen to them!?!?!? Screw Mitch Daniels, or McCain 2.0
Intelligent posters will know that it is way too early to be predicting a 'landslide' for either party. Personally, I am more concerned about the number of Americans who feel disconnected from our political system completely and couldn't care less which of these pathetic bunch of assholes grabs power.



I guess neither of you think the poll is any indication of things to come then.

That's not very intelligent.
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