No more prosecuting petty crimes: does the dallas county DA's plan for justice reform go to far?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
We’d be the first to say that the criminal justice system in this county, this state and country is in need of serious reform. Too often, people of color and poor defendants are unfairly penalized and trapped in dire situations from which they have difficulty ever recovering.
No more prosecuting petty crimes: Does the Dallas County DA’s plan for justice reform go too far? | Editorials | Dallas News

First off it whites are heavily prosecuted as well. So all should be fairly treated gtf off this gawd dam skin color bs !!!

Democratic idiots want everyone in prison just for berating wrong but you won't ever see the douches admit it they lies to severely. " degenerates what else would you expect).

The United states has the highest prison population in the world, that should tell you something .........
Unbelievable. Crime and criminals are a disease/virus that is slowly destroying civilized society. Preventive is best, but most today don't know what that is anymore. Now it's just reaction or knee jerk reactions leading the day, and ultimately destroying the day.
It's the broken window theory in reverse. Let petty crimes go and they will become bigger crimes.

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