No more Republicans and democrats

Does any one else see the fact that while in the foundation of our country this two party system was necessary because of the massive distance our founding fathers had to travel and send post to get things done. Two apposing party lines were a necessary evil in days that horse was still the fastest mode of travel. But now when we can talk to people across the world in an instant the only function the party system now has is to move the people of power further from the back bone of this country the working people. The republicans are the big money movers in which they protect their own pockets over the welfare of the people, and the democrats want to support those that abuse the system instead of fixing the problem they are the band-aide givers and the people to tell you that it is all right. We care more about their personal lives like they were some sort of sudo-celebs when the things we should care about, how they vote; we barely hear a whisper about until their opponent from the other side of the line slams them with it. I am sorry I am a little fed up with the bureaucracy that is only there still because we allow it. And as my last point lobbyist? Really? I mean how can that really be an accepted form of government? When the people with power can have people in their ears with ties to companies like Enron? wooo i feel better thanks for reading this.

Your premise is off base.

The two party system was endorsed by Jefferson as he was not in agreement with the ruling party. As such, his idea was that there should be an opposition party. When he was elected, however, he systematically worked to eliminate all of the people of the opposition party from their positions.

It was not until the 1800's that the two party system took hold and those two parties have been changing ever since.

The two parties have always represented two groups. One group that desires that all decisions of importance be reserved to the the elite who have the greater knowledge and so should guide the actions and the destinies of the rest of us.

The other group holds that the the rest of us should have the hand on the tiller of the ship of state and the individuals of the elite should have the same control on the state as the rest of us as individuals and no more.

These positions create a spectrum and where your comfort zone is on this spectrum between surrendering all of your decisions to Washington and stripping Washington of all power will often dictate your party affiliation. Other factors for party I.D. are the inconsequential wedge issues that build coalitions like Union Membership or Social Control issues.

In good times, the centralization of power is just so much noise. These are not good times and the governmental control issues are front and center. The Big 0, Nancy and Harry have moved the country to a consideration of Constitutional powers.

We better buckle our seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy ride.
The two parties may have once represented two different groups; however, in the last four decades both Republicans and Democrats have focused their search for campaign donations on 2% of voters.

"Thanks largely to the $13 trillion Wall Street bailout – while keeping the debt overhead in place for America’s 'bottom 98 per cent' – this happy 2 per cent of the population now receives an estimated three quarters (~75 per cent) of the returns to wealth (interest, dividends, rent and capital gains).

"This is nearly double what it received a generation ago.

"The rest of the population is being squeezed, and foreclosures are rising."

One solution is readily available to all voters living in areas where established third parties already appear on every ballot.

If enough of us take a "political leap of faith" and FLUSH every Republican AND Democratic incumbent from office the next time we go to the polls,...

Michael Hudson
The two parties may have once represented two different groups; however, in the last four decades both Republicans and Democrats have focused their search for campaign donations on 2% of voters.

"Thanks largely to the $13 trillion Wall Street bailout – while keeping the debt overhead in place for America’s 'bottom 98 per cent' – this happy 2 per cent of the population now receives an estimated three quarters (~75 per cent) of the returns to wealth (interest, dividends, rent and capital gains).

"This is nearly double what it received a generation ago.

"The rest of the population is being squeezed, and foreclosures are rising."

One solution is readily available to all voters living in areas where established third parties already appear on every ballot.

If enough of us take a "political leap of faith" and FLUSH every Republican AND Democratic incumbent from office the next time we go to the polls,...

Michael Hudson

And the Dems are so much better at deflecting their connections to Wall St..
How many Dems know or care that Obama took over $900,000 from Goldman Sachs in 2008?

Or that he may well receive even more in 2012?

Unless he faces a serious primary challenge...
Individual contributions from the richest 2% of voters.

Just saying something doesn't make it true. If you have a fact, post a link, otherwise, I just have to assume you're another idiot right winger who is only expressing an "opinion".
The two parties couldn't be more different.

One party is 90% white people who are nearly all the same religion based in the southern states with extreme and radical conservative views.

The other party is a true coalition party made up of everyone else without a "ruling majority".

Individual contributions from the richest 2% of voters.

Just saying something doesn't make it true. If you have a fact, post a link, otherwise, I just have to assume you're another idiot right winger who is only expressing an "opinion".

Just to inject a little reality into the discussion, the Democrats got, oh, what is the word, shellacked. Pretty much means that more people voted for the Reps and the TEA Party folks than the Dems.

Might almost seem like "anybody but you", if you're the Big 0.

But I digress.

The simple truth is that the Dems recieved more in contributions and yet fewer people supported them. What may we gleen from this? It seems like a larger average donation might be the at the root of this phenom.

Sounds like the rich and powerful might be giving cash to the shakedown guys in power.

Also sounds like it always happens.

Sorry Rdean. Your holier than thou Dems are the same money grubbing swindlers that the Reps are and everyone seems to know it but you. The party in power always gets more cash because those with the cash are trying to curry favor.

The golden rule states quite clearly that they who have the gold make the rules.

Not this time.

Sometimes no amount of marketing will make the dogs eat the food.

Democratic Party Out-raising Opposition, News Corp. Gives Big Again and More in Capital Eye Opener: October 4 - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

In a shift from the last two midterm election cycles, the Democratic Party is more than $200 million ahead in total funds raised during the 2010 election cycle. So far, the Democratic Party's related national and state committees have accumulated more than $663 million while the Republican Party's committees have raised $440 million. And there's still plenty of time left to continue raking in the cash.

In 2006, the Republican Party raised more than $792 million compared to the Democratic Party&#8217;s total, $599 million.
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Do you want one party or seven?

this is the problem. people deride the two-party system, however, there is no other system which i see as being more effective for a government like ours. the fundamental split in ideology from 200 years ago remains today. we'd be best served by hacking it out with 2 parties, the same way we have since then.
Why not use Greens and Libs to enforce some political natural selection on Republicans and Democrats?

Just consider how different conversations like this would be if third party candidates had FLUSHED 100 - 200 Democrats (and Republicans) from the House 24 days ago.

The internet makes something like this doable.

It's just a matter of convincing millions of voters their only hope at this time lies in taking a political leap of faith and putting their trust in political unknowns.
Individual contributions from the richest 2% of voters.

Just saying something doesn't make it true. If you have a fact, post a link, otherwise, I just have to assume you're another idiot right winger who is only expressing an "opinion".

how about your link saying Republicans want all gays dead....oh thats dont have to post links for stuff that you post....just everyone else....i guess i should just assume that your just another idiot Left Winger who is just expressing an opinion....
Its the Democrat Republican Crime Family elected repeatedly by the brainwashed United States of Assholes.

A bunch of the assholes got all excited so they registered to be independent and then voted for the Democrat Republican Crime Family,

The assholes don't need guns pointed at their heads. The propaganda has brainwashed them into a trance that the media directs.

Until the brainwashed decide to examine their own zombie behavior there will never be a 3rd party to get rid of the Crime Family by a vote. First there needs to be candidates nominated. I choose the Libertarian Party.

Now watch the brainwashed assholes object on this forum.
They don't know its a fake fight.

Does the crowd who pay to see wrestling know its fake? If they know its fake why would they bother to watch it when there are really tough athletes playing professional sports?

Why do the brainwashed assholes bother to register independent but vote for the Democrat Republican Crime Family?


"i think Shin this fucker is calling ALL OF US assholes.....and he is not one of us fuck him...."

They don't know its a fake fight.

Does the crowd who pay to see wrestling know its fake? If they know its fake why would they bother to watch it when there are really tough athletes playing professional sports?

Why do the brainwashed assholes bother to register independent but vote for the Democrat Republican Crime Family?


That is only the second time in ten years I heard anybody use this analogy, comparing "professional" wrestling to the two party system.

But you couldn't find a more accurate metaphor for the two parties and their candidates.


altho I like the ugly twins metaphor myself:

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Does any one else see the fact that while in the foundation of our country this two party system was necessary because of the massive distance our founding fathers had to travel and send post to get things done. Two apposing party lines were a necessary evil in days that horse was still the fastest mode of travel. But now when we can talk to people across the world in an instant the only function the party system now has is to move the people of power further from the back bone of this country the working people. The republicans are the big money movers in which they protect their own pockets over the welfare of the people, and the democrats want to support those that abuse the system instead of fixing the problem they are the band-aide givers and the people to tell you that it is all right. We care more about their personal lives like they were some sort of sudo-celebs when the things we should care about, how they vote; we barely hear a whisper about until their opponent from the other side of the line slams them with it. I am sorry I am a little fed up with the bureaucracy that is only there still because we allow it. And as my last point lobbyist? Really? I mean how can that really be an accepted form of government? When the people with power can have people in their ears with ties to companies like Enron? wooo i feel better thanks for reading this.

yeah as long as we have this corrupt two party system,there is no hope for the future of the world or country.They are like pro wrestlers,inside the ring they pretend to hate each other but outside the ring,they pal around and have dinner together.we need a third pary president for the people-ron paul for instance,to be a free country again.cant have the republicrats and demopublicans run it anymore.
They don't know its a fake fight.

Does the crowd who pay to see wrestling know its fake? If they know its fake why would they bother to watch it when there are really tough athletes playing professional sports?

Why do the brainwashed assholes bother to register independent but vote for the Democrat Republican Crime Family?


very true.:clap2:

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