No Nuts.. Will Travel

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Sorry.. can't think of an appropriate opening line.

To accommodate passengers with severe nut allergies, the Canadian Transport Agency (CTA) has ordered Air Canada to create a nut-free "buffer zone" on its planes.

Air Canada Creates Nut Free Zone
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Air Canada needs a "grumpy cabin crew-free" zone. Rudest bastards I've ever encountered, including British Airways, but they were just fucking snobs.

Sorry this was about nuts.
i wonder why so many people now have such hyper allergies?

I've thought the same thing. In my kids' tiny little Catholic school, there were TWO "peanut girls". They ate at a peanut free lunch table, but asked all the parents to refrain from packing PB& J sandwiches and whatnot. Then they sent a list of hundreds of common items that have peanut oil in them. It got to be a bit much, but the kids were pretty good about it. They saw one of the girls have a seizure after someone opened a peanut butter cup. So sad.
i wonder why so many people now have such hyper allergies?
Maybe it's that we are just now recognizing some symptoms as allergic reactions to peanuts. I can imagine some allergic children (or adults) being diagnosed as epileptic.

...or maybe they're just now beginning to report all cases recognized.

Either way, I think that restrictions on the handling and consumption of peanut products should not be placed on the general public just because some people are allergic to peanuts. Let them take their own precautions to avoid peanuts. Don't fly Delta, for one thing. Restrict travel to peanut-intolerant locations. Don't try to take peanuts away from the rest of us. It's hard to beat a big ole styrofoam cup full of hot, lightly salted, boiled peanuts, drippin' wet and easy to open. (...and they make a good hand warmer at a cold stadium.)

One friend I have is allergic to mushrooms. What a shame. Ingesting even a small tidbit can send him into convulsions. However, he doesn't suggest that anyone else refrain from eating them.

Another friend is lactose intolerant...whatever that brings with it. I love milk...nature's most nearly perfect food. Stir in copious amounts of Hersey's squirt syrup and you've got yourself a lip-lickin' treat. Hot buttered cornbread crumbled up in cold milk is also a favorite.

Some people are so extremely allergic to bee stings (or wasp stings) that they dare not be stung, lest they be dead shortly thereafter. That does not justify killing all the bees.
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Sorry.. can't think of an appropriate opening line.

To accommodate passengers with severe nut allergies, the Canadian Transport Agency (CTA) has ordered Air Canada to create a nut-free "buffer zone" on its planes.

Air Canada Creates Nut Free Zone
30 days is not enough time to get a committee to agree on anything...and this should not be a one man effort.

I think it is ridiculous. How many seats per plane do you reserve for PIPs? It would take an expensive, lengthy study of PIPs and their flying habits to determine a way to accommodate them and stay in business. It is impractical to expect major remodeling of all commercial passenger aircraft to essentially provide clean room areas for occasional sensitive travelers. Can't put 'em in the front 'cause that's "first class"...can't put 'em in the back 'cause that's where the exhaust louvers are...must petition volumes of space with separate air handlers...must go out of business.

Tell the PIPs to travel together and charter an entire peanut-free plane. :lol:

...or just issue them a face mask and oxygen source and tell them to stay in their seat throughout the flight. :lol: :lol:

...or just put them all on the no fly list. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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